Saturday, November 9, 2013

Chinese Vegetable Noodle Soup

Don't ask me why and what not, I really can't tell you why even among the Chinese, there are vegetarians (Vegetarian Fried Mee HoonChinese Vegetarian Noodle Soup). Most probably due to religionism, I believe so and like the Indians, more and more Chinese (Chinese Herbal Chicken SoupChinese Fried Rice, Chay Kway TeowChicken Wanton Soup & Cantonese Yee Mee) are now opting for vegetarianism. Beat me why. Honestly I don't know. As it is, I myself am not a vegetarian, (Chinese Chicken Noodle Soup & Hakka Noodles) neither will I want to be because I can't be a meatless person, nor I am trying hard. Of course, every now and then, in fact my other half-half is a vegetarian (Vegetarian Chow Mein) every Saturday, not me though but I don't actually mind a vegetarian meal and I quite like the concept to a tasty to like this Chinese Vegetable Noodle Soup mostly, plus cooking such dishes mind you is not really mind boggling. Nevertheless, a flavorful vegetable broth definitely is a must (Old Cucumber Soup & Burdock Root Soup). Otherwise, vegetable noodle soup dishes will taste bland, and you can either make the broth or get the ready made store bought ones. Whichever, up to you and for this style Chinese Vegetable Noodle Soup, I doubt you will struggle in getting the ingredients as listed below. This my style Chinese Vegetable Nodle Soup seriously is flavorsome and unbeatable. 

Ingredients - For two person 
1 can straw mushrooms 
6 garlic - crushed
1 1/2 tbsp kei chi (wolfberries) -soaked in water to soften
Salad leaves - as needed
3/4 liter vegetable stock 
2 rolls Yee Mee 
1 tbsp oil
Crushed black pepper and salt for taste
Spring onion for garnishing
Sauté garlic in oil.
Pour stock and simmer.
Add kei chi and mushrooms, continue to simmer till heated through.
Season with salt and pepper
Place noodle on a serving plate/bowl.
Dip salad leaves in the soup and add on top of noodle.  
Pour soup over and garnish with spring onion.
Optional: serve with sliced chillies drenched in soya sauce and lime.  

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