Monday, July 4, 2016

Thai Green Crab Curry

Thai Crab Curry. The green style crab curry. The dry style curry. And when we speak about Thai green curries, much we have already spoken and I have shared as well? Remember? Otherwise, maybe best you flip to the recipes (Thai Green Fish Curry & Thai Chicken Green Curry)? Will be good as well because you can actually find out that, there are also the different types of Thai green curries. In fact, you can even make a vegetarian or vegan style by, of course, giving a twist and turn to the recipes, and you would have maybe coined your own version (Thai Vegetable Curry & Thai Yellow Chicken Curry). 

Friday, July 1, 2016

Indian Style Crab Soup

Don't give me the crab. No, no, seriously, its obviously a crab food story today and definitely an Indian crab story. By the way, have you heard of the Indian crab story? One Indian or the whole lot of Indians pulling down another Indian because he or she is more successful than you? Think about it and I am certain you must heard of this Indian crab story. Quite known amongst us Indians and the whole moral to the Indian crab story? Sadly, we Indians always want to be the best and we, somehow, even to the extent of back stabbing or front stabbing, we will bring down those who are more better than us. Oh Boy! Suppose to be a recipe and I took you around the Indian crab story. Then again, in tandem right because its really Indian Style Crab Soup today.

Fried Fish with Soy Sauce

Home-cooked food holds a special place, especially considering the time taken by our careers and the hours spent driving in city traffic....