Thursday, December 8, 2016

Kerala - Alleppey Houseboat Overnight Stay

Galloping time, time travelling forward, tunnel travelling digging again. I did obviously. Within a few months, in fact I think maybe 3 months most to most after returning from my honey bunny love travelling (Hokkaido/Sapporo). Prior to that, solo single travel venture (Sri Lanka) and past tense, another together forever lovey dovey sightseeing (South Africa). Wow! Money graciously of course. Saving is definitely the vital cap for travelling, I vouch, Kerala, my first ever India land landing here I coming for you. Supposedly solo me, all arrangements self made through the travel agent who actually took a while to digest the fact that this lady in her fifties is solo adventurous. However, due to the couple I made friends during one of my solo trips (Vietnam/Cambodia), followed by we small tour travelled again (Chiangmai/Chiangrai & Myanmar), it automatically became 3 in a tour Kerala embarking. Honestly, I didn’t mind because these are the only two people I get along as my tour buddies. Albeit, believe me, I didn't beg and roll on the floor for pessifying them in joining me. I was already solo gamed for, but since they were really keen, I told myself, why not? Nothing to loose anyway. Maybe all for the better?  

Our 6 days all inclusive wholesome Kerala tour package, said as the “Best of Kerala” vacation, took off eagerly. But let me tell you that what a mistake of me myself actually in wanting to test and trial Malindo Air. Hack! Hell. Many Indians in a flight who behaved as though they have never flight traveled before, barbaric from the time we stood in the queue for boarding. Madness. Seats are numbered yet they literally pushed and ran for being seated. I think most probably for placing their bags at the compartments above their seats and for more space in the rest of the compartments. Bags mind you. Aplenty mind you. Nevermind, I told myself. Still tolerable. Then began episodes after episodes of Indian drama which I couldn't stop analysing. Their flight behaviourals. Loud, as loud as they can talking, snoring and silly questions asking the stewardesses throughout this whole night flight. Puzzling peculiarity. What? What could I have done? Even the stewardesses closed their eyes and ears. Thank god flight landed in Kerala, of course late landing. Malindo Air and their delays in taking off. Do I have to tell you? By the time we cleared airport and checked into Travancore Hotel, 2.30am. 

Couldn't sleep. I just couldn't. Tossing and turning, maybe sleep catching up with me for maybe three hours? Up from bed by 7am for showering and what not, to the dining area by 8.00am, whereas the couple were already tucking into breakfast. Absolutely favourable and fab buffet spread. My-my! I loved it. All of it which went into my tummy. Yum. Kerala breakfast, this first breakfast just swept off me of my feet. 

Subsequently, we were van transported for Alleppey Houseboat Overnight Stay. World spoken about, yes, believe me, the must do highlight in Kerala. Many have told me as well and dubbed as “Venice of the East”. Alappuzha backwaters I must agree is utterly  a joyous escape from the hustle and bustle of city busyness. Busyness? Imagine living in a city where its about daily crawling and time rushing? Falling in love at the first sight over the backwaters the moment I arrived at the bankside pier, I also fell in love for “Kettuvallam” houseboat. Nature naturally desired, bamboo poles, coconut fiber, ropes and bamboo mats local materials made for ushering and welcoming us in splendidly. Our eco-friendly, majestic and comfortable A/C Deluxe houseboat? Genuinely Kerala backwaters proud. Open lounge, bath attached bedroom and kitchenette too, albeit TV screening is just a waste of time. Don't bother watching TV. It is definitely, if you asking me a doomer.

And so, we drifted. Slowly and surely, at a slow speed for unveiling Kerala backwaters lying parallel to Arabian sea coast, aka Malabar Coast. Dang a millions times! A sight to lo and behold for allowing your body, mind and soul to wonder drift as well. Passing by paddy fields and coconut palm, later stopping for buying fresh seafood at the edge of the water for our cooked on board food pleasure later.   

Boat continued to cruise whilst the rest of the backwaters like mirror still lagoons, picture book lake-sides, palm fringed canals, and shores bustling with daily life popping at the side, back and in front of us. Basically us glimpsing at whatever nature spiraling promisingly live in front of us. Truly, you know what?  Awesomeness!  

Continuing our leisure cruising, simultaneously we awing and speaking non-stop about Kerala backwaters, lunch opened up next within the time I think most of us expect. Mamma-mia! Typical Kerala mamma-men cooked and rocking up deliciously Kerala seafood meal, alongside from the trees of Kerala fresh coconut. Yogurt, papadam, spicy fish, curry and veggie stir fried, heartily and happily tummy filled, prior to us sitting back and backwaters seeing.

What didn't go down well for us once Kerala sun went down was insects and mosquitoes blood suckers bitten. I guess you have to put up with these nature swarming Kerala visitors or run into your room, but honestly, tell me. How early can you sleep? Moreover, when dinner is the next food agenda? Also, I don't think you should question the cleanliness of the bed and coming with it whatever. Don't bother. Don't even bother asking yourself if these were cleanly put together for your overnight or? Water flowing is the other you should be concern and forget about hot water bath. Bathing by itself, I am not sure what to say. I just washed up. Oh, before I forget, do come prepared by carrying your own towels, toiletries and whatever else you need for your own overnight satisfaction. Please do not expect from houseboat overnight you have paid for.  

Dinner time calling thereafter, the round two food eating. Nothing no could be faulted albeit curries can be mouth and throat burning if you are not used to spiciness. Other than that, go ahead. Tuck into  your ultimate food pride, sumptuous Kerala cuisine.     
Dinner was followed by literally forcing sleeping upon us because there was no way we could have remained at the outside boat open area. No, we really couldn't considering those aimlessly flying around insects having a ball of time. Must be our Malaysian blood tastiness or every blood of drop from any race, religion and gender for the matter. Whether I slept or not, that's besides the point. Bang! As if Kerala bell rang next morning by 6.00am. Out of bed and tiding up myself, I then come out of my room. Walking up and down while the houseboat guys were still sleeping on the kitchen floor, one of them did give me a tiny stare, I think I must have awoken him. Maybe I did the right thing? Breakfast definitely came serving even before we thought it will. Walla! Kerala authentic breakfast literally punching up waking our tastebuds almost instantly. A couple of camera clicking next for memory keeping, before we saying bye-bye and getting down at the same spot we got into the previous late morning.   

Kerala Alleppey Houseboat Overnight Stay? You will always be a number one love of ours. Never will will we ever forget you. Thank you so much. I love you too.

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