Friday, April 28, 2017

Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan Getaway (Day 1)

Ages ago, in fact I can’t even clearly recall when my last trip to Port Dickson was. Let me think. Okay, vaguely 32 years old ago. Gosh! When I was 20 years old. That’s been ages, isn’t it? Really. Not that I didn’t initiate another Port Dickson holiday, but you know how confusing lady fairs are? One minute they agree, next minute they want their unruly-uncontrollable kids to tag along, later, slowly igniting the anger fire by pointing fingers who should drive and you also somehow sense that you may end up being the banker. Mayday! Mayday! Port Dickson zipped up. No more friends forever holidays I have already decided in my early forties (Travelling Solo When You Are Married).

Still, PD was always on my mind. In fact, I did from time to time initiate a marriage-love rekindling trip which eventually led to cross-roads and unwarranted discussions. Trust me please, arguing when we are in our 50's is notably tiring. After all, I think we have had enough of trailing to our neck arguments literally on literally everything, anymore of it will probably add a weird crack on our love nest we have stably put together. Basically, arguments potentially can rock the older marriage boat, these days, it is massively tumbling the expensively married last month boat too. Rock the boat and we all fall down. That's why, sometimes, not necessarily always though, shutting up-down is the best policy once we realise we are speaking to a wall. 

Having said that, 6 months ago. PD wish card was pulled out from my staggering travel bucket list. Courtesy of other half-half's company excursion. Joy to nava-k! Indeed, started off promisingly, yet the long Saturday afternoon crawl which doubled-troubled our travelling time almost pierced tiny holes in our mini bag of argument. Speak about traffic jam and how it is pouring kerosene doses on marriages? Mainly for sparking stress, additionally, men at steering don't want opinion on the possibilities of diverting to another route. But if it us, oh-god, how to cut lanes and when to brake will freely flow. Gender biases to driving I have concluded does exist. Regardless, I still think the best policy again is keeping calm instead of running out of the car and screaming your head-off for social media sympathy. 

Anyway,all of it was written off as bad debts the moment we stepped foot in Thistle Resort.  
Ushered in with warmest hospitality, we then helped ourselves to as many glasses of chilled drinks at the large foyer across the pool and beach, prior to leaving to our room. Nothing really to pick on, room was clean and well-maintained, bathroom equipped with the must have toiletries and I so loved the aerial sea view from the windows.Thistle resort nestled in a wide area definitely lived up to our expectation for a lazy-pleasurable holiday (Penang - The Pearl Of The Orient). Nonetheless, I wasn't so keen in their activities, neither I am the kind who need attention by parading in swimming suit at the pool side nor I prefer lazing at the beach doing nothing.     

Thus, within the next 20 minutes, I made up my mind on touring Port Dickson town. Since I have already sort of read up on a couple of sightseeing places, I was on my toe waiting for the taxi (RM200.00) called by the hotel. Meanwhile, I tried coaxing the ladies in joining me. Despite asking me hundred and one questions, they still felt safety is in line without being body-guarded by their husbands. Like I cared anyway? Taxi arrived and I left  for my first ever local solo tour (Solo Travel To Bangkok). First stop was Upside Down House. Ticket purchased, I waited in the long queue as if I'm gonna enter Hollywood theatre and after half an hour, I followed the next batch in.  
Then what? I mean what's special to Upside Down? Should I also stand up side alongside everything hung upside down, basically everything mounted to face down? 10 minutes most to most, I existed. That’s it. Done. Upside Down House presumably is the fun house for kids. I so agree. I sincerely do. For me, as always, any kind of experience is priceless. You must explore (Kochi/Cochin), you must see (Colombo Sri Lanka & Myanmar) instead of ear-blinded by other people's experiences. Ultimately, knowing it for yourself is the fluid to sightseeing (Sapporo/Hokkaido).  

Next in line was Port Dickson mini zoo. I said mini, so stop comparing mini to the huge zoos elsewhere. I know (Perth Zoo). I’ve had my share of globetrotting (Malacca Butterfly & Reptile Sanctuary & Lions Park South Africa). Even then, I felt gratified being among the local innocent kids and their parents. What touched my heart the most, perhaps was not seeing the animals, neither the plants or knowing about the activities held at this zoo, but the fact that people from lower and middle income making an effort for the happiness of their kids. Kudos!
Mind you, these people were not selfish with smiling. They smiled, I smiled, the kids smiled, unlike those city standard mud-guards who think they should be looked up at because of their big houses and cars (My Fifties - I Call The Shots). Moreover, imagine listening to them bragging about their supposedly smart spoiled brags who have lost it with mannerism due to Ipad and Iphone intellectually? The staring down generation. What do you expect? Holiday in Paris, London, Tokyo, least to least is Thailand. Wonder if Port Dickson will be considered? 
Now, from the zoo, it was another drive before I got down at the foothill of Tanjung Tuan Lighthouse. I bought my ticket and then walked via the long winded uphill pathway. God! I’m almost died. I really regretted. My heart wouldn't stop beating as I struggled to walk. Honestly, I thought I am going to collapse, so, I had to force-pause-stop at a few spots along the way. 

Surprisingly, I really didn't expect motivational intervention from the different walks of locals who were coming down. They supported, they encouraged, they said I can make it, they told me to do it slowly, so on and so forth. And I made it while sweating profusely. By then, darkness was slowly overshadowing the sun, making it worst there was no one around. Being a chicken little to hammer house of orang bunian, makluk halus, toyol, pontianak, you name it, every uninvited visitor, including those who are the permanent residence of lighthouse and the jungle, I quickly detoured to walk downwards as fast as I can. 

Walking downhill was definitely akin a sprint dash, I then climbed the next door spiral wooden narrow staircase in "PNB Ilham Resort Tower" for a serene helicopter view of Blue Lagoon, Tanjung Tuan and the hundreds of people having fun at the sea front and within the resort.  

Catching back my lost stamina, I came down and walked to the lobby to literally beg for a glass of water. Yes, I badly needed water. Luckily the staff obliged. What an experience I still can't get over. Water water everywhere but not a drop to drink, water absolutely was akin the most treasured commodity at this point in time, Thirst quenching all of it at one go, I hopped back into the taxi. On my way back to the hotel, the Indian taxi driver made an effort to show me the border that separates Negeri Sembilan and Malacca, also, a quick glimpse of the surrounding and we couldn't avoid talking about the famed troubling Indian gangsterism and how he was not spared too. I couldn't agree more because I’ve had my share of ordeal (Nasi Lemak - Store Bought & Upgraded). 
Finally, I was back to Thistle hotel.
To be continued in Part 2.

Don't forget to trend alongside "travel with nava-k" on every other social media please!

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