Friday, June 30, 2017

Jeju Island (Part 2) - Korea (Day 3)

No two ways about it. Unquestionably, travelling in a tour requires discipline. Yes please. There is no such a thing as you wish in a clearly listed tour. Obviously, you can’t follow your own travelling heart by wondering as you please. Instead, it is about abiding to the unspoken travelling rules. Otherwise, you will be billed as a nuisance by the tour guide and tour buddies. So sorry everyone, if you can’t pay attention to the tour guide on safety rules and time limit, you better ditch the idea of tour travelling (Sapporo/Hokkaido). I know better. I can strongly vouch because experiences speaks louder than words. In Jeju Island, it had to be the same agenda in the morning. Waking up by 7.00am, sometimes even earlier, showering of course is your choice, followed by breakfast and most to most by 9pm, sometimes you have to pack if we are not returning to the same hotel. Also, do try to empty your bowels instead of restlessly interrupting while on the way for sightseeing (Istanbul Turkey, Pretoria South Africa & Colombo Sri Lanka).

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Jeju Island (Part 1) - Korea (Day 2)

First half day of sightseeing in Seoul (Korea Day I - Incheon to Seoul), we returned to Incheon airport for our domestic flight to Jeju Island. Spilling over await in the long queue among the hundreds during this supposedly off peak season in Korea, who do you expect to see travelling throughout the year, except mostly “Made In China” Chinese. Malaysians too I think are seriously taking their globetrotting lifestyle "Up In The Air", in fact, even those born with a dented wooden spoon in their mouth are joining forces in trip-travelling all the time. 

Fried Fish with Soy Sauce

Home-cooked food holds a special place, especially considering the time taken by our careers and the hours spent driving in city traffic....