Monday, July 24, 2017

Nami Island & Petite France - Korea (Day 4)

Bye bye Jeju Island, here we come Nami Island. Breakfast, bags packed, off to the airport and by the time we arrived in Seoul, timing was just right for lunch. Hunger of course had already called. I definitely need my lunch meal because I am not the piggy-pig kind of buffet breakfast person. In fact, I think I have told you before, I don’t take breakfast. But when I travel, I do keep my tummy warm by filling in some food to fuel energy for all the walking during sightseeing. On this day, after just tadbit of breakfast at about 8.00am, I naturally yearned for a fulfilling meal once we arrived in this tiny Korean restaurant. But the sight of Korean steamboat again, again?, almost killed me on the spot even before tucking in. Oh-god! Is there no other food in Korea except steamboat and hot-pot? Unbelievable. Either, as I have already said, its steamboat or hotplate, or none other, or is it like this when you travel in a tour? I don’t know. Rather puzzling actually. Did we dare ask the pain in the butt tour guide? Nope. 

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Melaka - Jonker Walk (Part 1)

Not many friends can be your great, maybe not even accommodating travel companions. Why go so far, sometimes, even our love broadest band width can also be tested when we travel together. I personally know of courting couples who broke up after their first love travel because something snapped somewhere. Anyway, nothing is shocking anymore. Love is fragile, relationship is equally a turmoil and travelling with family members is the other to tolerating all sorts of bizarre characters, speak about money which is never sunny, if not for all, but for some who prefer to travel at our expense. Tell me all about it please? That’s why, remember I told you why I am standing tall with my principle of travelling alone (Travelling Solo When You Are Married). 

Fried Fish with Soy Sauce

Home-cooked food holds a special place, especially considering the time taken by our careers and the hours spent driving in city traffic....