Friday, September 15, 2017

Melaka - Jonker Walk (Part 3)

Inconclusive. Our walking mission from one corner of Jonker Walk to the other for another overnight stay (Melaka Jonker Walk Part 2) didn't get us anywhere. Unfortunately. We did in fact, viewed quite a number of home stays, some of it highly recommended in online travelling platforms (Melaka Jonker Walk Part 1 & Portuguese Settlement). However, despite almost two hours of walking, at the same time popping in and our of the home stays, we concluded that its such a waste to our time. All we ended up with was not only sweat dripping, our legs too almost ripped, fell apart. Still, mission was not halted, who knows we may discover a home stay we will be pleased with, at this juncture, to wind down our momentum and for a cool burst down our dry throat and tongue, we unanimously we agreed for Melaka Cendol and Melaka Ice Kacang in Jonker 88. Absolutely. Melaka dessert game on.  

Crazily packed with tourists and locals, after securing the only one empty table outside, we walked into Jonker 88. Self-service please, while waiting for our Durian Cendol and Durian Ice Kacang, I didn't miss out on noticing how savory dishes, desserts and drinks are assembled. No holds barred, not akin in other eateries where kitchen is hidden, in Jonker 88, you see it all. Nyonya Curry Laksa, Noodle Soup and Fruit Rojak did twist my hunger throne, but with breakfast still gripping tight to my tummy, and instead of allowing my greedy eyes for remote-controlling my mind, I behaved myself.   

Durian Cendol and Durian Ice Kacang fixed within the next high five minutes, we paid, we again walked past the money collection and figurine collection, seemingly Jonker 88 is akin a food paradise and mini museum parade, prior to returning to our table. 

Now comes the moment of truth. Once we dug into Durian Cendol and Durian Ice Kacang, two of our favourite Malaysian desserts, honestly, socked us up against heaven's door at the first spoonful. Lusciousness. 

Thick sinful coconut milk, Gula Melaka and smelly Durian said it all. No ifs or buts. Bang! As we daintily dug into these two desserts, I slyly, oh-sure, I am sly, I actually managed to convince my travel companion husband and wife team on spending the night in Casa Del Rio. They actually didn't mind. Hallelujah! So, after finishing off every bit of these desserts, till the last drop, till the last tilt of the bowl, we walked and arrived in Casa Del Rio. We enquired on room rates, we quietly debated if its worth paying RM900.00 and finally, yes, we paid. Didn't bother me, not at all, even if I will be the one sleeping on the floor bed, I have also never been a buffet breakfast greedy person anyway. I will speak about Case Del Rio in the next post, let me now tell you what we embarked on next. On our way back to Jonker Boutique Hotel, another cendol stop called for in Bibik House Cendol. While cendol was being assembled, we bought the tiny pineapples and freshly baked Nyonya Pineapple Tarts.  

Cendol which came cruising quickly was agreed as, as good as it gets. Green cendol worms served separately, and Gula Melaka/Palm Sugar Syrup in a tiny container on the table for streaming into cendol at your pleasure. Oh-so-yumminess! Super yum factor indeed, crumbly, buttery and still warm pineapple tart had to be the other feel good factor, whereas cute round fresh pineapple was tangy sweet nice. 

Back to Jonker Boutique Hotel for checking out, within, most to most a corner drive, we had parked our car in Casa Del Rio's basement car park. At about 4.30pm, we walked again to Jonker Walk. Yes, another walk back, subsequently, foot reflexology pampering. What a bad choice. Utter rubbish con job massage technics, I don't even want to mention the name of this outlet.  

Dinner was next on our agenda. Between the spoilt for choice eateries, we sat and flipped the menu in Formosa Chicken Rice Ball. Albeit initially doubting if such a commercialize, drawing hungry people all the time eatery is worth it, not at all regrettable. Splendid Nyonya Melaka Heritage ambiance, attentive customer service and fresh no smell chicken in  light sauce, eaten alongside rice, simply cooked sawi/mustard leaves, roasted pork, rice and chilli dip. Steamed Chicken was utterly the winner above all, whereas chili dip begged, literally, for more spiciness.   

Tummy heartily tucked. we walked, really fast to Casa Del Rio. By now, sky had already turned dark and streets were pin-drop quiet, the last thing we wanted is ending up as snatch thief victims. At about 9.00pm, we came down from our room, prior to being directed to the back entrance of Casa Del Rio for our Melaka Cruise we have prior booked. Yes everyone, if you are staying in Casa Del Rio, you can save the trouble of walking to the jetty. Instead, boat will stop at hotel's riverside, hop in, sit back, relax and awe the moment of night cruising. Wow-Pow! Both sides of Melaka river dimly lighted, though rather quiet on this Thursday, we just so loved this mini water adventure Melaka River Cruise. Somewhat smelly and dirty, so what?  Bottom line, we enjoyed every moment of this exciting, water splashing and cruising up and down Melaka river.  
Next morning, we checked out from Casa Del Rio and drove back to Jonker Walk. First stop at LW Nyonya Pineapple Tarts House. Of course Nyonya Pineapple Tart is a must buy and some snacks as well, followed by an early lunch in Restaurant Anak Nyonya. 

Apparently, both LW Pineapple Nyonya Tarts House and Restaurant Anak Nyonya belongs to the same owner, upon being seated in this basic and clean ambiance, from the menu featuring enough choices, we ordered Fresh Pineapple Juice, Cencaluk Omelette, Garlic Stir Fried Long Beans, Pineapple Ikan Asam Pedas and Sambal Belacan. Fantastic. None of these dishes were doubted. Sumptuous authentic Nyonya Cuisine, particular the spicy, sour and sweet Ikan Asam Pedas, and mind you, I made sure I finished up the whole portion of sambal belacan. Power ranger! Nava K, believe me, was almost flying happily in cloud nine. 

Finally and sadly too, my Melaka 3 days 2 nights ending.

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