Monday, September 11, 2017

Pyeongchang/Yongjin - (Korea Day 6)

Breathtaking overnight in Alpensia Resort. Spacious clean room, packaged alongside quite a spacious balcony. Compared to some of the previous rooms where I felt as though I was locked up in a North Korean hell hole. Tiny window and cramped rooms with hardly space to move around, thank god I could find no fault on cleanliness and equipped well with literally the things I generally look forward to (Pyeonchang Korea Day 5). In Alpensia Resort, I appreciated the fact that it was worth paying for this rather pricey tour. Mind you, for me especially, because I am a single room occupant, I have, as usual, coughed out extra Malaysian Ringgit (Korea Day 1 & Jeju Island Day 2). Therefore, my room with a balcony utterly happily shattered my night away. Albeit I can't exactly tell you how long I was at the balcony, either standing or seated on the chair, I exceptionally loved it. Imagine? Imagine breathing mountainous fresh air (Nami Island & Jeju Island), at the same time loving the chilly breeze gently blowing all over you? Oh-wow, serendipitous. 

Now comes the killer news. Not really a big deal, but I must open my big fat mouth on our idiotic Korean tour guide. I know. I have been constantly complaining about him, you just have to pardon me please. This donkey guide, nevermind he didn't know, at least he should have found out if wifi is available. Nope. He didn't. He assumed we have to pay, we actually didn't mind until we ourselves found out later, upon entering our room, we were automatically wifi connected. Tell me now, wouldn't you be angry as well? Baffling guide. Anyway, he was forgiven, next morning, we also didn't dare confront him. Maybe, just assuming, could be because buffet breakfast made us happy. Not bad. Western and Korean items, I of course opted for porridge, tucked alongside fried anchovies peanuts and pickled green chilli, washed down with piping hot coffee.  
After breakfast, with a heavy heart and tummy, we sentimentally and quietly said bye bye to our one night in Alpensia Resort. Holiday almost coming to an end, we will be spending two nights in Seoul, prior to returning home. The main itinerary on this 6th day is Everland funnest and fullness. Korea’s largest theme park, which has been highly spoken about by many, I am yet to find out, for now, let me tell you what we did at one of the ginseng cottage industries in Yongjin. The start for the day. I can’t nail where exactly, neither its exact name because as you know or don't, Korea is not “English” friendly yet. In this rather small ginseng farm, we made Kimchi. Actually, not making, just assembling or layering cabbage with the stand-by kimchi paste. Still, some trill and excitement.  

Later, what else is new? You tell me? Money spending on the various types of kimchi, ginseng, Korean snacks or ginseng milk we did sample a tiny bit.  Did I buy? Honestly, why? Who ever said cheap? Stop believing the Chinese who will speak highly on literally everything and anything in Korea. All of these Korean products, mind you, can be bought in Malaysia, I think is cheaper as well and gingseng is not everyone's cup of joy. Ginseng can heat you crazily, in case you don't know, especially for Nava K, who is ever hot and hyper.

Snacking too is not for me. Otherwise, how can I maintain my figure? Self praise is a disgrace I know, I still must blow my trumpet. Tour guide of course was unhappy I didn’t buy anything, like I cared? To tell you the truth, besides the hands-on frill to layering kimchi, the other which sort of excited me further thereafter was “Hanbok” picturing. Posey-mosey, everyone literally going gaga and I, I have always been someone who love exploring traditional national costumes from each and every part of the world.      
Fun was over, we then journeyed to say hello to Everland. Weather started playing sparks, indeed trouble for me. I completely forgot about packing an umbrella and despite the tour guide knowing it, he didn't even bother asking if I would like to get one. He cared less. I had to shelter under the umbrella of one of my tour buddies, we walked into Everland. 

Alive, kicking, colorful and abuzz with many people, some parade going on as well, first thing first for us in Everland. Safari close door and windows bus adventure. Big bears coming towards us, especially once the bus driver fed them, on the way in and out of this park, we also viewed the lions. Super standing up pleasure alongside mostly locals and their kids, but honestly, nothing new for me (Lion Park South Africa & Perth Zoo).

Within the next 30 minutes, safari was over, guide left and Everland was all ours. Instead of tagging along with my tour buddies, I experienced a couple of the indoor activities on my own. Supposedly the hammer house of horror, like as if I was shivering frightened, oh please, I also tried the rocking and moving rides. Thereafter, disaster rain struck. Rain lashed mercilessly non-stop, I ran helter-skelter to the covered outdoor dining area further up. I managed to grab a bite and drink, I stayed put in this place for the next two hours at least. What a waste. Boredom madness actually. 

I had to do something. So, I sign language communicated with a young staff. I pointed to the raincoats some were wearing, his instincts in return was spot on. He knew. He gave me an umbrella and also walked me to the retail outlet where I bought a raincoat. Heart touching. Oh please, not about buying raincoat, but the kind Korean soul who did me a favour. I wouldn't stop thanking him over and over, at this point in time, I had to return to the entrance because time had caught up. On the way out, I walked wherever I could to see more of Everland, before hopping back into the awaiting coach. I skipped dinner, which by way was not covered on this day. Back to Seoul, a different hotel this time, after showering, I hit the bed before 12am, while hoping and praying I won't be attacked by Korean bogeyman.

Up next - Seoul

Trend alongside "nava-k" on every other social media please if you don't mind. I sincerely will appreciate it.

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