Thursday, March 12, 2020

Casa del Rio Melaka: A Night of Decadence and Daydreams

In the middle of our Malacca adventure (MALACCA'S FOOD FIESTA), we got this wild idea to switch hotels. No, nothing was wrong with our current digs, but the explorer in us just had to see what else was out there. So off we went, strutting down Jonker Street, popping into hotels and homestays like we were on some kind of luxurious treasure hunt. Spoiler alert: none of them clicked with us.

After looping around Jonker Street and finding nothing that screamed 'home away from home, I had a lightbulb moment. "Why not Casa Del Rio?" I suggested. The place had a fancy ring to it, but my wallet groaned at the thought. Still, curiosity won, and we waltzed into Casa Del Rio, inquiring about the rates. After a quick huddle, we took the plunge and booked a "Deluxe Lago/River Side Room." Two single beds? No problem. We threw in an extra bed, and guess who volunteered for the floor? Yep, that’s me.

With our new reservation in hand, we trooped back to our old hotel, grabbed our car, and zoomed over to Casa Del Rio’s basement parking. The moment we hit the lobby, the staff swooped in to help with our bags. While waiting for our room key, we lounged by the pool, savoring mango lime sorbet and hot towels. Oh, the decadence! We grinned at each other, feeling like we'd just stepped into a fairy tale, with imaginary angels waving from the skies. Talk about pure, unadulterated bliss!

Key in hand, we finally made our way to our room. The staff were gracious enough to haul our bags in, and we couldn't thank him enough.

The Deluxe Lago/River Side Room? Oh, it's a marvel alright! Imagine rustic, woody decor giving off mini palace vibes. The bathroom alone could double as a medium-sized room, packed to the brim with every toiletry you could dream of. Rubber ducky for your long baths? Check. Bath salts and cinnamon soap? Absolutely! There's even a spacious, enclosed shower area with a wooden window artistically opening up to the bedroom. Stunning doesn't even begin to cover it.


Seriously, I think you'd agree that this bathroom is fit for a royal slumber. Weeeee!!! And get this, you can saunter into the bathroom from the narrow aisle just past the main door, where there's ample space for your belongings and a mini pantry waiting for you.


In the main room, two single beds decked out with thick, fluffy, feathery mattresses take center stage. Across from them, on a cupboard shelf against the wall, there's a weather forecast note, a tiny cute covered container of Ondeh Ondeh Melaka, and the "Tiga Lima" little book.. To top it all off, light romantic music streams from the sound system. Mamma mia. 

But wait, there's more! The real delight lies on the spacious balcony facing the Melaka River. What a wondrous view! Honestly, if you've booked yourself into Casa del Rio, my top tip is to forget about everything else and just soak up the luxury. Why splurge on a fancy room if you're not going to make the most of it? We certainly did. We made ourselves a hot drink, sat on the balcony, and basked in the view of the Melaka River, with boats cruising by every now and then. It was pure bliss.

Our exploration didn't stop there. We wandered around Casa del Rio, eventually making our way to the rooftop where a stunning waterfront swimming pool awaited. Sadly, we hadn’t packed our swimsuits, so a dip was out of the question. To add a touch more disappointment, we couldn't snag a spa appointment as they were booked solid for the day. But no worries, by the time we got back to our room, my bed was already made up, the balcony's oil lamp was lit, and chocolates awaited us on the bed. Amazing!

Back to the room after our Melaka river cruise, my travel companions were out like a light by 10 PM. But me? I was just getting started! I indulged in a foam bath with bath salts and my trusty rubber ducky for over an hour. Honestly, I would have stayed in there forever if I could. But falling asleep in the tub? Total holiday disaster. So, out I came, changed in the bathroom, and took my hot drink out to the balcony.


By 1 AM, Melaka had settled into a pin-drop silence. My imagination started running wild. What if, out of nowhere, Hang Tuah, Hang Jebat, or Hang Kasturi appeared, keris in hand, battling it out in front of me? Creepy, right? Ooooo!!! I bolted back inside, ensuring the sliding door was securely locked. Thankfully, Hang Tuah didn’t decide to join me for a slumber party. Not that I could sleep much anyway. With thoughts of Hang Tuah flashing in my mind, I barely got more than a cat nap.

By 11 AM the next morning, our magical night at Casa del Rio had come to an end. With a heavy heart, and after cheekily suggesting we extend our stay (which got me a good laugh from my travel companions), we checked out.

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