Thursday, November 2, 2017

Kyoto (Japan) - Arashiyama

After two winters trip-travelling, I thought I had enough. No more winter holiday for me. Honestly, I can’t stand-sit-walk winter at all. Definitely not for someone like me who winter shiver and shake till my bones, until almost every part of my body is frozen numbed. Literally till down “there” degree cold. Down where? Down there. That my akin KGB classified part I will never reveal to the virtual world. As it is, believe me, when it rains, I switch off all the fans, can you imagine me-my winter time? Layers upon layers with or without stitches, yet I tremble. Therefore, when another all paid winter holiday was thrown at my feet (Hilton Niseko Village, Hokkaido), to tell you the truth, I was unsure. To go or not to go? Dilemma. Should I? A yes would mean I must brave winter shivering, on the other hand, if I reject, it will be such a waste for not capping another feather on my world globe-trotting gram (Seoul Korea). Eventually, what the hell I told myself. Hack aside winter, I will deal with it there and then, moreover, since my travelling legs were massively itching (Kerala India), I tagged alongside my other half-half and some known, others unknown 25 people for this back again to Japan wanderlust (Sapporo/Hokkaido). Kyoto and Osaka (6 Days 5 Nights).   

A promising start. Indeed, Of course. As in every other tailor-made tour, itinerary already put placed in paper, also, a Malaysian guide for care taking the whole lock, stock and barrel travel aspects. All you gotto do then is literally none, except wholeheartedly embrace every drip of it (Sri Lanka & Myanmar). Nevertheless, it is still vital you must abide by the unspoken tour travelling rules. Night departure Kansai landed us in the morning, prior to warmly being greeted by our pleasant Singaporean local guide who stood awaiting in point of place and time. The next half an hour taken up for currency changing and also for wifi card purchasing by those hard cores who most probably would have gone mad if they are cut-off from the visual world, call it the social media madness. Kyoto here we come started us off in Arashiyama district while winter was playing bearable cold tunes without yet massively wrestling me. From across the road, we crossed over for a fulfilling walk, as far as we could along Togetsukyo Bridge (literally Moon Crossing Bridge, aka Sagano Bridge), tell me please about this touristy area? 

I thought, I really thought I was the one and only god given winter striking, glossy and glistering star for insta posey-mosey in Arashiyama. Oh-no. I thought wrong. Loads and loads of China coming Chinese, didn't surprise me anyway, they are indeed the bulk of tourists in elsewhere popular destinations as well, our Malaysian Chinese notably are also thousands numbered in Arashiyama. Malaysian Chinese, say all you want, just love winter shivering. Wonder? We, my other half-half and myself I think were the only akin winter dark cloud tourist.

The second-most important sightseeing district in Kyoto, yes, I am referring to Arashiyama, I totally agree is an absolute stunner. "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious". Surreal and serene mountainside backdrop, running phase along crystal clear Katsura River and beguiling cherry trees spot splashing beautiful colors. Insta picturing, do or die is a must, I of course did it, before walking towards the opposite direction via the long street lined with shops on both sides.

Our point of please stop walking popped up once we turn left into Sagano Bamboo Grove. Breathtaking. Albeit I have presumably seen it every now and then in Tamil movies, right now at this juncture in Kyoto, I had my chance to Sagano Bamboo Grove baring it all in front of me. From the moment we stepped foot and as we leisurely walked through the like high platform shaded by riot of colors huge bamboo plants. Dang! A million times. Utterly mesmerizing. Nonetheless, I can't exactly tell you how far deep far Sagano Bamboo Grove will take you because we did our walk till almost half way only. 

30 minutes later, we about u-turned from Sagano Bamboo Grove and as we walked back towards the same street, we had a quick pit stop at Tenryuji temple, which is regarded as Kyoto’s best among the rest of the Zen temples. Next was sign language order calling for hot beverage at the akin cafe tiny roadside stall. Unique and good till its last drop hot creamy coffee and king of matcha hottest infinitely blasted aside winter, at least for the time being, as we continued walking to the already prior "x" landmark area for meeting our guide and the rest. Subsequently, a 20 minutes interval thrown in for "ciggie" inhaling and exhailing and loo easing. 

Right thereafter, we road journeyed for our steamboat lunching at the restaurant I badly wanted to jolt down its name. Then again, because "Welcome to Japan" ushering is yet there in English, I gave up, neither did I dig deep down find out. Regardless, our all clearly, neatly, impressively and beautifully already laid out even before we sat, did a major justice as the most appropriate meal for winter coldness. I especially sincerely loved the mochi in glass. Having said that, such a hot piping first meal in Japan by far for a fact will always be crowned as a top-notch winner. What say you? Those who have winter traveled to Japan? Any comments? I am all ears though.  

To be continued......

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