Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Kyoto, Japan ( Day 2) - Nava K Did It

Winter in Japan or even Korea is a big major do-do. You must believe me. I know what I am talking about. Though I am yet to conquer the whole of Japan or Korea, I have had my fair share of winter share. Primarily in Hokkaido (Hilton Niseko Village, Noribetsu & Sapporo/Hokkaido) whereas in Korea (Seoul Day 8 &  Korea Incheon) I was told about winter luring tourism by the “half-past-six” tour guide who literally bragged how busy he gets during winter and by the second day in Kyoto, I saw it for myself. Honest to goodness, I really don’t know what’s with winter and the Chinese, but they are mind you the majority of the tourists. In fact, I hardly bumped into another Indian, may be not even Caucasians too in Hokkaido neither in Korea, albeit there are Indian restaurants in these part of the world. Unbelievable true! Chinese just so love snow and coming with it cold wind which literally can blow me apart like winter huge cannons. I have told you before right? Aha! I can also still clearly remember telling you I am not at all a winter user friendly person. It’s really crazy for me. Nonetheless, in all fairness, I admit that experiencing winter is part and parcel of real time globetrotting (Ankara & Bolu, Turkey &  Istanbul). No two ways about it. We must, if we want to know whats weather like in other parts of the world, we must do at least one winter holiday. Remember something. Travelling during different climate zones is definitely our first hand, leg, boobies or even “vjj” exposure. Potentially for adding value to our travelling profoundness.

Fried Fish with Soy Sauce

Home-cooked food holds a special place, especially considering the time taken by our careers and the hours spent driving in city traffic....