Saturday, March 31, 2018

Yogyakarta - Indonesia ( Nava K's Travel Guide)

God save me please! Yes, only god potentially can. Are you wondering why? Lemme tell you. Each and every time I travel, forget about me carrying home bundles of travelling experiences, what is a shocker on the other hand is the envy and jealousy of people. Seriously everyone, I can't get it. Nevermind if they travel, nevermind if they are travelling all the time and nevermind if they are constantly social media sharing where their fun-fantastic, globe trotting wonder lust is, of course all beautifully displayed. But when its my turn, damn, you should hear the comments. In fact, even my part time cleaners have indirectly sounded I am a lady of leisure until I don't dare show them I am on the verge of packing my travelling bags (Osaka Japan). Additionally, I have stopped with telling anyone I will be away, including my family, because, trust me, it does get ugly behind my back. Everyone obviously is under the impression I am a rich lady. So much so, people are not shy in messaging me for borrowing money. Come of it people. Give me a break please. 

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Osaka, Japan - Nava K Did It (Part 2)

Day 2 in Osaka (Osaka Part 1) was a curious case of Nava K and her other half-half. First thing first in the morning, after showering and getting ready for breakfast, we couldn’t find our room key. Hell hack! I clearly, if I am not mistaken, I remember leaving it on the table, but somehow we really didn't have any clue what was going on. Maybe, could it be the visit of the Japanese ghost while we were sound asleep? Sounds eerie right? I know. I swear I really thought because how can the key go missing just like that. Despite spending almost half an hour, searching high and low, until to the of extent looking under the bed, inside the toilet bowl and digging the waste paper basket, full of food rubbish, cigarette buds and what not, key still ended up as a mystery. Mind you, this is the heavy metal key and not the card. By then, time was already running short for breakfast, thus, we had no choice but give up and face the consequences. 

Friday, March 2, 2018

Osaka, Japan - Nava K Did It (Part 1)

Osaka Day 1. Gonna be a whole day of walking we were already prior told. Henceforth, logically, I must pack my walking legs with lotsa food. I surely did. Walla! What else could have been a wonder morning start up for this lady except the massively tempting loads of the crispy fried crispy bacon. Super-duper my forever desire. Honestly, for once, after a long time, I pigged out. Buffet breakfast on this particular day (Kobe Japan) lemme tell you was a sheer Japanese pleasure. Crispy fried bacon, Japanese steamed cakes, half boiled egg with a dash of Japanese soy sauce and  I couldn’t possibly resist the coconut oil coffee. 

Fried Fish with Soy Sauce

Home-cooked food holds a special place, especially considering the time taken by our careers and the hours spent driving in city traffic....