Thursday, April 19, 2018

Borobudur - Yogyakarta (From Nava K To You)

12am to 3am. 3 hours of Nava K’s cat nap. Fairly fair I suppose. As it is, sleeping is hell for me on most days, sometimes, every now and then, its no doubt an appreciated my bed at home heaven, but no matter what, no matter how many times I sleep alone while travelling, this madness of scary shit sleeping alone is still bitchy. Nevertheless, the few hours of to and fro from Malioboro Street (Yogyakarta Indonesia), forget not I was up from bed so early for catching my flight and trust me, in and out of airports can get tiring as well, I think did justice for sleep knocking me. Jumping out of bed at the ring of my phone almost instantly, worried if I will keep the rest waiting, I showered, I sipped into the coffee at my own service in my room and I came down to the lobby where I collected the packed breakfast. Sandwiches and some cut fruits in a plastic container. No buffet breakfast on this day because we had to depart by 4.00am for Borobudur Sunrise Watching. And so we did. Sharp on the dot, maybe give in and gave, our 45 minutes journey, approximately, to Central Java landed us in Borobudur.  

Fried Fish with Soy Sauce

Home-cooked food holds a special place, especially considering the time taken by our careers and the hours spent driving in city traffic....