Thursday, May 24, 2018

Yogyakarta Day 2 - From Nava K To You

Eventually and finally. My lifelong, for the years I have been stalling mission, my many years put on hold mission eventually became reality. Borobudur (Borobudur & Yogyakarta Travel Guide) finally, yippee-yeh, listed as an achievement on my travelling wonder lust. What’s the big deal, are you asking me? Excuse me? Of course, it is definitely a big deal for an average ordinary Malaysian like me. Malaysians like me, we not only juggle between our high daily financial commitment and monthly cost of living, we mind you, have to provide for our aged parents and siblings who are money dependent on us as well. Only thereafter, anything extra we struggle to save bit by bit is kept aside as our money revenue for exploring the world.Trust me, unlike our current generation who are money pampered and money handed out in a silver platter by parents, or dolls who hassle money from sugar daddies, for us, in our fifties, its our hard earned precious money. Money by right we should be keeping aside for our old age instead of travel spending because, as I have already said before (Attractions In Penang), expect no much from children who won't hesitate dumping you when you can't fan for yourself, Sadly, this is the reality bullet from our supposedly educated, professional and earning well Generation Y.     

Fried Fish with Soy Sauce

Home-cooked food holds a special place, especially considering the time taken by our careers and the hours spent driving in city traffic....