Thursday, August 2, 2018

Yogyakarta, Indonesia ( Day 3) - Nava K Trailed

Buffet breakfast.The first and foremost on our third day. Buffet breakfast, as you know travellers, those of you who travel for business or pleasure so be it, generally is included in our hotel stay Unless otherwise? You have opted out for reasons only you know best? You and your reasons could possibly be? You are not a breakfast person or you prefer to seek your own, your start-up meal of the day? You can. Certainly. But make sure when you book your room, you have made it known. Some hotels do allow, others, sorry to say, I think you have to take the deal. I usually, I grab the deal whenever I am galloping the horizon. Easier, convenient and saves my time. Local inbound tripping on the contrary, well, a different food matter altogether for me. I won’t mind, sure, I am all in for walking my Malaysian ground for food seeking (Kuantan Pahang & Vistana Kuantan City Centre). Anywhere. Literally. Coffee shops or even street stalls. 

Buffet breakfast in Hotel Harpers Mangkubumi on our first day in Jogyakarta? Wasn't possible due  (Yogyakarta Day 1) due to late afternoon checking and on our second day, remember I told you? Our wee hours waking up for embracing Borobudur, followed by other sightseeing (Borobudur, Yogyakarta Day 2, Mount Merapi Jeep Tour & Jogyakarta Part 2)? Indeed. How did Hotel Harpers Mangkubumi buffet breakfast fare overall? Absolutely a delight. Ample choices. Traditional, typical, authentic local dishes and Western spread which by the way has never been my call, was favourable too. Not a breakfast person me, but when its a meal thrown in with my stay, I must do it right? I tucked into a tiny bit of this and that. All of it for my Indonesian food love and the best part of it all? Oh-My! How can I not try? Jamu. Indonesian juice, juicy concoctions. Jamu Rapat/Tightening, Jamu Sehat/Health, Jamu Kuat/Strong, so on and so forth.          

Food photos captured and food talking to us and we talking to food simultaneously over, and then you know it? Up to the room for? Yep. Bowel exercising in case. Subsequently, by 9.00am, our star light, star bright sightseeing ignited.  

Museum Kereta Keraton
No, no. Forget about those modern, technological driven latest cars. Instead be prepared for being transported back to the royal family era centuries ago. Antic, ancient, made from different materials and mostly made in Nederland coaches, or call them carriages if you like. Remarkably impressive. Me and my eyes literally wouldn’t stop admiring. Museum Kereta within that much of space, and previously a palace, is where history still lingers on. Simply lovable crafted carriages and uniforms, chariots photos and memories of Sultan in photos are the correlated projections. History buffs, believe me. I bet you will value your maybe 15 minutes in Museum Kereta Karaton and on your out, at the entrance, you can pick up some souvenirs.   

Keraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat
Within a walking distance from Museum Kereta Keraton, while passing by the shops, cottage industries, cart road side stalls and school. Keraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat or Keraton Palace a Javanese culture living museum is also the palace living area of the Sultan of Yogyakarta and his family. A palace complex basically. Housing all things related to sultan’s life and style and culture of Javanese people throughout in each of the sections. Additionally, I reckon cultural shows are thrown in on a daily basis for tourists? Keraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat sincerely must be regarded as another of Yogyakarta’s heritage site for drawing not only groups and groups of tourists, but locals as well.   

Water Castle (Taminsari)
Walk-over. Yep. So close within a close distance from Keraton Palace. In fact, as though you have effortlessly popped by within a couple of minutes next door. What’s in store for us in Water Castle? Complex of baths, swimming pools, corridors and Water Castle already known as the stealer for photography. Really? Photography in this run-down, shabby, most probably have not been given a fresh coat of paint for don't know how many years and supposedly water is the fact in this castle? I gave up. Honestly, over-rated hype for no apparent reason sightseeing spot. Nevertheless, I doubt you can escape from Water Castle if you are like me tour travelling. Enough of Water Castle. Enough I told myself after the first 10 minutes or so. Instead, I grabbed a drink at the central open area and I had a ball of a better time chatting with the older Indonesians guys. These down to earth humble guys? I tell you. Walla! We spoke. We spoke about all sorts of things under the sun, until signal came from our tour guide for indicating that we must time out from Water Castle. Those street stalls outside, even outside Keraton Palace? Street stalls selling all sort of local stuffs. Actually, a common sight and can be spotted everywhere you turn your head turn. Bargain. Yes. Bargaining is the number one game changer. Bargain till either you or the traders drop.   

Rumah Makan Duta Minang
The food concept in Rumah Makan Duta Minang? Stand in the line and over your plate of rice given, scoop the dishes. Meat, poultry, seafood, stir fried veggies, ulam, curries, sambal and the list goes on. Pick whichever and whatever that lures your food attention, before returning to your table, order your drinks and of course, fingers are the fancy-free eating style or your fork and spoon most probably indicating whether Rumah Makan Duta Minang is worthiness. Honesty, didn’t go down well for me. Tour buddies couldn’t agree more. Nothing outstanding nor really mouth striking. Just ordinary food. I think our Malaysian Nasi Campur can outbeat Rumah Makan Duta Minang anytime. Far out right in front.    

Prambanan Temple
The must do. Yes. You must make it a point in visiting Prambanan Temple. World Heritage Site UNESCO listed, largest temple compound dedicated to Shiva in Indonesia, built in the 10th century and a collection of Hindu Temples wholesomeness. History of course has it. Prambanan Temple being the other ultimate legend like Borobodur Temple and where your legs will receive the best exercise. A long walk in and out of the whole area and also wobbling your legs steep, not in uniformity solid stone steps climbing up and down from each individual temple to the other for seeking blessings and holiness from the different Hindu gods. Next in Prambanan Temple? You can remain within the compound for the minutes or hours as you wish and later, head to the museum via the garden lined by different shapes and sizes deities. Finally, make sure you turn around for taking a broad angle look of Prambanan Temple from the distance you are before exiting out. Meaningful ultimate. 

Ayam Penget Surabaya
Ayam Penget and Indonesia? Synonymous. How can you not try Ayam Penget in Jogyakarta? Pleasa give a go. Ayam Penget literally the number one food lingo of Indonesian style fried chicken. Our Ayam Penget tucking in took place in Ayam Penget Surabaya. Ordinary ambiance, but attentive service, and not only about ayam penget set meals. Aplenty more. Ranging from fish, beef and many side dishes as listed on their menu. Each of us opting for a different set, we also included some sides and for our sweet notes sugar crush, Indonesian ice-kacang/abc. Hearty fulfilling, capturing the essence of a truly delicious meal, but I think you must go slow with the all sorts colorful things floating inside, extremely over-dozed with sugar till the highest degree tall glass dessert. We gave up after a few mouthful. 

End of day 3.

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