Monday, September 10, 2018

Surakarta (Solo) - Jogyakarta

The last day. In fact, the finale. The finale to our sightseeing before we permanently bid bye-bye to Yogyakarta. That's right everyone. Our last day to sightseeing which will put a permanent full-stop before we pack our bags and return home next morning. Will I return to "Jogja" again? I don't think so (Jogyakarta Part 3 & Jogyakarta Part 2) because I am one person who seldom travel venture to the same destination again and I think we have to a certain extent already achieved much in terms of Jogja sightseeing. Or maybe, just saying, there are other sightseeing spots we have missed out? Then again, what else can you do in Jogja? (Mount Merapi Tour & Borobudur Yogyakarta)? You tell me. For those of you who have already travel conquered Jogyakarta at the back of your hands, maybe you will be the best person who can tell?    

Fried Fish with Soy Sauce

Home-cooked food holds a special place, especially considering the time taken by our careers and the hours spent driving in city traffic....