Friday, June 7, 2019

Perak Travel - Nava K Discovery (Day 2)

One of the, hard dreaded facts. I have difficulty in swallowing? When I have to digest the fact that holiday is coming to an end (Perak Travel Day 1). What else? Returning to reality. The reality to daily routine. Work, home affairs, traffic jam and the competitive, rushing city lifestyle. Honestly everyone, given a choice, 365 days travelling is my first choice. Then again? The point of thought. I am not single, I am commitment bound and money does not definitely grow on trees. Henceforth, I guess, whether we like it or not, reality has to be the acceptance. Reality by the way, for your information, mind you, sometimes, can badly bite us. Oh- Well?

Having said that, on this my last day of Perak Discovery. Despite still not coming to terms I will be returning home, I told myself that, by hook or by crook, I am going to explore as many other places (Ipoh Perak Day 2). Let it be food calling or sightseeing spots (Ipoh Perak Day 1). The start for the day. Standing in the queue for at least 10 minutes before being seated and another 10 minutes of wait prior to ordering Curry Mee in Restoran Xin Quan Fang (Taman Jubilee). Curry Mee in this Restoran. Seemingly like, one of the highest demands in Ipoh. Therefore, my advice is, make sure you carry with yourself buckets of patience before tucking into the rather small portion curry mee which I must say was truly delicious. Bottom line, I loved, loved it to every bit. Of course, nothing like hot coffee or tea in the morning for any morning meal. Curry mee! Let me make my point clear again. Yumminess. Not overly spicy curry broth generously soaking up the noodles, seafood items, chicken and pork, and spring onion garnished. My friends on the other hand? They standing on their ground that, curry mee in Restoran Q & S, Seapark, Petaling Jaya is still unbeatable. Whatever. No arguments whatever from my side, neither I wanted to count conquer them down because, tastiness can be interpreted in different food lingo by each one of us, wouldn't you agree? Precisely!    

Up next? To Kinta District and the central attraction in this part of Ipoh. Birch Memorial Clock Tower. Standing like a pride in front of Ipoh State Mosque, located in a square inside Old Ipoh, and the back then history of Birch Memorial Clock Tower summarised as, built in 1909 in memory of JWW Birch, the first British Resident of Perak who was assassinated in Pasir Salak in 1875 by Dato Maharajalela.   

Approximately 15 minutes for viewing Birch Memorial Clock, plus of course taking a look at the surrounding area, subsequently, we heading to Kinta District, Batu Gajah. What's in store in Kinta Distirict? Tanjung Tualang Tin Dredge No 5. The only surviving twin dredge in  Malaysia. Sadly though, due to Friday prayers time and we too didn't want to wait till 2.30pm. Except for peeping though the fence? Bye-bye Tanjung Tualang Tin Dredge. God! I definitely was disappointed. Coming this far and losing out on my chance for a first hand on how it would have been like those days to tin mining in Malaysia.

Thereafter. Gua Tempurung/Tempurung Cave, Gopeng. Halted again. Again, due to Friday prayers time. Furthermore, a small commotion has to transpire. Between my other half-half and myself. He insisting we skip gua tempurung and me literally wouldn't give in. Eventually, me emerging as the winner. Agreed. We agreeing to returning again after lunching in Restoran Yau Kee, Kampar. Food in Restoran Yau Kee, Kampar. The must try. Chicken Curry Bun. Their number one, if I am not mistaken, food ultimate which sincerely didn't let us down. A parcel of mouth packing chicken curry in centrality of soft bun. Pinch the bun, dip into the chicken curry and into your mouth. Alongside Chicken Curry Bun, we also tucking into fried rice, bitter gourd omelette, kangkung belacan, and rice. Overall, of course Chicken Curry Bun was the food stealer, whereas the rest of items pretty much were acceptable in tastiness.    


Now, back to Gua Tempurung as prior agreed. Gua Tempurung! Amazing! We walking in, simultaneously as took our steps, admiring this, one of the largest limestone cave in Peninsular Malaysia. The wow factor. Stalactites, stalagmites and other rock formations, plus tiny streams flowing, as far as I noted, on both edges of the cave. Yes. Yes. Yes. The unforgettable magical nature discovery of Perak. In fact, for a fact, the best discovery for me personally.    

From Gua Tempurung to Lata Kinjang Waterfall, Chenderiang. Of course, because of yours truly. Yours truly who wanted to purify her mind and thoughts by the cascading from higher up pure, fresh mountain water. 

The last food calling for day. Tea break in Restoran Capati Corner, Bidor. Soft, fluffy, light, airy, freshly made there and then capati, eaten alongside dal curry and sambal atop. Not bad. Though I am not a chapati person, I still must award unlimited points to capati in Restoran Capati Corner.  

Finally, the not looked forward to evening traffic crawl before home sweet home. Oh-boy! My travelling senses fully satisfied and Perak on the whole, the proud moment to my Malaysia, Nava K's Discovery. Treasured. Will be a treasured for the rest of my life! Thank you Perak.  

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