Monday, January 27, 2020

Varanasi - North India (Part 2)

Varanasi! Alright. From Delhi. Flight up, up and away in the air, before safely landing us in Varanasi. Thereafter. To the hotel and lunch (Varanasi Part 1). Up next? What else? Varanasi sightseeing. Pretty much. I mean, sightseeing must begin right? Of course. Without a doubt. Where to? As per our listing on our Varanasi itinerary card? For kick starting or jump starting our tour? Shri Viswanath Mandir. Aka, Viswanath Temple, New Viswanath Temple or Birla Temple. Temple located in Banaras Hindu University. Dedicated to Lord Shiva. Known for its tallest temple tower in the world and when holiness is a righteous or rigorous matter in Varanasi or even holiness "Holy Art Thou" in other parts in South India (Chennai & Bangalore) as well? Oh-sure. For us Hindus? Prayers and praying. Or apart from seeking god's blessings, we fulfilling our vows we have prior prioritised. What about Nava K? Good question? Remember? I think I have told you before? Me nor not definitely the most holiness Hindu grain. Yet. Sincerely. Honestly. Needles to say. I am a strong and firm believer of god, in god and towards god. Whichever god. Any god. Any god from any religion or ethnicity for the matter. But. Definitely. I will forever remain as the number one Indian Hindu holiness.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Varanasi - North India (Part 1)

South India! Oh-My-God. Hallelujah. Finally. After all these years. Me in this earth for 55 years. Finally. I achieved. I achieved a fair share of South India (Chennai). 3 months ago. Having said that, there's still, still, a good number of places in South India, yet for Nava K to be seen and explored. Those places. Aha! Call me the earliest worm for putting my globe trekking in place, those places have already been plotted and projected as part and parcel of my, towards 3/4 of year 2020 travelling itinerary. Furthermore. If all goes well, hopefully, as I badly want to, this coming South India holidaying of mine. Yes please. Back to solo. All by myself in an arranged tour. Solo travelling personally for me? To tell you the truth, I've been missing it. I do, mind you, long for solo travelling every now and then. Why? Well. Obviously. I can do as I like. At my own whims and fancy. My free and easy time. Plus, I tend to embark on soul searching on my future each time I travel alone. 

Fried Fish with Soy Sauce

Home-cooked food holds a special place, especially considering the time taken by our careers and the hours spent driving in city traffic....