Wednesday, June 17, 2020

New Delhi - North India (Day 2)

New Delhi. Day 2 (Delhi Part 1). Winter. Last winter. Winter. This winter. This first week of December winter specifically? Winterrrrrrrr! Oh-no! One hack of a winter. Winter, as if, getting ready for showing its true colors in full force. Full force lashing most probably by the next few days. Winter! Oh my god! Oh your god! Winter literally penetrating, pricking and needling me, deep, deep into my skin and further deeper into my tiny bones. You know what? I struggled. Massively. I had a hard time putting up with winter which was clinging on to me like a lost child. Furthermore, wouldn't just leave me alone. The breeze. Especially. Blowing up, down, and aha, even in between my legs. Until? Not only my fingers and toes were frozen, even inside my "Pussy Willow" and the pussy willow of mine, trembling quivering. Oh boy!

Fried Fish with Soy Sauce

Home-cooked food holds a special place, especially considering the time taken by our careers and the hours spent driving in city traffic....