Monday, September 21, 2020

Sabah (East Malaysia) - Nava K's Discovery (Part 1)

Finally! Me and Sabah? Yes. Indeed. Me in Sabah at the earliest date in the month of February. Finally!! Yes. Can you believe it? After Nava K being on or in this earth for the last 56 years. Before. Even before, or whilst Covid 19 was getting upbeat and ready for showing its true colors, and before this virus crushing, crumbling and tumbling on my travelling life and style. Now, what's with me tripping in, on, over, above, under and about Sabah? Aha! The big dreams of mine. The future goals of mine. Which mind you, ending up as a major massive, thundering disappointment. To tell you the truth, I was utterly shattered. I was utterly broken into pieces. Until, I felt like, each and every part of me, including my inner wings of emotional strength, were like, torn and tattered into pieces. Duh! Doomer to whatever I wanted to achieve in Sabah for my future. 

Regardless. At the end of it all. I carried back home? Big balls of flaming life and business lessons. Perhaps a blessings in disguise as well. Furthermore, come to think of it. This trip did put aplenty sense into me. Especially. In finding out about the deep depths of the so called impressive characters and, me thinking they are genuine and honest. Yet? Damnit outrightly? Hellish! Covid virus on the other hand? Another blessing for a matter of fact. Thank you virus. For knocking sense into me. Directly or indirectly indicating that I shouldn't burn my hard earned money bridge or bridges. Having said that, whilst at the so claimed promising business dealings (hah!), which supposedly will open doors of opportunity for me, I also, you know me right? My love for sightseeing and venturing out? Oh yes. Of course. Sabah galloping. Squeezing in as many places, as I could.

The kick start to this Sabah trip of mine? Waking up at wee hours for heading to KLIA2 and up in the air via Malindo Air, which as you know or don't, punctuality is not their virtue, and prior to stepping foot in Kota Kinabalu by 10.30am. Thereafter? Brunch in McDonalds Kota Kinabalu airport outlet, followed by to, Hotel KK Waterfront. Hotel. Located at Warisan Square, Pusat Bandar Kota Kinabalu. The real deal to a strategic location for food, entertainment, shopping, moreover, right across and within a short walking distance to Kota Kinabalu Waterfront. My room? Affordable and acceptable on all counts. But if you expecting the highs of a fantastic room, don't bother. The pleaser for me in this room? I love rooms with windows and this room, yesssss!! Two windows and me? Every now and then, opening the windows for pepping at the surrounding, also stretching my eyes sight towards KK Waterfront. 

Resting and relaxing for the next 20 minutes or so, we then met up with the relevant person for heading to Kuala Penyu. About 1 1/2 hours drive to this, the deep drive to this like a hidden gem  of Kuala Penyu beach front. Wahhhhhh! Despite the burn baby burn, burning my skin afternoon peaktime weather, I still had a ball of a time. Simply mesmerising. The sand, the beach, and the water in this nature unspoiled part of Kuala Penyu.

An hour plus, before heading back to Kota Kinabalu and dinner in Krishna's Fish Head Kota Kinabalu. Yums! Honestly! Truly yums. Home style, authentic, traditional and delicious curries, veggies, fried stuffs  and of course, coffee must be absolutely recognised. 

Back to hotel KK Waterfront for ending our day and night as well, day 2 started off with brunch in one of the no-frill coffeeshops within this same vicinity and later, to kill time before our next appointment, we headed to Kota Kinabalu Waterfront. Nothing much during this afternoon. Rather quiet and most of the restaurants and watering holes yet to be up and about. Of course. The view of the harbour. Awesome. Admirable.

Half an hour most to most, we headed to Starbucks across KK Waterfront Hotel for our appointment. Gathering all needed information, also, exchanging views, off to our room by 8pm. Dinner? Room service and pretty much, the end of Sabah day 2. 

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