Sunday, October 25, 2020

Sabah (East Malaysia) - Nava K's Discovery (Part 3)

Day 5 in Sabah. Off for another two, facing the beach sight viewing (Sabah Part 2 & Sabah Part 1). How did it go? By this day. Hah! I somehow managed to put the Sabah jigsaw puzzle into perspective for getting a clearer picture of what is going on. Without a doubt. My smartness. Yea. Mine alright. My smartness concluded that, my so called advisers didn't do their homework about any damn thing in Sabah. Apart from wrong projections on land prices, they had almost nil knowledge about land transactions, nor any clue what soever about the business indicators in Sabah. Damnit! On the contrary, I must thank some of the good people I came in contact with. They actually making it a point in sharing their expertise unselfishly on the hidden, unspoken and nitty-gritty business insights in Sabah. Furthermore, aha, I had also done my fair share of homework before leaving home, particularly on native land purchasing and how complicated it can be. Anyway. Anyhow. As frustrated as I was. I felt like a hero for my learning curve and knowledge on how, to a certain extent, doing business in Sabah can be complicated. Done. Over. Full stop. By day 5, I knew. I must give up. Either temporary or permanently on my future vision and mission in Sabah.

Day 6 in Sabah. Two more days before returning home. Including this day whereby I decided to move hotel. To? The Pacific Sutera Hotel - Sutera Harbor Resort. Absolutely price worthy during this off peak season and considering that, Covid 19 is, quietly emerging to the forefront. My room? A worthy deal as well. Facing the harbour and golf course, plus, bed, bathroom and buffer breakfast to my liking. Yet. You know what? Wasn't like, as super-duper as described by my friends who have stayed in this hotel before. Overall however, can be credited. Not a distinction though. Because I have stayed in better 5 star hotels compared to Pacific Sutera Hotel.  

After checking into hotel? Well! I told myself. I might as well. I mean, why stay put in the room when sightseeing can be thrown in promisingly. Where to? Sabah tea. Popping by at the tea plantation for approximately 20 minutes. Just on the surface sightseeing for admiring and plantation picturing. Of course. Nature and its surrounding? Inhaling and exhaling the fresh air and mid morning sunshine as well. Tea plantations on the whole for me personally? Done it a couple of times. In country and out country too. 

From Sabah tea to? Tagal Luanti Fish Massage, Ranau. Oh!Oh! My first ever fish nibbling my toes, fingers and legs experience. Not the commercial kinda. Not the ones you put your legs into man made pool or into square plastic casing or boxes. This is the nature one. In a stream. I. At first. Wasn't really absolutely certain. Then again? The adventurous Nava K. Yeh! She did it. How was the feeling? Really, I really don't know what to say. Quite ticklish actually and although fish spa or massage has been said as for health perks and benefits, I am not sure if I should agree. Having said that, it is still an experience I won't mind treasuring.    

Up next. Lunch. Lunch in Intan Restaurant & Cafe at the foothill of Kundasang. Malay food obviously and Malay food for this Indian lady? Yes. Yes please. Always a number one pleaser and lunch didn't fail me either. Especially those sambal spicy dishes.

Lunch and subsequently? Desa Dairy Farm Kundasang. Packed. Literally dozens and dozens of people, mostly, locals. Alright. What can you expect in this cattle farm? Of course. Cattles. Black and white cattles. In different shapes and sizes. In the cages inside the farm, and outside, roaming freely within the open, against the back drop of the mountain, green green grass of Kundasang, nature absolutely lovable area. Not to forget those dairy products you can buy and have your slurping on the luscious, creamy ice-cream.  

What else as my sightseeing in Sabah? Nothing much. Except the drive back to hotel for the last overnight in Sabah, and next morning, after buffet breakfast, to the airport for home bound. Lesson learned at the end of this trip? Duh! My future plans in Sabah must be halted. Halted at the expense of my heart bleeding and shattering. Then again? Your never know. The bright sky, water lashing beaches and nature may wave back at me for indicating that, there can be other potential business opportunities  within a smaller investment dimension in Sabah. Anyway. But, absolutely certain I am that, it has been a knowledgeable trip and, next time, forever and ever, I must be alert to jack asses who can be damn impressive, yet, as the proverb goes - empty vessels make the most noise. 

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