Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Urap Kangkung (Water Spinach Salad) - Vegetarian

When you think of kangkung, also known as water spinach, Kangkung Belacan probably comes to mind. It's a beloved dish among Malaysians and a staple in Chinese restaurants. This tasty treat is also a hit in Indonesia, where it's called "Kangkung Tumis Belacan" or "Cah Kangkung Terasi." Terasi, the Indonesian version of belacan, is something I've learned from my Indonesian friends, and I'll share that recipe with you too.

In both Malaysia and Indonesia, kangkung is enjoyed as a raw salad, boiled and paired with sambal belacan. During my time in Indonesia, I discovered Urap Kangkung and brought the idea back to Malaysia, creating my own vegetarian version. This will be the highlight of today's recipe. But don't worry, I'll also share my tried-and-true Kangkung Belacan recipe. Let's kick things off with Urap Kangkung, the vegetarian version (VEGETARIAN BAYAM MASAK LEMAK).

Urap Kangkung

1 bunch kangkung - pluck the leaves, blanch in hot water to soften, and pat dry 
¾ cup grated and pan-fried coconut/kerisik
4 red chilies - lightly pounded
Bird's eye chilies - lightly pounded
4 shallots - lightly pounded
5 garlic cloves - lightly pounded
Palm sugar/Gula Melaka  - to taste
Salt - to taste
Lime juice - to taste


Toss and stir all ingredients together until well mixed.
As I mentioned earlier, Kangkung Belacan is a renowned dish that will truly elevate your taste buds. All you need to complete the meal is a serving of rice. For a vegetarian twist, simply leave out the dried shrimps and belacan.

Kangkung Belacan (Water Spinach with Shrimp Paste)
Kangkung (water spinach) - cut the stems into two, and separate the leaves. Pat dry.
2  tbsp dried shrimps - soaked and rinsed
6 garlic cloves - smashed
4 tbsp peanut oil
1 tbsp belacan (shrimp paste) powder
Dried red chili paste - as needed
Salt to taste

Heat oil in a pan.
Add dried shrimp and fry until lightly crispy.
Add chili paste, garlic, and belacan - stir until the oil floats to the top.
Add the kangkung stems and cook until softened.
Then, add the leaves and salt.
Increase the heat and stir until the leaves are softened.
Dish out.

Now, let's dive into the Sambal Terasi recipe. This is my take on a power-packed dip that pairs perfectly with boiled kangkung. You can also heat some oil, fry the sambal for a bit, toss in the kangkung, and stir to create another delightful version of kangkung belacan.

Sambal Terasi (Indonesian Sambal Belacan)
10 red chilies
2-3 chili padi (optional)
1 inch belacan (shrimp paste), roasted
3-4 shallots
Some palm sugar
1 lime - extract juice
Salt (only if needed)

Pound or process all ingredients except for the lime juice.
Add lime juice and palm sugar to the mixture.
Stir everything together until well combined. 


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