Friday, July 15, 2022

Balinese Fish Sambal/Sambal Ikan Bali

Hi Loves, to blog or not to blog? Ah! What a mindboggling question. Seemingly blogging has taken a back step due to social media platforms. Still, there are bloggers who are continuing with blogging, taking it as a platform for sharing whatever they feel they should and want to share with all of you great souls. What about me? Well, sad if I let me blog die a natural death (Turkish Carrot Yogurt Salad & Masala Tofu). By right, I should have switched to a website, considering I am now into my own fitness zen, fitness business and in the fitness industry. Then again, tell me about it? Cost? Seriously, I can't afford. Therefore, for me personally, although I'm not as active as I have been in blogging, I will still keep this previous space of mine, which I believe has reached 10 years mark. 

I wish I had enough time to pitch my lifestyle stories, but, this time factor I tell you. is a killer. Time to pin your thoughts, and mind you, I'm not like the best writer, or blogger in this world when it comes to writing. Having said that, I believe I should squeeze in the time today, for the usual, sharing a recipe with all you amazing souls. Recipe of the day? Already stated in the heading, and the recipe by the way coined by me, myself and I (Nyonya Fish Curry, Ikan Goreng Asam Jawa & Salted Fish Sambal) by adapting to those Balinese fish sambal dishes I tucked into during my trip to Bali, let's say 10 years or so. Alright, no more to say, to the recipe now.  

Ingredients (for sambal) 
1 tomato 
5 red chilies 
7 shallots 
7 garlic 
4  birds eye chilies (optional)

Other ingredients 
1 piece threadfin fish - cut, and mix with some turmeric powder and salt. 
Lime juice - as needed. 
Oil - as needed 
Salt - as needed 

Steam all the ingredients for the sambal together and either blend or pound. Set aside. 

Heat oil and fry fish. Remove. 
Reduce the amount of oil and fry the sambal paste till aromatic and oil splits. 
Add salt, lime juice, stir. 
Add fish. Stir. 
Off the heat. 

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