Monday, September 26, 2022

Drumstick Egg Masala (Murungakkai Muttai Masala)

Hi Darlings, 

What a long break from my cooking pitching. Like, almost a month plus already. Oh-well-well, nothing new for me to share. Its the same thing basically (read at Sun Dried Mango Curry).  Alright, without taking up your time and mine, to the recipe of the day. Drumstick/murunggakai? Yes, there's been recipes before in this space of mine (Drumstick Leaves FryFish Muringakka Curry & Salted Fish Murungakkai Curry). Let me add another one and as usual, cooking for me personally, is about simplicity and making do with my pantry friendly ingredients and whatever has been stocked up in my fridge. Right on, hit it at the recipe now please!!!

4 to 5 drumsticks/murunggakai - remove skin and slice
4 boiled eggs
Spices - bay leaves, star anize, cloves & cinnamon
5 shallots - slice
1/2 tbsp ginger paste
1/2 tbsp garlic paste
Some sliced curry leaves
Curry powder (as needed)
Whisked yogurt (as needed)
Oil (as needed)
Salt (as needed)
Water (as needed)

Heat oil.
Saute spices, shallots, ginger paste, garlic paste and curry leaves.

Add drumsticks. 
Give a couple of stirs.
Add curry powder.
Stir all in. 

Pour water and simmer drumsticks to soften.
Add salt, and boiled eggs.
Stir in.

Off the heat and stir in yogurt. 

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