Thursday, December 28, 2023

6 Key Components to Enhance Your Home Office Space

Creating an effective and comfortable home office requires careful consideration of several key components. With the rise of remote working, your home office has become more than just a temporary workspace; it's a place where productivity, comfort, and technology intersect. Here are six essential elements to consider for enhancing your home office space. 

Ergonomic Furniture

The cornerstone of any efficient home office is ergonomic furniture. This includes a chair that supports your back and promotes good posture, and a desk that is the right height to prevent strain. An ergonomic setup reduces the risk of work-related injuries and increases comfort, which can significantly boost productivity. For those long hours at the desk, consider a chair with adjustable lumbar support and a desk that allows for both sitting and standing positions. Remember, comfort in your workspace directly affects your work performance and overall health.

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Summerset Cafe: Love-Bonding with the Influence of Digital Marketing

Occasionally, if not every weekend, "Nava's Cooking" is set aside for our love-marriage food bonding escapades (K2 Kopitiam, Teluk Panglima Garang). In this culinary journey, I proudly wear the badge of the passionate foodie, leading to explore eateries through the dynamic realm of social media platforms, where the power of digital marketing unfolds its possibilities. Otherwise, my other half-half tends to steer us towards Indian cuisine (The Grand Mapillai, Sec 23, Shah Alam), relying on recommendations from his "Teh-Tarik Gang." Interestingly, my other half-half, not very immersed in social media, leans towards the simplicity of a WhatsApp family group. I see this preference as a generational choice for sharing information from social media and digital newsprints, fostering a belief of being a step ahead or part of an exclusive class in news sharing - even if, at times, the news happens to be outdated or fake.

Thursday, December 21, 2023

The Grand Mapillai Restaurant Culinary Adventure

My other half-half has joined me in the exciting pursuit of discovering new eateries, a refreshing departure from his usual routine of sticking to familiar places and dishes. The news of his enthusiasm for suggesting novel dining spots was particularly thrilling, considering his previous tendency to opt for the same old eateries and stick to familiar dishes, playing it safe rather than venturing into culinary exploration. I've noticed that people's dining preferences are often influenced by those they choose to share meals with. Some tend to shy away from trying new eateries or exploring unfamiliar dishes unless compelled to by more adventurous companions (Ding Xiang Bak Kut Teh). I've made it a point to avoid dining with those who limit themselves to predictable and mundane food choices.

Monday, December 11, 2023

Easy Pumpkin Curry with Coconut Milk Recipe

Close view of mildly spicy coconut milk, tangy tomatoes, and soft, tender pumpkin
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Who wants to spend hours in the kitchen cooking? Not me! I prefer keeping cooking easy and straightforward. As I’ve mentioned before, it starts with the ingredients you have in your pantry and fridge, creating a delicious meal in no time (EASY SPINACH LENTIL CURRY).


Enter Easy Pumpkin Curry with Coconut Milk. Mildly spicy, creamy from the coconut milk (COCONUT MILK CHICKEN CURRY), tangy with the taste of tomatoes, and featuring soft, tender pumpkin pieces. Sounds amazing, right? Of course! This is an oilless, vegetarian, and vegan version with a healthy impact.

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Easy Potato Sambal Recipe: Vegetarian

Spicy potato dish with sliced potatoes, dried chili paste, onion, lime juice, and salt, cooked in oil for bold flavors
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A dish I've made countless times, potato sambal is fuss-free and comes together in just about 30 minutes. With its minimal ingredients, it’s a perfect choice for vegetarian meals (HYDERABADI VEGETABLE BIRYANI), usually paired with rice and a couple of side dishes. This classic dish, also known as spicy potato, is forever loved - don’t believe me? Try it yourself, and I bet you’ll agree. Soft, tender potatoes (MORINGA POTATO CURRY) are coated in a thick, spicy sambal with a hint of zing - a quintessential Malaysian Malay gravy or sauce. Simple, satisfying, and absolutely delicious.

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Pork Chops Recipe - Chinese Style

Two medium size flattened pork chops, in a dark brown sauce, with green peas and sliced red chillies, in a white oblong serving plate
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I love pork to its core. I’m an ardent fan, though I don’t cook it regularly at home since my husband follows a pork-free diet. But when he’s not dining at home, I simply can’t resist the temptation of cooking pork (PORK BELLY WITH SALTED FISH).


One of the joys of making pork chops is the convenience. You can marinate the chops in advance, store them in the fridge, and have them ready to cook when needed. You can even freeze them, turning pork chops into an effortless meal option anytime.

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Coconut Chicken Curry Recipe - Indian Style

Creamy, peppery Indian coconut chicken curry, cooked with spices and curry leaves, featuring a vibrant yellow hue
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Is Indian food Kerala food? Is Kerala cuisine also Indian cuisine? While you ponder, let’s get to the recipe. It’s a Kerala Indian coconut chicken curry (AUTHENTIC INDIAN CHICKEN CURRIES). How can a Kerala chicken curry be complete without coconut milk and a blend of spices for that punchy, spicy, and creamy thick curry with tender chicken pieces? Get your place of rice and a raw salad (BEST INDIAN NO COOK SALADS) and picture pouring Coconut Chicken Curry and enjoying it with your fingers and hands. Oh-Wow! 

Friday, October 27, 2023

The Habits of Unhappy People

Woman pushing the wall, symbolizing the struggle to overcome unhappy behaviors
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Whether surprising or not, the percentage of unhappy people has spiraled further over the years. It is becoming increasingly difficult to find individuals who can truly connect - those who share simple moments of joy, laughter, and meaningful conversations. 

Socializing or even being around people these days requires a great deal of caution, as people are hyper-sensitive and crave constant validation about themselves. From our coaching and counseling sessions, we have gathered insights into the habits of unhappy people.

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Murungai (Moringa) Potato Curry: Vegetarian Recipe

Thick Indian moringa (drumstick) pieces cooked with sliced potatoes, spices, and dried fenugreek leaves
Our moringa tree outside Nava's Zen is a gold mine. It provides not only moringa sticks or drumsticks but also leaves, which are a true treasure for health. The flowers, too, hold vital health benefits for cooking. When you combine murungai (moringa) and potato in a thick curry: easy-to-cook dish, you get a mouthwatering recipe. A dish you shouldn’t hesitate to try. 

Thursday, October 19, 2023

How To Design A Vegetarian Dinner Party Menu

Throwing a dinner party is the kind of thing you definitely want to get right, and it’s really something of an art because there’s so much planning and hard work to put into making sure everything goes off smoothly. However, when you get it right, and everyone has a good time, you’ll feel great and proud of what you’ve done, and your guests will have a positive and memorable experience. 

If you have a vegetarian guest, it isn’t always easy to make one dish just for them, and what could be an easier option is to design an entirely vegetarian menu. Not only does this make things easier for you, but it’s probably not something your veggie guest has ever experienced before, so they’ll love it. Plus, if you choose the right food and cook it well, your other guests will enjoy it too, and it might even show them what can be done when meat’s off the menu. With that in mind, here are some tips to help you design a vegetarian menu for your dinner party. 

        Photo by Rene Asmussen  

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Quick Ways to Destress

Person reflecting on stress
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Stress is unavoidable, but there are quick ways to tackle it and regain your rhythm without resorting to venting or complaining. Let’s explore how to manage stress effectively before it takes a toll on your breath, body, mind, and soul.

Identify Stress

The first step is awareness. Take a moment to sit with a pen and paper, and write down what’s troubling you. Be honest and genuine - this isn’t about blaming others but about taking ownership of your stressors.

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Best Mental Health Tips

A woman smiling while sitting at a table in a garden, symbolizing positivity and mental well-being
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In today’s fast-paced world, maintaining mental health can be challenging, especially when constantly surrounded by people. As a yoga coach and counselor, I’ve gathered insights from my experiences with clients and observations during yoga sessions. Here are some best mental health tips to help you stay practical and protect your mental well-being.

Monday, October 2, 2023

Sri Lankan Fish Curry/Malu Hodhi Recipe

Vibrant fish curry made with spices, coconut milk, and infused with curry leaves, featuring tender bite-sized fish pieces

One of the joys of traveling for me is tucking into various cuisines. In Sri Lanka (COLOMBO, SRI LANKA) I discovered how spices, coconut milk, coconut oil, and the freshest seafood shape the incredible flavors of their dishes. Through tasting and learning from kind locals, I brought home a slice of Sri Lankan culinary wisdom. Here's to Sri Lankan Fish Curry, or Malu Hodhi (SALTED FISH PINEAPPLE CURRY). 

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Best Indian No Cook Salad Recipes

No cook Indian salad consisting of raw veggies, tossed with lime juice and salt, served in a small Indian silver wok
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I’m a huge fan of salads - how about you? I enjoy a variety of salads (AVOCADO TOFU SALAD), and Indian salads? They’re refreshing, crunchy, spicy, and tangy. While salads, in general, are healthy, Indian salads take it up a notch. 

When I used to host gatherings, Indian salads were always a hit because they’re so easy to prepare: just slice or cut the ingredients, which are both accessible and affordable. You can prepare them in advance, store them in the fridge, and serve them chilled or at room temperature. Isn’t that a fantastic way to entertain, rather than spending hours stir-frying vegetables (ZESTY MALAY OKRA SALAD).

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Marriage and Culinary Exploration: Vietnamese Delights (Ding Xiang Bak Kut Teh Restaurant)

In the journey of marriage, we learn valuable lessons, and one of them is that you don't always have to compromise on your food preferences. Last Sunday, this lesson took me on a delightful food venture in Bandar Rimbayu. As my husband headed to a kopitiam for Indian cuisine (K2 Kopitiam), I found myself at Ding Xiang Bak Kut Teh Restaurant, craving Vietnamese flavors. This unassuming eatery, also serving Bak Kut Teh and Chinese dishes, offered a menu right on the table - a thoughtful touch.

Monday, September 4, 2023

How to Grow Roses: The Ultimate Guide

A charming cluster of vibrant red roses on the plant at a fence
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Roses are among the most beloved flowers worldwide, cherished for their exquisite beauty and enchanting fragrance. I particularly adore red roses for their vibrant hue and natural elegance, though I also grow roses in other colors. While they brighten any garden, growing roses isn't as simple as it may seem. After years of trial and error, I've adapted to cultivating these stunning blooms. Here's how you can grow your own roses, even in challenging climates like Malaysia's (GARDENING TIPS FOR BEGINNERS).

(These are the rose plants growing in Nava's Zen. You'll see how pruning allows new stems and leaves to grow. However, one of the challenges is the weather. Both too hot and constant heavy rainy seasons can cause the leaves to dry and wither).

Soil Type

In Malaysia, clay soil dominates, which isn’t ideal for roses. Clay hardens quickly, especially in hot weather, resembling rocks that can dry out roots. To counter this, I dig up the clay, mix in black compost soil, and plant the roses in this enriched blend. This keeps moisture levels balanced and promotes healthy growth.


Growing in Pots

Since my garden is reserved for herbs and veggies, I grow roses in pots. For potting, I use black soil mixed with coco peat. Over time, the soil can dry out, so I periodically aerate it using a gardening fork, trim excess roots, and replenish the soil. Proper maintenance ensures water penetrates the soil, nourishing the roots (HOW TO GROW CHILLIES).

Close-up view of a stunning red rose in full bloom
Rainwater works wonders for roses. I position my potted plants where rain can reach them, skipping additional watering during downpours. During dry spells, I water them daily, ensuring they get enough hydration to thrive.



Roses need regular feeding to bloom. I use organic fertilizers every fortnight, adhering to the recommended quantities. Over-fertilizing can harm the plants, so moderation is key.

A single orange rose strikingly vibrant on a lush green rose plant
Pruning is essential after blooms have withered. Removing old branches encourages new growth and keeps the plants thriving. Rooting cuttings in water can also yield new plants, which, once rooted, flourish with proper care.
A rose stem rooting in water, showing early signs of growth
Handling Thorns
Thorns are an inevitable part of growing roses. Wear gloves to avoid scratches and be cautious as thorns can snag on clothes or pierce deeply. Treat any wounds promptly with antiseptic cream to prevent infection.
A delicate pink rose thriving in its individual pot
Pest Control
Bugs and insects can damage rose leaves and flowers. Organic sprays effectively deter pests without harming the environment. Regular checks keep the plants healthy and beautiful.


Patience and Care

Roses demand time, effort, and a nurturing touch. I dedicate time every fortnight to care for all my plants, including roses, herbs, and veggies. The reward of seeing fresh blooms is incomparable. Indoors, roses add elegance to vases or, in my case, serve as natural hair accessories with their delightful fragrance.

A single rose strikingly vibrant on a lush green rose plant
Growing roses is a fulfilling journey that requires dedication and love. With these steps, you can create your own flourishing rose garden and enjoy the beauty they bring to your life.


(Ms. Nava is a dynamic individual in her 60s, leading yoga sessions at Nava's Zen while also embracing her passion for gardening through Zen Blooming. With credentials in gardening and extensive experience, she cultivates a serene environment that reflects her commitment to Zen, inspiring others to find balance and tranquility in their lives).

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

The Delights of K2 Kopitiam: A Foodie's Paradise

To be known as a foodie is to embrace culinary adventures, exploring flavors from all corners, be it the streets or coffee shops. While high-end restaurants often steal the limelight, it's essential to remember that delicious food can be found in unexpected places, such as Chinese coffee shops that have reinvented themselves as Kopitiams (Malaysia's Vibrant Street Food). In this blog post, we revisit K2 Kopitiam, located in Bandar Rimbayu, a bustling end-lot coffee shop, where we sampled an array of tantalizing dishes from its diverse stalls.

Sunday, August 20, 2023

How To Grow and Care for Torch Ginger (Pokok Kantan)

Full bloomed torch ginger flower, a dried flower, and a bud-level bloom among torch ginger shoots and leaves
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Take a whiff of the torch ginger flower and you’ll fall in love with its delicate, sweet, and subtly floral scent, reminiscent of a tropical garden. Even the leaves emit a mild, citrusy, and slightly herbal aroma. Torch ginger, also known as Pokok Kantan, and its vibrant flowers, known as Bunga Kantan, add a beautiful burst of green to any garden. Its simple elegance truly brightens up any space (PANDAN LEAVES: BENEFITS & USES)

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Turmeric Rice Recipe

Grainy rice cooked with turmeric powder, green chillies, black cumin, and crispy fried shallots

Turmeric rice, how about calling it golden rice? The rich golden hue from turmeric powder brings vibrant color and impressive health benefits (MALAY TURMERIC RICE RECIPE). But this turmeric rice is no ordinary one—it's packed with even more health impacts. Cooked with fragrant Basmati rice and enhanced with black cumin, known for its numerous health perks. Infused with a hint of fresh aroma and a touch of spice from green chillies, and topped with crispy fried shallots, this irresistibly flavorful dish complements any dish. Turmeric rice with black cumin can be enjoyed on its own as well. Choose how you prefer to have it, but it’s a must-try and must-be-tasted (CURRY LEAF RICE RECIPES). 

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Vegetable Biryani Recipe

Vegetable biryani cooked with super long basmati rice, spices, green chillies, coconut milk, mixed veggies, and saffron strands

Effortlessly made in the rice cooker, a versatile kitchen appliance designed for simple and efficient cooking. Beyond just cooking rice, I rely on the rice cooker for a variety of rice dishes. One of its best features is that you don’t have to worry about rice being burned or undercooked (LEMONGRASS RICE). 


For this vibrant, colorful, and grainy rice cooked with spices, using basmati super long rice is ideal. Consider splurging on saffron strands - worth the investment for its floral earthy notes, subtle honey-like taste, and light golden hue (SAFFRON RICE). 

Monday, July 24, 2023

Chicken Rendang Recipe (Resepi Rendang Ayam)

A small silver wok serving chicken rendang with tender pieces in rich, spicy, creamy, and herb-scented gravy
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Assumedly, no Malay function is complete without a rendang dish. Typically, it’s either beef rendang or chicken rendang. But what is rendang? It’s our Malay Malaysian dish, crafted with various local herbs, coconut milk (EASIEST MALAYSIAN NASI LEMAK RECIPE) and a choice of beef or chicken as the base. These are the essential ingredients, though variations with additional elements do exist. Today, as the recipe name suggests, it’s chicken rendang - not the usual kind, but my own version with a creative twist. Interesting, right?

Sunday, July 16, 2023

Lavish Coffee House: A Treat for the Senses

Indulge in a culinary journey, for even food enthusiasts deserve a treat from time to time (Signature Tiffins Cafe). Whether it's to reward ourselves for our hard work and dedication or simply to savor life's pleasures, treating ourselves is a nourishment for both the mind and soul (He Ju Kopitiam & Nutz & Boltz). Today, at about 10:15 AM, we found ourselves at Lavish Coffee House (No 16-G, Jalan Eco Santuari 8/2B, Eco Santuari, Selangor) immersed in its captivating ambiance. The menu instantly caught our attention, offering a plethora of options to satisfy our cravings. Among the array of choices, we opted for Ladies Breakfast Set (RM23.00), which came with a steaming cup of Americano and a plate of Kampung Fried Rice (RM19.90), alongside a comforting Cafe Latte (RM9.90).

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Easy Spinach Lentil Curry - Indian Style

Indian thick curry made with red Malabar spinach, red lentil, coconut milk, ghee, curry leaves, red chili, and cumin seeds
A dish I’ve made countless times and is a favorite in my home, spinach lentil curry holds a special place at our table. Packed with nutritious ingredients like spinach, lentils, coconut milk, and spices, it’s a comforting and wholesome dish. Each time I prepare it, I tweak the ingredients for a slightly different version, ensuring it never becomes monotonous or boring (EGG GREEN CURRY RECIPE). 

Spinach lentil curry is not only easy to assemble but also bursts with flavor. For this version, I use red Malabar spinach and red lentil, though other varieties work beautifully as well. The blend of spinach, lentil, coconut milk, ghee, curry leaves, and cumin seeds elevates spinach lentil curry as a forever timeless classic Indian dish (CURRY LEAF RICE - 3 VARIETIES). 

Friday, July 7, 2023

Egg Curry Recipe: Thai Green Curry Style

A silver small wok with boiled eggs in creamy, aromatic green curry
Eggs – they’re the universal culinary treasure, right? At my house, they’re a staple, always on standby for those emergency cooking situations. Who doesn’t love the versatility of eggs? Countless dishes, endless creativity, and egg curries being one of them. Today’s recipe still features eggs, but in a thick, green curry (THAI GREEN CRAB CURRY & BASIL PEPPER CRAB). Once you make the green chillies and herbs-scented Thai paste, you’re good to go. The rest is simple – aromatic and creamy, mouthwatering boiled eggs in green curry (EASY INDIAN EGG CURRY). 

Thursday, July 6, 2023

Signature Tiffins Cafe: Exploring a New Eatery in Bandar Rimbayu (Teluk Panglima Garang)

Two weeks ago, a fellow food enthusiast and I embarked on a delightful culinary adventure in Bandar Rimbayu, uncovering yet another food paradise. As a resident of Kota Kemuning, I was thrilled to find an expanding dining scene right in our own backyard. On a leisurely Sunday afternoon, we made our way to Signature Tiffins Cafe (Blossom Square, 7-G, Jalan Flora 1/4, Bandar Rimbayu, Teluk Panglima Garang, Selangor), a 20-minute drive away, and were pleased to discover that parking was a breeze. Bandar Rimbayu has truly evolved into a haven for food lovers (Nutz & Boltz, & He Ju Kopitiam) offering us an abundance of new and exciting eateries to explore, including those in Kota Kemuning.

Monday, July 3, 2023

A Foodie's Journey in Taman Tun Dr Ismail: Unveiling the Culinary Delights of Alora Spices

Usually, my food hunting adventures take place within Kota Kemuning. However, a week ago, I had the pleasure of venturing into Taman Tun Dr Ismail after a delightful outing with a dear friend in Bukit Bintang. In search of a satisfying late lunch, we stumbled upon Alora Spices, an Indian eatery that instantly captivated us with its inviting ambiance and clean atmosphere. Join me as I recount the flavorsome experience and delectable dishes that awaited us at this hidden gem.

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Curry Leaf Rice: Three Simple Recipes

Rice cooked with coconut oil, curry leaves, salt, and water
The aroma of curry leaves is a natural perfume for the senses - imagine that scent in a rice dish? Sounds fantastic, right? Absolutely. By the way, have you made curry leaf rice before, or even tasted it? You should, because the aroma of curry leaves lingering in your kitchen while cooking and in the rice dish will bring a smile to your face when you tuck in (BUTTERFLY BLUE PEA FLOWER RICE). 

Friday, June 23, 2023

A Delicious Evening Delight: Nutz N Boltz Quayside Mall Review

Last week, we decided to break our routine Sunday lunch outing and instead opted for a delightful dinner. Thanks to my accommodating husband for adjusting our plans, as I had some afternoon commitments to attend to. Being a woman entrepreneur, sometimes we need to shift priorities and adapt our schedules accordingly. Our destination for the evening was Nutz N Boltz Quayside Mall, Telok Panglima Garang. Although it had been around for some time, I hadn't explored it yet. As a passionate foodie, I felt it was time to personally experience the flavors and determine if the reviews I had read truly held merit. After all, tasting and discovering food ourselves allows us to form our own opinions rather than blindly relying on others' experiences, as our palates and preferences differ.

Monday, June 19, 2023

Crab Masala Recipe

Indian crab masala dish cooked with spices and infused with the fragrance of curry leaves.
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Have you realized that compared to enjoying a crab meal outside, nothing compares to savoring a crab dish at home (BLACK PEPPER & GREEN CRAB CURRY)? You can sit comfortably, take your time, and use your fingers to dig in, feeling the spiciness ignite sparks on your lips, tongue, and throat. We cherish our home-cooked crab, and nothing beats a crab dish infused with Indian spices - thick, spicy gravy or sauce that coats the crabs, leaving them drenched in fiery, lingering flavor (EASIEST MUTTON CURRY RECIPES). This crab masala dish is exactly that. Sit back and picture yourself indulging in it? Pow!!!

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Exploring the Versatility of Brazilian Spinach: A Hidden Gem in the Culinary World

Discovering new ingredients is always an exciting journey, and my encounter with Brazilian spinach, about four years ago, was nothing short of a delightful surprise. Prior to that, I had never even heard of this leafy green vegetable. Its origin remained a mystery, intriguing me to delve deeper into its background. Today, I not only grow Brazilian spinach myself, but also relish its diverse culinary applications. Join me as we explore this fascinating ingredient and its simple yet flavorsome Malaysian-style stir-fry recipe.

Monday, June 12, 2023

He Ju Kopitiam: A Culinary Adventure Through a Food Critic's Lens

We decided to check out a kopitiam, which has become quite popular lately. It seems that just using the word "kopitiam" in a restaurant's name attracts customers for different reasons. Kopitiams can be simple coffee shops serving Malaysian food or fancier places with nice decorations and air conditioning. The fancier ones may be a bit pricier, but they attract people with their tasty food and cozy atmosphere. The one we went to was somewhere in the middle, offering a variety of delicious dishes from both Malaysia and other countries on their menu.

Thursday, June 8, 2023

Lemongrass/Serai: Benefits and Lemongrass Tea/Cordial

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Lemongrass has a soothing, fresh, and clean fragrance that combines bright citrus notes with subtle herbal undertones. The aroma (EASY TIPS FOR GROWING SPRING ONIONS) is a delicate balance of lemony zest with earthy sweetness, enriched by a hint of green freshness. It’s an invigorating scent that not only calms the mind but also rejuvenates the spirit, making it one of my favorite fragrances. At Nava’s Zen, lemongrass is an essential part of our wellness practices, offering both aromatherapy benefits and culinary versatility (LEMONGRASS RICE).

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Best Vegetarian Okra Salad - Malay Style

okra salad made with fried & pounded coconut, sliced onion, red chillies, lemongrass & lime juice.
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No-Cook Vegetarian Okra Salad, or Kerabu Bendi as it's known among the Malaysian Malay community. Isn’t it amazing that even okra can shine in a no-cook salad? By the way, kerabu needs no introduction - I’ve previously shared Kerabu Taugeh/Bean Sprout Salad and Kerabu Mangga/Mango Salad) (KERABU TAUGEH/BEAN SPROUT SALAD).

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Restoran Top 1 Kopitiam: Malaysia's Vibrant Street Food Scene

As an avid food lover, I may not claim to be the world's top foodie, but I've had my fair share of dining experiences both within and outside my country. While traveling abroad, I've had the pleasure of indulging in various cuisines. I must confess, I'm not a picky eater and can enjoy a meal anywhere without following strict food rules. 

Unlike some self-proclaimed foodies, I embrace all sorts of culinary delights, except for beef due to my religious beliefs rooted in Hinduism. Although I cook regularly at home, I often take a break to explore the realm of dining out. Lately, I've found myself drawn to the fascinating world of street food, which offers a delightful array of flavors right here in Malaysia.

Friday, June 2, 2023

Personalized Diet Plans: Your Unique Weight Loss Journey

Losing weight and achieving your desired shape and size is a personal journey that requires careful consideration of various factors. While someone else's diet plan may have worked wonders for them, it's crucial to understand that one size does not fit all. We are unique individuals with different lifestyles, ages, professions, likes, and dislikes. This article aims to shed light on the importance of customized diet plans and the positive impact they can have on your weight loss journey.

Embrace Your Individuality

Every person's body is different, and what works for someone else may not necessarily work for you. It's essential to recognize and appreciate your individuality when it comes to your diet and weight loss goals. Your lifestyle, preferences, and specific needs should all be taken into account.

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Gardening Tips for Beginners

Gardener on ladder in Nava’s Zen garden
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Not sure how to start or where to begin your gardening journey? Don’t worry! With over 20 years of experience, I’m here to guide you step by step. Gardening doesn’t have to be overwhelming - it’s all about keeping it simple and fun. In this article, we’ll focus on gardening on the ground, leaving aside container gardening for the time being. Let’s dig in.


Where to Plant
Start by identifying a plot of land within your compound. Even a small area, like the patch of land near your gate, can work wonders. Consider how much space you have and choose a location that gets enough sunlight. Accessibility for watering and maintenance is key - ensure it’s easy to reach and work with.


Cleaning Up
Before planting, clear the area thoroughly. Remove weeds, rocks, and debris from both the surface and below the soil. A clean foundation is essential for healthier plants and makes planting easier. Remember, the larger the plot, the more time it will take to prepare, so start small if you’re a beginner.

Nutrient-rich soil for gardening

Soil Matters

Examine the soil type in your chosen area. In Malaysia, clay soil is common but tends to harden quickly, especially in hot weather. If the soil is too hard, water won’t penetrate deeply, which can hinder plant growth. Consider enhancing the soil by mixing in black soil or compost. Black soil not only improves moisture retention but also adds an attractive contrast when paired with lush green plants.


Essential Tools
Equip yourself with the basics:

A hand trowel for planting and digging.

Pruning shears for trimming plants.

Garden gloves for protection and comfort.

A watering can for precise watering.

Start with these essentials and expand your toolkit as needed. For example, a small shovel and soil moisture meter can be helpful once you’re more experienced.

Essential gardening tools for beginners

Protection and Safety

Always wear gardening gloves - they protect your hands from dirt, thorns, and insects. Consider gardening boots if you’re working on uneven or rocky ground. If you’re out in the sun for long hours, a wide-brimmed hat and sunscreen are must-haves for your safety.


What to Plant
Choose plants suited to your climate and environment. As a beginner, focus on low-maintenance options. Those grow easily and are satisfying to nurture. Avoid  ambitious choices to start; small successes will build your confidence as you grow your green thumb.


Learning Along the Way
Gardening is an ongoing learning experience. Read books, explore online resources, or join free gardening workshops if available. Don’t hesitate to ask for advice at local nurseries - most staff are happy to share tips. Every plant you grow teaches you something new, making the journey all the more rewarding.

Gardener’s credentials and expertise

Dedication and Passion

Gardening requires time, effort, and a love for the process. Be prepared to get sweaty and dirty - it’s part of the experience. Dedication and passion will help you enjoy the challenges and rewards that come with nurturing your own green haven.


Happy gardening. In the next article, we will dwell into other matters on gardening.

Applying fertilizer to garden plants
(Ms. Nava is a dynamic individual in her 60s, leading yoga sessions at Nava's Zen while also embracing her passion for gardening through Zen Blooming. With credentials in gardening and extensive experience, she cultivates a serene environment that reflects her commitment to Zen, inspiring others to find balance and tranquility in their lives). 


Young Adult Health Crisis in Selangor, Malaysia: Can Yoga Help?

Autho r Ms. Krishnan N, a Zen entrepreneur in her 60s, founded Nava's Zen at 58. With 22 years as a lecturer, including 13 years in the ...