Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Challengers Faced By Late 50s Indian Woman Entrepreneur - Ms.Nava (Part 2)

Prepared as I was, the true entrepreneurial learning curve only begins once you're in the system. It's a reality that the curve throws challengers your way, regularly or sporadically. As I move forward (Entrepreneurial Pull Factors) as an Indian woman entrepreneur in my late 50s, these challengers question my capabilities and abilities (Challengers Part 1).



Competition is inevitable and keeps me on my toes. It's not about comparing myself to others in the industry, but staying aware of their offerings. Nava's Zen, with its unique nature-inspired approach, stands apart. Yet, should we reinvent our wheels or lower prices to capture our target market effectively? Staying ahead of competitors requires time, money, and brand building—especially as a solopreneur.

Social Harassment

Digital marketing exposes me to both expected and unexpected challenges—social harassment being one of them. Being active on social media platforms is essential for personal and business branding. However, age and race seem to attract unwelcome attention. As a liberal Indian woman promoting my business through dance and yoga outfits, I face sleazy comments and direct messages. Dealing with these disgusting incidents is a choice between ignoring, avoiding digital marketing, or accepting that some individuals in society are irrational.


Age itself is not a major obstacle, but it does come with its realities. Energy levels may decline, and the fact that my biological clock stopped ticking 18 years ago sometimes affects me emotionally. Palpitations, anxiety attacks, and nervousness arise occasionally. Though my mindset helps counter these challenges, I cannot halt the natural process of biological aging.

Managing the Husband

Managing the husband alone is a challenge in itself. I won't shy away from admitting it. Perhaps, it's rooted in the cultural upbringing that glorifies Indian men, placing them on a pedestal. How do I navigate this Indian social norm while still being the all-rounder managing household affairs? Complicating matters, my husband is comfortably retired while I, in my late 50s, remain an ambitious go-getter. Honesty prevails: managing the husband is no smooth ride.

In conclusion, navigating the entrepreneurial journey in my late 50s as an Indian woman comes with its fair share of hurdles. However, I am determined to overcome them. Through resilience, adaptability, and a growth mindset, I strive to inspire others to pursue their dreams, no matter the age or gender.

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