Friday, October 27, 2023

Inner Peace or Happiness: A Personal Choice

In life, we often come across the decision between two special feelings: inner peace and happiness. Many like the idea of being at peace within themselves, staying calm and balanced no matter what's happening outside. For them, inner peace is like a steady ship in the stormy sea of life. Others, like me, prefer happiness. They believe it's possible to be happy even without a particular reason. For them, happiness is like a bright light that shines from within. It can affect not only them but also everyone around them. It's like a warm, glowing feeling.

Inner Peace: The Calm Harbor

People who like inner peace find it comforting. It's like an emotional anchor that keeps them steady. No matter how crazy the world gets, they feel stable inside. It's all about feeling relaxed and in harmony with themselves. Inner peace doesn't go away when things get tough. It's always there to lean on. It's like a friend who stays with you, even when times are hard (Intriguing Mindfulness).

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Drumstick/Murungai Potato Curry - A Healthy and Flavorful Delight

If you're looking for a delicious and nutritious meatless curry, look no further than the Drumstick/Murungai Potato Curry. Packed with essential nutrients and bursting with flavors, this dish is perfect for vegetarians, vegans, and anyone seeking a wholesome meal. Curries are known for their health benefits, thanks to the powerful spices they contain, including chili powder, which aids digestion and provides relief from constipation and gas. In addition to the spices, the star of this recipe, the murungai (drumsticks) from the moringa tree boasts a host of health benefits, making this curry a true wellness wonder. As part of our Zen life, the drumsticks from Nava's Zen come from our own moringa tree. Let's delve into the recipe and explore its delightful taste and goodness.

Thursday, October 19, 2023

How To Design A Vegetarian Dinner Party Menu

Throwing a dinner party is the kind of thing you definitely want to get right, and it’s really something of an art because there’s so much planning and hard work to put into making sure everything goes off smoothly. However, when you get it right, and everyone has a good time, you’ll feel great and proud of what you’ve done, and your guests will have a positive and memorable experience. 

If you have a vegetarian guest, it isn’t always easy to make one dish just for them, and what could be an easier option is to design an entirely vegetarian menu. Not only does this make things easier for you, but it’s probably not something your veggie guest has ever experienced before, so they’ll love it. Plus, if you choose the right food and cook it well, your other guests will enjoy it too, and it might even show them what can be done when meat’s off the menu. With that in mind, here are some tips to help you design a vegetarian menu for your dinner party. 

        Photo by Rene Asmussen  

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Intriguing Mindfulness: Ms.Nava's Unique Perspective

Mindfulness, a concept open to interpretation, holds a special place in the heart of Ms. Nava. It all starts with nurturing a healthy mind that accepts the uniqueness of every individual's perspective. While academic theories and findings on mindfulness offer a wealth of knowledge, they also invite discussion, disagreement, and debate. Yet, the ultimate choice is ours, shaped by the workings of our own minds. For a deeper dive into my version of mindfulness, let's explore it together  

Mindfulness (The Abundance Of Mindfulness), in my view, begins with an understanding of what transpires within and around us. It encompasses our thoughts, emotions, feelings, and how we perceive the world. This mental landscape  (Mental Health) is intimately connected to the heart, where we discover more about ourselves and our interpretations of the external world. In my perspective, the two are intertwined.

Sunday, October 8, 2023

World Mental Health Day: Embrace Silence, Nurture Kindness

World Mental Health Day, yet every day should be dedicated to nurturing our mental well-being. Take a moment to observe your surroundings, and you'll quickly realize that each one of us, including myself, requires positive mental health. This awareness is essential because mental health can encompass both positive and negative aspects. Before delving into the subject of mental health, consider spending just one minute silencing your thoughts to listen to yourself. Only through self-listening can we truly assess our mental well-being. Otherwise, we may find ourselves preaching about mental health to others without addressing our own needs. It's paramount to start with self-awareness.

Monday, October 2, 2023

Sri Lankan Fish Curry/Malu Hodhi - A Modified and Creative Twist!

Are you ready to embark on a culinary journey to Sri Lanka with a mouthwatering fish curry recipe? Get ready to tantalize your taste buds with a modified and creative twist on the traditional Malu Hodhi, featuring the delightful flavors of Sri Lankan cuisine. While it may not be an exact replica of the authentic dish, this version is sure to impress with its fusion of spices, coconut milk, and a touch of creativity that makes cooking an artful expression.

Fried Fish with Soy Sauce

Home-cooked food holds a special place, especially considering the time taken by our careers and the hours spent driving in city traffic....