Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Nava's Zen: Cultivating Green Living in Urban Zen

The passion for sustainable living (Cultivating Sustainable Living) seamlessly transitioned into the heart of my nature-inspired fitness zen, Nava's Zen. This time around, I expanded the concept to embrace the essence of green living. Bringing this vision to life required significant self-financing, involving a substantial portion of my savings and a contribution from my husband. The transformation began with the porch of our zen, nestled in a double-storey link house adjacent to our home. This space underwent a complete makeover, with the contractor's fee, soil addition, and various other necessities being covered to convert it into a haven of green living (Cultivating Convenient Gardening).

Monday, January 29, 2024

Manjoe Taiwanese Dumplings (Kota Kemuning): A Rainbow of Colors

A few days ago, while in the midst of grocery shopping for our home, I stumbled upon Manjoe Taiwanese Dumplings in Kota Kemuning. The Rainbow Dumpling immediately caught my attention with its vibrant colors:

Earthy Green Spinach/Chives 

Bright Yellow Pumpkin/Signature 
Soft Red Beetroot/Spicy Kimchi 
Vibrant Blue Butterfly Peas Flowers/Fresh Prawns 
Original/Fresh Fish 
Mellow Black Charcoal/Cabbage  ...........all crafting a holistic wellness color allure on my palate.

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Turmeric Wrapped Grilled Fish Platter: An Experience in Culinary Mindfulness

Mindful eating is all about savoring each bite as an expression of love for food. While the saying "we are what we eat" holds true, it doesn't mean settling for bland meals. Indulge in delightful, mind-loving, and delicious food with just a touch of mindful thinking. Crafting wonderful meals becomes part of your mindful eating journey.

Consider this Malaysian platter: 

A modest portion of steamed basmati rice 

Grilled aubergine mixed with raw shallots, chillies, and lime juice

Turmeric-wrapped fish marinated with fresh turmeric juice, a dash of salt, a hint of chili powder for a spicy kick

Our local Malaysian herb, Ulam Raja, also known as King Salad. 

Friday, January 26, 2024

Radiant Aging: Dignity Through Holistic Wellness

As an ardent advocate for anti-aging, let me unveil the true essence  - it's not about chasing fleeting youth or cosmetic fixes. Instead, it's an artful practice of presenting your best self at every age through self-care. Imagine yoga as the enchanting melody in this anti-aging masterpiece, harmonizing mind, body, and soul for a resonant aging journey.

For me personally, yoga has been a profound mentor of mindfulness - revealing my identity, strengths, and weaknesses. It has guided me in recognizing my tribe, influencing how I conduct yoga sessions with mindfulness as a vital component. This heightened awareness has expanded my thinking, becoming an integral part of my journey as I age with dignity.

Monday, January 22, 2024

Malaysian Vegetarian Korma Curry: A Culinary Harmony of Homegrown Flavors

Can I express how the aromatic wafts of Korma Curry permeate my home with a delightful warmth? Well, it's not merely about preference; it's a culinary delight, especially for my significant other, who has an insatiable craving for curry. Thus, approximately every two months, I embark on crafting a Korma dish, each time experimenting with a different twist (Muglai Style Vegetarian Korma). The variety comes not from drastic changes but subtle tweaks to the ingredients, creating a unique Korma experience on every occasion.

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Cultivating Sustainable Living in Urban Spaces: A Personal Journey

We take immense pride in our contribution to sustainable living as the founder of Nava's Zen. It is not merely a business concept for us but a core philosophy embedded in our ethos. Our commitment to nature-inspired fitness and zen living extends beyond our business - it's a reflection of our unwavering love for the environment. Before Nava's Zen evolved into a sustainable fitness zen, my passion for gardening spanned two decades (
Cultivating Convenient Garden). 

It all began in my home, where I dedicatedly invested in creating a therapeutic space for breath, body, mind, and soul. The journey started with the installation of a pergola and substantial investments in plants, soil, and all essentials for sustainable living.

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Making the Right Choice: Smart Strategies in Buying a Car on a Budget

Cars have definitely changed our lives forever. After all, it allows us to travel anytime and anywhere we want! However, you also can't deny that buying your own car can significantly affect your budget. After all, it's expensive!

Image Credit: ThomasScott | Unslplash.com

But did you know that you can still have your own car even if you're on a budget?


How? It's simple - make smart choices!

Saturday, January 6, 2024

The Charcoal Grill: An Entrepreneurial Triumph

Embarking on a remarkable entrepreneurial journey that began as a humble stall in a Kota Kemuning coffee shop in 2017, The Charcoal Grill has undergone a remarkable transformation, now standing as a full-fledged restaurant located at 28-1, Jln Anggerik Vanilla BE 31/BE, Kota Kemuning, 40460 Shah Alam, Selangor. As one of their patrons from the early stall days, I have always appreciated their grilled platters, particularly the succulent lamb chops. Recently, together with my other half-half, we dined in to experience their expanded offerings and revamped ambiance.

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Vegetarian Nasi Ulam/Herbs Rice: Three Unique Twists

Hey there! Have you noticed more people ditching meat and going for vegetarian diets? Are you wondering why? Well, folks are doing it for all sorts of reasons – from wanting to be kinder to the planet to boosting their health. A simple diet change can make you feel better and do good for the world at the same time. But, on the flip side, have you noticed people seem to be getting nastier, all in the name of success, fame, and fortune? Sorry for being blunt, but it's the harsh reality.


Here's a little secret: while a vegetarian diet might be great for your body, it’s your mind and soul that really count. Are you being true to yourself and others? Ouch! I won't dive deeper into how some humans are getting uglier inside, but let’s get to the fun part: a tasty recipe!

Fried Fish with Soy Sauce

Home-cooked food holds a special place, especially considering the time taken by our careers and the hours spent driving in city traffic....