Monday, November 18, 2024

Easy Tips for Menopause

At 37, my periods became sparse - sometimes lasting only a day, then disappearing for months. I knew menopause was coming, but I wasn't sure when. My perimenopause lasted for 7 years, finally culminating at age 45. It was a confusing time, filled with unanswered questions, and I wondered if my health issues were making menopause worse. Now, I want to share what I’ve learned.

Stay Calm and Relax

Menopause is a transition, and staying calm is key. Don't let yourself get overwhelmed. Keep up with your daily routine, but take breaks when needed. Don’t stress about it too much - giving yourself time to breathe is crucial (BREATHWORK AND MINDFULNESS FOR CALMNESS).

Staying calm and relaxed during menopause
See a Gynaecologist, Not Just Any Doctor
If you suspect it’s menopause, seeing a gynaecologist is crucial. A general practitioner may not immediately identify the issue and might recommend unnecessary tests, costing you both time and money. An experienced gynaecologist can quickly assess whether you're in perimenopause or menopause and guide you from there.


Take Advice with Caution

A good gynaecologist won’t rush to prescribe hormone replacement therapy (HRT) right away. They'll discuss the side effects and recommend it only in severe cases, along with the duration.


Beware of Advice from Friends and Family

Menopause has changed over the years. In the past, women faced fewer stressors, but today, we juggle many responsibilities. What worked for your mother or friends might not apply to you. It’s important to seek expert guidance, not just anecdotal advice.


Menopause is Different for Every Woman

Symptoms can vary greatly - some women experience none at all. It's essential to be discerning about the advice you receive. Steer clear of those who act like “know-it-alls.” These people can trigger unnecessary anxiety and make the transition more stressful.


Alone Time Can Be Healing

Sometimes, being alone helps you process what you're going through without the added pressure of others’ opinions. This time can give you space to understand the changes happening in your body.

Woman enjoying a solo meal, smiling, embracing me-time for healing during menopause
Be Careful with Supplements
Avoid jumping into supplements without consulting your gynaecologist. Not all products are safe or effective. And when it comes to sleep issues, don’t rely on sleeping pills or alcohol, as they can worsen symptoms like hot flashes (HOW TO SLEEP BETTER).


Find Support

Having a close, supportive person is vital. These individuals should be there to listen, not judge. Their support can make the process less isolating and help you navigate the changes with more ease.


Looking back, I made some mistakes that made this journey harder for me. But I learned from them, and I hope sharing my experiences helps you navigate this transition with a bit more ease and clarity. Remember, menopause is a unique experience for each of us - there’s no one-size-fits-all approach. My hope is that these tips make your journey a little smoother than mine.

(Ms. Nava is a Zen entrepreneur who founded Nava's Zen at 58 and is now in her 60s. She is a certified yoga instructor, coach, and counselor. With over 22 years of lecturing experience, including 13 years in the Curtin University Australia Degree Twinning Program, she shares her passion for Zenfulness through the small steps we take towards aging gracefully and fostering personal growth).

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