Saturday, February 17, 2024

Unexpected at 58: Senior Entrepreneurship Revealed Through Yoga Discovery

I discovered yoga during a challenging phase marked by a relapse of menopausal symptoms. This turmoil affected my breath, body, mind, and soul, leading a doctor to recommend yoga as a remedy. Yes, you read it right - recommended by a doctor. Despite initial skepticism and minimal exposure to yoga, I decided to give it a try. Initially, my understanding was clouded by instructors overly emphasizing advanced poses and singling me out as a beginner.


Their focus was 90% on yoga poses, and only 10% on the healing power of pranayama, the breathwork (Medication Or Holistic Wellness Yoga). However, that 10% of breathwork turned out to be the crucial healing component, which I started practicing at home for just 2-3 minutes at intervals. Honestly, it calmed my mind, highlighting the vital connection between awareness and mental well-being. While yoga poses played a role, the emphasis on advanced postures seemed less accommodating to individual capacities.


The gains from yoga were substantial, revealing the true me hidden amid confusion. Intrigued by the potential for positive change, I pursued yoga credentials and took additional courses to enhance my knowledge and skills.


At 58, I founded Nava's Zen, proudly embracing the title of Senior Entrepreneur (Senior Entrepreneur Ms Nava) with a preference for light brown over gray hair. This unembellished account reflects the genuine impact of yoga on my life.

I believe sincerity resonates in our words, connecting with each reader's breath, body, mind, and soul.


Can you sense the authenticity in this narrative?

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