Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Yoga’s Role in Adolescent Mental Health: A Call to Action

This article explores the potential of yoga as a proactive intervention for addressing mental health challenges among adolescents. Drawing on existing research and qualitative insights, it examines the pressures faced by adolescents today, including academic stress, peer influences, and the impact of social media. Additionally, the pressure to excel and succeed imposed by parents (The Role of Yoga in Adolescent Mental Health), highlighting the multifaceted challenges adolescents navigate in contemporary society.

Yoga, rooted in ancient practices of physical postures, breath control, and meditation, offers a holistic approach to enhancing mental well-being. Evidence suggests that yoga can significantly reduce stress, anxiety, and depression while promoting emotional regulation and overall health.


Despite its proven benefits, there remains a lack of awareness and integration of yoga in adolescent health initiatives. This article advocates for increased awareness among parents, educators, and policymakers, emphasizing the role of yoga in supporting adolescent mental health. By fostering a culture of yoga in educational and community settings, we can empower adolescents to navigate life's challenges with resilience and well-being.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Fried Fish with Soy Sauce

Home-cooked food holds a special place, especially considering the time taken by our careers and the hours spent driving in city traffic. Whether it's men or women doing the cooking, eating out or ordering takeout has become common due to hectic careers that leave little time for cooking. Despite these challenges, many still cherish the simplicity and satisfaction of a homemade meal - even a single dish with rice and a side of salad or sliced cucumber can provide a sense of comfort and fulfilment.

Given the value placed on homemade meals, let me share a recipe that embodies this simplicity and flavor: fish with soy sauce. As the fish fries, the preparation of the remaining ingredients is straightforward. Only ginger requires slicing; the rest are added to enhance the dish's taste and aroma.

Penang Thaipusam: A Journey of Faith and Discovery

Truth be told, the foundation of Hinduism, I’m not your typical holy Hindu or devotee (MASI MAGAM PANGKOR). Performing poojas or hosting prayers at home by inviting a priest is not part of my routine. Fasting and following a vegetarian diet, even on Hindu festivals, are practices of the devout Hindus I know. These individuals have taught many lessons about faith and spirituality despite their contradictions in attitude, character, and behaviors.

Still, I had a reason for making a vow, not for myself, but for something else which I prefer not to share. To fulfill this vow by carrying the Paal Kudam (Milk Pot) during Thaipusam, I went to Penang. This was my third time attending the festival, though previously I had only observed the celebrations. This time, it was for the Paal Kudam vow.

Yoga’s Role in Adolescent Mental Health: A Call to Action

Abstract This article explores the potential of yoga as a proactive intervention for addressing mental health challenges among adolescents. ...