Thursday, December 26, 2024

Vegetable Stew Recipe - Sayur Lodeh Putih

A vegetable stew with coconut milk, long beans, tofu, orange sweet potatoes, scented with lemongrass and coriander leaves.
Vegetable stew is a beloved dish worldwide, but in Asian countries, it's often prepared with coconut milk. In Sri Lanka (KIRI HODI RECIPE) and Kerala, you’ll find variations with turmeric for a yellow hue or simply showcasing the creamy whiteness of coconut milk. In Malaysia, we have our own unique version - Sayur Lodeh Putih.

This Malay dish is traditionally served with nasi hempit, lontong, or ketupat (compressed rice cakes), or you can pair it with your usual rice meals, along with other sides as well.

My version is the ultimate blend - scented with lemongrass and coriander leaves, mildly spicy, let alone boldly creamy. Adding orange sweet potatoes elevates the flavors even further. Mouthwatering, isn’t it? Absolutely!


Blend/Pound (for a paste)
1 lemongrass
5 garlic cloves
4 shallots
Some water


Other Ingredients
2 pieces of white tofu, sliced
2 sweet potatoes -  peeled and cut into chunks
20 long beans -  sliced into 1-inch lengths
1-2 red chilies - seeds removed and sliced
2 sprigs coriander leaves -  shredded
1 cup thick coconut milk
1 tbsp oil
Salt to taste

Heat oil and sauté the blended ingredients for 1-2 minutes.
Add sweet potatoes and pour in one cup of water.
Season with salt.
When the potatoes are half-cooked, add long beans and continue to simmer until both are soft.
Add tofu and coconut milk, stirring until heated through.
Remove from heat and stir in coriander leaves and chilies.

Coconut milk stew with long beans, tofu, orange sweet potatoes, shallots, garlic, lemongrass, and coriander leaves.

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