Monday, July 1, 2024

Fried Fish with Soy Sauce

Home-cooked food holds a special place, especially considering the time taken by our careers and the hours spent driving in city traffic. Whether it's men or women doing the cooking, eating out or ordering takeout has become common due to hectic careers that leave little time for cooking. Despite these challenges, many still cherish the simplicity and satisfaction of a homemade meal - even a single dish with rice and a side of salad or sliced cucumber can provide a sense of comfort and fulfilment.

Given the value placed on homemade meals, let me share a recipe that embodies this simplicity and flavor: fish with soy sauce. As the fish fries, the preparation of the remaining ingredients is straightforward. Only ginger requires slicing; the rest are added to enhance the dish's taste and aroma.

Penang Thaipusam: A Journey of Faith and Discovery

Truth be told, the foundation of Hinduism, I’m not your typical holy Hindu or devotee (MASI MAGAM PANGKOR). Performing poojas or hosting prayers at home by inviting a priest is not part of my routine. Fasting and following a vegetarian diet, even on Hindu festivals, are practices of the devout Hindus I know. These individuals have taught many lessons about faith and spirituality despite their contradictions in attitude, character, and behaviors.

Still, I had a reason for making a vow, not for myself, but for something else which I prefer not to share. To fulfill this vow by carrying the Paal Kudam (Milk Pot) during Thaipusam, I went to Penang. This was my third time attending the festival, though previously I had only observed the celebrations. This time, it was for the Paal Kudam vow.

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Bergen Sightseeing & Denmark-Norway Reflections

As we neared the end of our Denmark (COPENHAGEN) and Norway (BERGEN CHRONICLES & OSLO) journey, our second-to-last day kicked off at Bergen's lively waterfront. Surrounded by boats of all shapes and sizes, I couldn't resist the pull of the sea. Whether it's the ocean's vastness, a winding river, or a tranquil pond, water always captivates me. The blend of nature and history in Bergen stirred a mix of wonder and anticipation. At the port, I snapped photos eagerly, trying to freeze every moment in time. But as I looked out over the sea, my mind wandered beyond the horizon.

Friday, June 28, 2024

Mee Siam Kuah/Gravy (Vegetarian)

Shall we cook mee siam? Why not! I have two delightful Mee Siam recipes for you: one with a rich gravy, known as "kuah," and the other in a dry style. These dishes are part of Peranakan cuisine, which beautifully blends Chinese and Malay influences. In the Peranakan community, women are called Nyonya and men are called Baba. This is why recipes are often labeled as Nyonya cuisine rather than Baba cuisine.

Now, let’s dive into these recipes. I’d love to hear your feedback, so please let me know if you try them. You can reach out to me on our social media platforms. Thank you in advance

Thursday, June 27, 2024

The Role of Yoga in Adolescent Mental Health

In my informal conversations with parents of adolescents, a recurring theme emerges: the impressive achievements and activities their children are involved in - from academic successes to a plethora of extracurricular engagements. Whether it's excelling in exams, mastering musical instruments, Indian classical dancing or traditional forms like ballet and participating in sports like karate and swimming, these achievements are often proudly showcased as markers of parental success in nurturing well-rounded children.

However, when the topic of yoga is introduced (Fear No Yoga) into these discussions, I notice a distinct shift in reactions. It's as if I've mentioned something inconsequential or lacking in prestige. This reaction begs several questions: Could this be due to a lack of awareness about yoga's benefits? Is it because yoga lacks the competitive edge of other activities? Or perhaps, participating in yoga doesn't offer the same opportunities for parental bragging rights as winning a sports competition or a music recital?

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Sardine Varuval (Dry Style)

Canned sardines - you either love 'em or hate 'em. Some folks hear "canned sardines" and start ranting about how unhealthy canned food is, throwing in wild tales about worms. Ironically, the loudest complainers often have their own health issues. Should we really listen to them? I say, ignore the naysayers! If you’re a true sardine fan like me, this sardine varuval recipe is for you. And while we're at it, here are a few more quick and easy sardine recipes for when you're pressed for time.

Chili Sardine
Pat dry canned sardines and fry them.
Remove from heat, then add chopped chilies (red, green, or bird’s eye), shallots, a pinch of salt, and a drizzle of lime juice.
Lightly toss everything together for a spicy, tangy treat with a crispy outer layer and a burst of heat from the chilies, balanced by the zesty lime.

Panty Picks: Exploring Today's Trendy Styles

Is it really as simple as just saying, "Time to replenish my undies," and heading to the store? Do you stick to the tried-and-true styles you've always loved, or are you on the lookout for the latest trends? Maybe you want to experiment with a different type this time around. And then there's the big question - are you even wearing the right panties? Or do you just grab whatever covers the essentials and call it a day?

The panties market has seen some huge changes in recent years. Every time you shop, you're likely to find new styles and trends. Panties have gone through their share of transformations, offering more choices than ever before (FITNESS BRA).

Monday, June 24, 2024

Karaikudi Kozhi Kuzhumbu/Chicken Curry

Karaikudi chicken curry, a delightful South Indian dish from Tamil Nadu's Chettinad region, is famed for its bold, spicy, and aromatic flavors. But have you explored "Ms. Nava's" take on this classic? Isn't cooking more about infusing your unique touch than simply following recipes? While I stay true to the essential spices for authenticity, my Malaysian Karaikudi Chicken Curry offers a distinct twist.

Imagine relishing tender chicken pieces in a luscious, spicy, and tangy curry atop fragrant saffron rice, alongside Cabbage Kootu (Cabbage Dal). Doesn't it tempt your palate with its myriad of flavors and enticing aroma? Ready to give it a try and perhaps send a heartfelt thanks to Ms. Nava for her delightful recipes? 

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Mutton Recipes: Diverse Delights

We're nearing the end of our mutton dish journey (MUTTON MARVELS & MUTTON MEDLEY) While a few more recipes exist, they simply tweak ingredients, not warranting sharing. Yet, here are three essential insights:

Mutton Dish Hues
Notice how some mutton dishes boast vibrant reds, while others are deeper in tone? It all boils down to the type of chili and curry powders used. Different brands incorporate various spices, so peek at the ingredients to pick your preference.

Bergen Chronicles: From Marine Marvels to Historical Treasures

Bergen, (OSLO & NORWAY)renowned for its frequent rainfall, greeted us with showers upon our arrival and persisted throughout our evening activities, including dinner at a high-end restaurant. The rain continued to accompany us even upon reaching our hotel. Dinner that evening held particular significance, providing much-needed nourishment after a day filled with strenuous activities. Fatigue had set in, prompting a longing for the comfort of our accommodations and the warmth of a soothing shower.

The following morning, we ventured to Bergen Aquarium, braving the inclement weather under provided umbrellas. As we explored the facility, the presence of penguins brought a sense of delight and wonder. Their carefree demeanor and striking appearance captivated my attention, offering a moment of respite amidst the gloomy weather. Observing these charming creatures evoked a sense of admiration and appreciation, reminding me of the beauty that can be found even in the midst of adversity.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Masi Magam Thiruvizha/Festival, Pulau Pangkor

I am definitely not the most devout person. I certainly don’t look like one, alright? But I believe deeply in my religion, Hinduism. You won't find me in the temple, fervently praying and performing rituals, because my philosophy towards Hinduism is that being a good human is what being religious truly means. Are you a good human?

When I was invited to attend the Pulau Pangkor Masi Magam Thiruvizha, or festival, I thought, why not? It would be my first experience, and I was eager to see what it was all about. My friend took care of all the arrangements, including transport. On Sunday, we departed from Klang Sentral Bus Terminal and arrived in Lumut by late afternoon for the ferry ride to Pulau Pangkor.

Chloe Palak (Spinach & Chickpea Curry)

Chole Palak, or Chana Palak, is a popular dish from northern India, typically enjoyed with roti or naan. Interestingly, even though you can find it in Northern Indian restaurants in Malaysia, it’s not commonly cooked by Malaysian Indians. I’ve never seen it at potlucks, gatherings, weddings, or other events. Do you know why? I’m curious! If you have any idea, please drop a comment.


At first, I didn’t cook Chole Palak either, but after trying it once, it became a regular dish in our home, especially loved by my husband. If you haven't made chickpea and spinach curry yet, now's a great time to start. I always use canned chickpeas—they save a lot of cooking time and are very convenient. It’s funny how some people, those who believe they are health gurus, avoid canned foods, believing they’re unhealthy. They insist on simmering or pressure cooking raw chickpeas.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

South Indian Style Fish Curry

Fish curries are a delightful explosion of spices, tantalizing our taste buds with their vibrant flavors and tender fish pieces immersed in rich, savory sauces. Across the globe, fish curries come in countless varieties (MUTTON MEDLEY COLLECTION), each with its unique blend of spices and ingredients. Even within South India, there is a diverse array of fish curry recipes, each with its distinct characteristics.

As a Malaysian, cooking fish curry is not just about showcasing the fish. It also involves adding vegetables like okra (ladies' fingers), brinjals (eggplants), and white radish, transforming the dish into a wholesome one-pot meal that often eliminates the need for additional vegetable sides. The choice of fish typically depends on the local catch or personal preferences. As we explore different fish curry recipes, you'll discover a range of options beyond this South Indian Style Fish Curry. So, sit back, browse through the recipes, and choose the one that will bring the flavors of a fish curry into your home.

Norway's Natural Wonders

The next morning (OSLO), we set off for Vossestrand. The journey was long but filled with stops to immerse in the breathtaking scenery, stretch our legs, and enjoy lunch. Untouched nature lined both sides of the road, making the drive feel like a moving postcard.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Vegetarian Nyonya Recipes: Contrasting Flavors

Once upon a time, cooking Nyonya Cuisine (NYONYA CUISINE: REDISCOVERING HERITAGE) meant pounding ingredients in a mortar. Today, it's all about convenience with food processors and blenders. But there's still one old-timer, Ms. Nava, pounding away now and then. While some women prefer showroom kitchens, she cooks in shorts, bringing Nyonya vegetarian recipes to life with flair! Unlike those reliant on helpers or fancy kitchen setups or cook for seeking validation and praising from others for occasions, Ms. Nava stays true to tradition, cooking for her family. She after using her Nyonya cooking knowledge, blends the old with the new, converting classic Nyonya dishes into delightful vegetarian versions, proving that culinary excellence knows no bounds.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Mindful Eating: The Wise Path to Better Health

We've discussed how what we eat affects our health (THE FOOD TRUTH), even leading to obesity. But staying healthy isn't just about eating salads all day. Enter mindful eating - a method that's more than just chewing. It's about using our brainpower to think about what we eat and make practical and reasonable choices. But what exactly is mindful (MINDFULNESS: NAVIGATING THE MODERN WORLD) eating? Let's find out.

Mastering Meal Planning

Planning your meals is the foundation of mindful eating. It involves making decisions about what to eat ahead of time, rather than spontaneously. Whether you plan a day or a week in advance, having a meal plan helps you be aware of what, where, and when you eat. This practice also kickstarts your grocery planning, ensuring you have the right ingredients.

Oslo Norway: Discovering Heritage Through Sightseeing

Even though we rushed to catch our overnight cruise to Oslo, Norway (COPENHAGEN PART 2 & COPENHAGEN PART 1), we ended up arriving even earlier than expected. Was there anything special about cruising to Oslo? Not really. After a quick half-hour stroll around the ship, I felt like I had seen it all. If gambling is your thing, the casino is there for you, but cruising just isn't my cup of tea. Dinner on board, however, was a delight, with a wide variety of options for those who love to indulge. After dinner, I retreated to my cabin, took a refreshing shower, and gazed out at the dark, mysterious sea before calling it a night.

The next morning greeted us with another fantastic buffet breakfast as the ship sailed on. When we finally docked in Oslo, our adventure began with a visit to the historic Akerhus Fortress. Perched on a hill in the heart of Oslo, Akershus Fortress is surrounded by breathtaking natural beauty. This impressive stone structure, dating back to 1290, was originally built to protect the city. Once a formidable prison, it has since evolved into a venue for official events and functions.

Monday, June 10, 2024

Mutton Medley: Culinary Creations

Welcome back to my mutton recipes (SAVOURING MUTTON). If you’ve tried my dishes before, you’ve probably noticed my love for certain ingredients (INDIAN DESSERTS) that make them special (MUTTON MARVELS).


Potatoes are a staple in almost all my mutton recipes. They add heartiness and soak up the flavors, making every bite delightful. Soft and tender, they become little pockets of curried goodness. If you prefer your mutton dishes without potatoes, that’s okay. But if you enjoy the comfort they bring, you’re in for a treat.


Tip: You can pre-simmer or boil the potatoes before adding them to the dish for added convenience.

Copenhagen's Crown Jewels: Denmark's Frederiksborg and Kronborg Castle

After a hearty hotel breakfast (COPENHAGEN PART 1), we were eager to start exploring Copenhagen. Our first stop? Frederiksborg Castle (Danish: Frederiksborg Slot), an iconic landmark in Denmark. Perched gracefully on three islands amidst a serene lake and vibrant gardens, the sight was breathtaking. It's the largest Renaissance complex in the Nordic region, boasting both grandeur and charm.

As I wandered the expansive grounds, the garden pathways, majestic trees filtering sunlight, and colourful flowers swaying gently in the breeze captivated me. Despite the crisp air, there was a peaceful aura as I made my way towards the castle. Upon reaching its vantage point, the view was nothing short of awe-inspiring.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Tom Yam Temptation: A Taste of Thailand

Life without Tom Yam feels like a story missing its climax - a culinary journey left unfinished. Visualise the lively Thai flavors awakening your taste buds as you savor a hot spoonful of Tom Yam soup. My love for Tom Yam knows no bounds; during my adventures in Thailand (KRABI/PHUKET), I couldn't resist its tempting allure (BANGKOK). Though not every bowl was perfect; some packed a spicy punch that left me reaching for tissues. But those truly delicious ones - each sip brings the comforting and satisfying taste of authentic Thai flavors, warming both the mouth and the soul.

Let's Bring Tom Yam Home 
Now, I am going to share with all you foodies how we can make Tom Yam in our homes.

Fear No Yoga: Overcoming Doubts, Welcoming Wellness

While we can't provide an exact figure, it's evident that a significant number of individuals harbor a fear of yoga. Our inbox is inundated with inquiries echoing this sentiment, with many expressing genuine terror at the mere thought of setting foot on a yoga mat. This fear becomes a formidable barrier, hindering them from embracing yoga practice - a challenge we face head-on. We dedicate considerable time to reassure them, emphasizing that there's nothing to fear. Despite our earnest efforts, however, many remain hesitant (CORPORATE YOGA).

Here's a compelling insight into why people fear yoga, drawn directly from the inquiries we've handled.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Copenhagen, Denmark: Iconic Sights and Beyond

Heading on a nine-day journey through Denmark and Norway, I found myself among a few familiar faces and the rest strangers, all part of a meticulously planned tour. After months of saving and planning, I landed at Kuala Lumpur International Airport (FREMANTLE & LAKE LUGANO), gearing up for flights to Amsterdam and eventually Copenhagen Airport, Kastrup.

Touching down in Denmark, our first stop was Slotsholmen, nestled right in the heart of Copenhagen. We kicked off with lunch at a nearby Chinese restaurant. Though I didn't catch the name amidst the excitement, the delicious dishes set the stage for our dining experience. As the lone Indian among twenty-nine Chinese travelers, I relished the flavors of the ten mouthwatering dishes, shared with ten people at each table.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

The Food Truth: Why People Are Unhealthy These Days

In today's fast-paced world, being unhealthy almost seems like the norm. It's not just a small fraction of the population anymore; it's becoming increasingly common, like a graph that just won't stop climbing. Out of every 10 people, a staggering 6 are grappling with some form of health issue (WEIGHT LOSS ROADBLOCKS). And this isn't confined to one place; it's a global phenomenon.

In the past, it was mainly the older generation who dealt with health troubles. But now, even young kids as young as 5 are facing health challenges. Even young adults in their 20s are not immune. You don't have to take my word for it; just look around when you're at medical centers (CHALLENGES IN HEALTHCARE WELLNESS) or government hospitals. The evidence is right there.

Exploring Krabi and Phuket: Thailand's Coastal Gems

Humans are funny creatures indeed. Despite the increasing number of women traveling solo for various reasons (BANGKOK SOLO TRIP) like business, work-related trips, or simply holidays, people still seem puzzled and ask the same old question - why am I traveling alone? When this question comes from Asians, I can understand their curiosity, as it might be uncommon to see an Indian woman of my age, in my late 50s, traveling solo. 

However, it's quite alarming when I receive the same inquiry from Westerners, especially considering the thousands of Western women venturing out alone. What could be behind this universal curiosity about solo female travelers? It's a question that leaves me intrigued. While pondering over this, let me share my solo adventure, a short and sassy trip to Krabi and Phuket, which are considered paradises for Westerners.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Fried Noodles Ecstasy: Recipes for Every Taste

Hey Home Chefs! Ready to whip up some amazing fried noodles? I've got you covered with both vegetarian and non-vegetarian recipes. But before we dive into cooking, let's talk about some handy tips and different types of noodle dishes. That's what I'm here for – to share delicious recipes with you all.

And here's a little reminder about honesty. If you share these tasty dishes with others, why not mention they came from Ms. Nava? It's also all about sincerity and being genuine. Even if you use my recipes for your catering business, being honest will bring you peace of mind and help you avoid sleepless nights over small fibs. So, let's cook up something great together and keep it real!

Pulau Ketam: A Serene Escape into Island Living

After our tea break (PULAU KETAM PART 1), we were eager to discover more of Pulau Ketam. As we strolled, we noticed the police station and faintly saw the schools. In this village, people mainly get around by cycling, with occasional motorbikes on the narrow lanes, which serve as the main roads.


Our walk took us to the other side of the village, where we visited three temples. The first temple was slightly further from the jetty, and the second was officiated by the late Tan Sri Manickavasagam. While at the third temple, we chose to skip seeing the snake in the cage. We also couldn't overlook the captivating murals adorning the walls. Naturally, we couldn't resist snapping photos to immortalize our visit.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Pada Salted Fish Pickle: Authentic Eurasian Taste Sensations

Can you still recall my recipe for Portuguese Vegetable Pickle? You might be wondering why I’m bringing it up. Well, this recipe for Pada Salted Fish Pickle comes from the same person who shared the Vegetable Pickle recipe. She told me it’s a Eurasian/Portuguese recipe, and I believe her since she’s Eurasian. Pada Salted Fish Pickle is truly delicious, especially if you love salted fish and the spicy kick from green chilies like I do.

Now, before we get to the recipe, here’s what you should know:


Quantities are flexible, especially for the salted fish and green chilies.

Adjust them to your liking.

Malay Chicken Recipes: Tempting Varieties to Try

Did you know I absolutely love Malay food (MALAY DESSERTS). Yep, it's my go-to. You'll often catch me at the Malay stalls digging into their dishes or bringing some home (PUCUK UBI MASAK LEMAK & MASAK TEMPEH). My Malay pals joke that I'm more Malay than them when it comes to food! I've tried it all - Petai, Jering, Tempoyak, you name it (PETAI RECIPES). And I grow those raw salad fixings in my fitness Zen, Nava’s Zen. I've cooked up various Malay dishes over the years, learning from my Malay friends. Not to copy, but to understand the flavors better.

I'm all about spicing up my Malay dishes, finding new twists to add in. Malay food, you know, it's all about those bold Asian flavors - spicy, sour, salty, sometimes a bit bitter. Oh, and a quick tip: chicken cooks fast, so watch it carefully to avoid it getting tough. These recipes I'm sharing aren't your usual ones, they're my own take. Simple, straightforward, and tasty. People who've tried them love how easy they are to follow and how delicious they turn out. So, ready to dive into these tempting Malay chicken recipes? You'll love them too, I'm sure (NASI GORENG & NASI KERABU).

Friday, May 31, 2024

Pulau Ketam: Timeless Charm Awaits

Pulau Ketam, or Crab Island, is a name that carries an air of charm. This island, nestled at the mouth of the Klang River near Port Klang, just downstream from Kuala Lumpur, has enchanted others, while it remained a mysterious enigma to me. Friends and fellow travelers rave about it, insisting it's a place you simply must experience. They talk about it with such fondness, always eager to return. My curiosity was piqued. Getting my husband to join in, we invited another husband-and-wife team, much older, to join us. They too were ready to discover what was in store in Pulau Ketam.

Bread Flower/Kesidang Plant: An Enchanting Beauty for the Senses

Nature is truly captivating. It fills our lives with joy and peace. But nature also needs our help. As climate change makes the weather hotter and more unpredictable, we depend more on air conditioners, even for our babies. Yet, people miss the benefits of urban gardening. It can cool our homes and naturally relieve stress (Bay Leaves Healing Therapy). Urban gardening helps the environment and fills the air with the soothing scent of flowers, offering a peaceful escape from the stress that harms us.

Enter Ms. Nava, the founder of Nava's Zen, a true enthusiast of urban gardening. Today, she introduces us to the enchanting bread flower, also known as Kesidang, Kerak Nasi, Tikar Seladang, or Vallaris Glabra (Ylang Ylang). These white, star-shaped blossoms have a scent that evokes pandan leaves or the aroma of cooked fragrant jasmine rice. Whenever they bloom, Ms. Nava takes a moment to stand in Nava's Zen and inhale their delightful fragrance. It's her natural way to calm her senses and enjoy a bit of tranquility (Rangoon Creeper).

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Nyonya Cuisine: Rediscovering Heritage Through Home Cooking

Nyonya food in Malaysia is a unique and flavorful cuisine that combines Chinese and Malay cooking (MALAY DESSERTS) styles, with extra influences from Portuguese and Eurasian foods in Melaka. This delicious blend comes from the Peranakan community, where Chinese immigrants married local Malays. Nyonya dishes use lots of spices like lemongrass and turmeric, along with coconut milk and pandan leaves. When the Portuguese ruled Melaka in the 16th century, they introduced new cooking methods and ingredients like vinegar and more spices, which became part of Nyonya cooking (PETAI SAMBAL).

Additionally, Eurasian cuisine, which blends European and local flavors, has also influenced Nyonya food, adding to its rich and diverse taste. Dishes like Devil’s Curry (MUTTON DEVIL CURRY) show how Nyonya food has mixed different cultural flavors to create something special and tasty.

Buns & Noodles (Bukit Rimau): Niche Excellence

Saying goodbye to loyal clients who have been strong supporters of our brand, especially when they're leaving due to moving away, brings mixed feelings. It's important to show gratitude for their support, even though it's tough to see them go. In business, clients come and go, so it's crucial to stay focused on our passion rather than getting too emotional. As a gesture of appreciation, I recently organized a heartfelt farewell for departing clients, recognizing their contributions to our business. And what better way for us Malaysians to bond than over a meal together?

As a culinary enthusiast, I'm always on the lookout for new dining experiences. This time, I decided to try out Buns & Noodles in Bukit Rimau. Beforehand, I made sure to inform them of my visit, which is important in case they have any limitations or special arrangements, as I mentioned earlier (SAFAA)

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Fremantle, Perth: A Fulfilling Day of Exploration

Venturing out into the fresh air of Sunday, I took a leisurely walk from my hotel to Perth Station, feeling a bubbling excitement in my chest (PERTH PART 1 & PERTH PART 2). Today was the day I had earmarked for discovering Fremantle, the port city nestled in Western Australia. As I bought my ticket for the day's adventure, a grin crept onto my face as I pondered the adventures that awaited me.

Fremantle, often seen as the jewel in Perth's crown, teased me with promises of captivating maritime tales, striking Victorian buildings, and echoes of Australia's past as a British penal colony. Stories whispered through time hinted at a city steeped in history, with secrets hidden in its streets dating back to the 1850s.

Vietnamese Cuisine: The Quintessential Tastes

Are you a fan of Vietnamese cuisine? I certainly am. These days, Vietnamese restaurants are not rare anymore in Malaysia (DING XIANG), and you can even find Vietnamese food stalls in Chinese coffee shops. My former neighbor, who lived just two doors down, was a Vietnamese lady married to a local Chinese man. Thanks to her, I gained valuable insights into cooking authentic Vietnamese dishes.

Furthermore, my travels in Vietnam (HANOI) provided me with the opportunity to fully immerse myself in the local cuisine. Here are some of the delightful Vietnamese dishes I had the pleasure of enjoying during my time there.

Monday, May 27, 2024

Overcoming Weight Loss Roadblocks

Admitting we're overweight is tough, right? It's a struggle to face the truth. But once we do, we can start figuring out why. Here's the raw truth - honesty hurts, and it's not popular these days. People don't like hearing the truth about their shape and size (RECOGNISING OVERWEIGHT). 

But we need to dig deep and uncover the real reasons behind our weight.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Tempe Orek (Indonesian Spicy Fermented Soy Beans)

Fermented soybeans, known as tempeh or tempe, are a fantastic meat alternative for vegetarians and vegans. Packed with health benefits, tempeh is a staple in local Malay and Indonesian dishes. I'm a huge fan of tempeh and use it all the time in my cooking, especially because I love Malay and Indonesian food. You’ll often find me at Malay stalls, loading up on their delicious offerings.


Today, I'm featuring a tempeh dish - an Indonesian recipe that's perfect for vegetarians and vegans. Let me share my passion for tempeh and show you how to incorporate it into your savory dishes.

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Indian Desserts: Sweet Delights to Savor

Visualize this: after savoring a spicy mutton feast, picture yourself treating your taste buds to some Indian desserts, paired with either Cow's Milk Masala Chai or Cow's Milk Bru Coffee. Oh, what a delightful scene! Whenever I dine at traditional Indian restaurants, I always conclude my meal with these sweet indulgences (MALAY DESSERTS) and a comforting cup of chai or coffee. Ah, Indian desserts - brimming with sweetness, richness, and enticing flavors, just like our Indian sweets today. Some might consider them guilty pleasures or irresistible treats (KUIH KUKUS SAGO), right? Worried about the sugar overload? Well, if you're a fan of ZEN YOGA and love Indian desserts, simply keep an eye on your portions, and you're good to go.

Forget about sticking to the same old recipes step by step. 

Let's dive into Indian desserts with a dash of creativity. But hold on, we're not just sticking to the traditional playbook here. I'm all about shaking things up, mixing and matching ingredients, and discovering new flavors along the way.

Perth, Australia: Cruises, Parks, and Culinary Experiences

Perth (PERTH PART 1).  My journey wasn't over yet. Eager for more, I decided to explore some sights. I checked online and picked a few spots at random - no set plan, just ready for whatever came my way. Besides sightseeing, I was keen to try the food. Ah, the foodie in me couldn't wait! Let's get started.

Cruising Adventures in Mandurah

By mid-morning, I found myself in Mandurah, just an hour's drive from Perth. Getting there wasn't without its little bumps, but hey, I made it in one piece. Opting for the Dolphin Lunch Cruise turned out to be a fantastic idea. I've always had a thing for being near water, and this cruise didn't disappoint. The views were mesmerizing, and the Fish and Chips they served up were just perfect - crispy on the outside, tender inside. Dining against such a picturesque backdrop really took the whole experience up a notch.

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Facing the Facts: Recognizing Overweight

The world's giving a round of applause for overweight folks, isn't it? Just take a quick scroll through social media, and you'll see what I mean. It's like being overweight is the latest trend. But for those of us who keep ourselves fit, it's like we're the odd ones out (Yoga Outfits Challenge Indian Norms). Ever noticed that?

Why am I bringing this up? Well, because if you even mention someone's weight, especially if they're carrying a bit extra, suddenly you're labeled as a body shamer. It's like walking on eggshells.

Mutton Marvels: Flavorful Recipes to Try

Is mutton a favorite in your household? It certainly is in mine, especially for my husband, who can't get enough of it. My collection of mutton recipes has grown so extensive (Savoring Mutton: Spices And All Things Nice) that it seems to be ever-expanding. Mutton dishes are not only a staple at our home but also an essential for any gathering or special occasion. Whenever we entertain guests, mutton is always on the menu, and it's usually the first dish to disappear.

Cooking Mutton Ahead
Did you know you can prepare mutton a day or even two days in advance and store it in the fridge? This technique allows the flavors to fully penetrate the meat, enhancing its taste. For instance, mutton curry benefits greatly from this process, becoming even more delicious over time.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Savouring Mutton: Spices and All Things Nice

I've cooked mutton countless times in all sorts of styles, many of which I've come up with myself. Mixing and matching ingredients keeps things interesting so we don't get bored with the same old mutton dish. Do you agree? Eating the same kind of food or the same type of mutton dish can get dull?

Now, about cooking mutton. The ones I buy tend to be tough, making them hard to chew and eat after cooking, which hurts our gums and teeth. If you also buy tough mutton, you should start any mutton dish by pressure cooking it. If the mutton you buy is tender, you might not need to pressure cook it.

Fitness Bra Buying: Handy Tips

Let's get to the part of shopping for the appropriate fitness or sports bra (The Power of Sports Bra in Yoga) for your yoga sessions. Even if you've bought one before, there's always something new to discover. I've been there myself, so trust me, you're in good hands.


First things first, let's talk money. How much are you willing to spend? We don't want to splurge and regret it later, right? Fitness bras can range from around $15 to several hundred dollars. So, set your budget and decide how many bras you want to get within that range.

Monday, May 20, 2024

Japanese Vegetarian Cuisine: Delights from the Land of the Rising Sun

Whenever I travel, I love exploring different flavors, whether at fancy restaurants or street vendors. In Malaysia, there's no shortage of Japanese restaurants, and you can even find Japanese food at food courts. My favorite is the raw fresh cuts, known as "Sashimi," which is best at authentic Japanese restaurants. It's pricey, but worth it - delicious slices of seafood picked up with chopsticks, dipped in Japanese soy sauce and wasabi. What a mouth-melting delight! I usually go for the seafood varieties, and they're always a treat. Are you a fan of sashimi? If you are, I bet you know exactly what I'm talking about and how delicious it is.

Fried Fish with Soy Sauce

Home-cooked food holds a special place, especially considering the time taken by our careers and the hours spent driving in city traffic....