This easy, no-fuss pickle works with brinjal, eggplant, or aubergine. At Nava’s Zen, we use homegrown bird’s eye chilies and bay leaves (BAY LEAVES: HEALTH BENEFITS & COOKING USES) - because why grow your own food if not to cook with it? But no worries if you don’t have fresh bay leaves - dried ones work just fine.
2 eggplants –
halved and sliced
Turmeric powder
– a pinch
Salt – as
½ tbsp ginger
½ tbsp garlic
4 shallots –
Bird’s eye
chilies (or red/green chilies, broken into pieces)
Apple cider
vinegar (or any vinegar) – to taste
Palm sugar (or
any sugar) – to taste
½ cup water
1 large fresh
bay leaf (or dried bay leaf)
Salt – to taste
Oil as needed
Heat oil and
lightly fry brinjal on both sides.
Remove and set
Reduce oil to 2
tbsp and sauté ginger paste, garlic paste, shallots, and chilies.
Add vinegar,
palm sugar, and water.
Stir well.
Season with
salt and add the bay leaf.
Taste and
adjust for balance.
Add fried
brinjal and gently stir to coat.
Let it sit for
the vinaigrette to soak in.
Once cooled, store in the fridge.
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