Showing posts with label Life And Living. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Life And Living. Show all posts

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Langkawi (Kedah) - 2 Nights 2 Days (Part 2)

Honestly, if I am to speak my mind on breakfast next morning in the cramped dining area, I must brand it as such a corny thing (Langkawi Part 1). Basically, food to keep your tummy warm. That's it. Forget about taste and what not, maybe because I have tucked into really sumptuous buffet breakfast in 4 or 5 stars hotels (Casa Del Rio Melaka) before, this breakfast came on as an irritating thingy. Dishes disappearing as quickly as they were refilled because people were akin scrounging scavenging for free food. Not at all a pleasant sight. Mannerism ditched aside, food spilled all over the place, disgusting more than anything else. I really hate such an ugly scenario, albeit I won't complain about the ordinaries like bread, jam, scrambled eggs and the rest of the items anyone can prepare (Port Dickson Part 2 & Sungkai Perak). But if you are asking me about the rest of the dishes, goodness gracious, I rather not even waste my time telling you. I did however tuck into a tiny bit of food (Alor Setar Kedah), of course coffee is a must (Penang Thaipusam) for me first thing in the morning. 

Friday, September 15, 2017

Melaka - Jonker Walk (Part 3)

Inconclusive. Our walking mission from one corner of Jonker Walk to the other for another overnight stay (Melaka Jonker Walk Part 2) didn't get us anywhere. Unfortunately. We did in fact, viewed quite a number of home stays, some of it highly recommended in online travelling platforms (Melaka Jonker Walk Part 1 & Portuguese Settlement). However, despite almost two hours of walking, at the same time popping in and our of the home stays, we concluded that its such a waste to our time. All we ended up with was not only sweat dripping, our legs too almost ripped, fell apart. Still, mission was not halted, who knows we may discover a home stay we will be pleased with, at this juncture, to wind down our momentum and for a cool burst down our dry throat and tongue, we unanimously we agreed for Melaka Cendol and Melaka Ice Kacang in Jonker 88. Absolutely. Melaka dessert game on.  

Monday, August 21, 2017

Melaka - Jonker Walk (Part 2)

Malaysians I think are a peculiar lot. Don't get me wrong. Please don't get all worked and throw slippers at me. I know how emotional we Malaysians can get even on the most tiniest things. I am in no way generalising, neither am I pointing fingers at anyone in particular. Then again, if the cap fits, please wear it instead of being in denial. Consequentially, I must speak about the rich and famous or Malaysians who like to be known as rich, I shouldn't even care less about Malaysians who have migrated. Like they say, don't bite the hand that fed you, well and good for those who have migrated. I can understand. The grass always look greener on the other side or because Malaysia is a chicken feet. Hopefully, I sincerely hope I won't see my friends returning back to Malaysia as asylum seekers, sooner or later. Especially those who not only can't stop bragging about how life is far better in US or Australia, apart from that, keep condemning and criticizing Malaysia, so sad for these small minded people who fail to accept the fact that life sucks throughout the world.  

Friday, June 30, 2017

Jeju Island (Part 2) - Korea (Day 3)

No two ways about it. Unquestionably, travelling in a tour requires discipline. Yes please. There is no such a thing as you wish in a clearly listed tour. Obviously, you can’t follow your own travelling heart by wondering as you please. Instead, it is about abiding to the unspoken travelling rules. Otherwise, you will be billed as a nuisance by the tour guide and tour buddies. So sorry everyone, if you can’t pay attention to the tour guide on safety rules and time limit, you better ditch the idea of tour travelling (Sapporo/Hokkaido). I know better. I can strongly vouch because experiences speaks louder than words. In Jeju Island, it had to be the same agenda in the morning. Waking up by 7.00am, sometimes even earlier, showering of course is your choice, followed by breakfast and most to most by 9pm, sometimes you have to pack if we are not returning to the same hotel. Also, do try to empty your bowels instead of restlessly interrupting while on the way for sightseeing (Istanbul Turkey, Pretoria South Africa & Colombo Sri Lanka).

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Korea Day 1 - Incheon to Seoul

Another solo trip of mine in an arranged tour (Istanbul Turkey & Dubai) alongside 14 people I had no clue whosoever they are, Korea was the said destination. Now, to all the adventurous wise cracks who are right now reading this "Korea Here I Come" venture of mine, will you please stop wondering why I didn't backpack or travel on my own. Of course I sincerely appreciate your advise, but let me tell you that I have already before hand done my homework. What I found out is that the ordinary Koreans on the streets really can't speak English, so obviously, I am going to have one hack of a time communication with them should the need arise. Definitely it is bound to happen, holding on to a map and trying to pick up Korean language there and then may show the way, especially on "Amazing Race", but in reality, many travel bloggers don't actually tell you what can go wrong due to language barrier. Additionally, compared to 8 years ago when I had bags of energy, my overall well-being is not the same anymore (Penang - The Pearl Of The Orient).  

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Kochi/Cochin - Day 1 (Kerala Day 4)

Mouthwatering, tummy filling, absolutely splendid Kerala cuisine in Travancore Court (Trivandrum Part 2). Whether I have been enjoying Kerala sightseeing so far besides the point, I definitely can't put a stop to blowing big hot air balloons on Kerala cooking (Allepey Houseboat & Trivandrum/Kovalam - Kerala Day 3). Food love Kerala deliciousness I must stress is most probably the other side to Kerala hailed as one of the best tourists spots in India. Of course. I am not at all doubting. By far, a close cousin to my another favourite Sri Lankan cuisine (Colombo Sri Lankaand unlike not so favourable Western array of dishes (Norway/Denmark & Italy). So, we ate. Up next? Obviously, finding out what's in store for us in Cochin. Another of the other in this southern tip of Indian Peninsula, overall known as “God’s Own Country”. "God's Own Country? Honestly, I really couldn't compute, neither did our forever smiling, humble but really shy-shy tour guide cum driver could explain. This forever grinning guy I also felt was intimidated by a woman like me who is bold, vocal, loud and outspoken. He just wouldn't make any eye contact neither nor he wanted to communicate with me. Full-stop! 

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Trivandrum - Part 2 (Kerala Day 4)

The start of the day for us to journeying to Cochin, aka Kochi. Cochin and Kochi by the way is the same. Same. Basically. Basically, its up to you how you want to address or call this part of Kerala, I somehow, don't ask me why, prefer Cochin. Cochin indeed as I have already told you, is the jump start, but we will be doing Trivandrum sightseeing first. Those places we didn't cover on the first day, prior to stepping foot in Cochin. My last night sleeping, are you curious in finding out? I bet you are, especially solo women travellers like me? Albeit, remember, I told you? About the couple joining in my Kerala holidaying (Kerala Alleppey Houseboat & Trivandrum Part 1)? Which means, I didn't do Kerala on my own, yet, its me my sleeping alone. Honestly, not a peaceful sleep because as always, my fear of sleeping alone in a new county, in a new hotel is far out, the fear of hammer house of ghost horror. Those horror stories I am assuming you have already been told by sleeping alone solo travellers? Those horrifying stories, trust me, kept popping up on my mind. Back and forth throughout the night. As if automatically striking on my head constantly. What then? I tossed and turned the whole night despite leaving all the lights on. Leaving the lights on definitely I think will help in thwarting evil because basically darkness is our fear and darkness in return will put imaginative scariness on our mind? Wouldn't you agree?  

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Trivandrum/Kovalam - Kerala Day 3

Blissful overnight splendor experience. Honestly, I loved the whole lock, stock and barrel of Alleppey Houseboat. Except, mind you, no one for the matter I think will enjoy blood suckers mosquitoes and water rationing. Speak about water rationing? God, can you imagine not showering? Before night-night time and hopes were also dashed down again next morning when I realise substantial water is only enough for brushing teeth, washing your face and down there cleaning up as well. Yuks! Then again, anything else possibly? Nothing. Unless you wanna chance yourself into Allleppey backwaters itself? Tipping the houseboat guys, yes we did, not necessarily you must or should, do it only if you feel they truly extended their warmest Kerala hospitality, we moved on for journeying and Kovalam sightseeing. Four hours on the road if I am not mistaken, Kovalam is another must do. In fact, if you are tour travelling, Kovalam will be included because its marketed as “must-see-must-experience” destination for International tourists (Colombo Sri Lanka). Yet to be known to us whether Kovalam will be joy of Kerala, hopefully, we definitely kept our fingers crossed it will add another feather on our traveling cap as another Kerala gem. By the next two hours most to most whilst we travelling, we I think already concluded that Kovalam won't be let down once we passed by the serenity and nature given beauty of Kerala as a whole.   

Sujee Cake Elegance

Baking isn't exactly my superpower, but hey, diving into it is a fun ride. It’s all about the experience, right? Let me tell you, ba...