Showing posts with label Prawns. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Prawns. Show all posts

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Hokkien Hae Mee

Sometimes, don't we have the tendency to cook the same dishes again and again? In fact, if you are asking me about our daily meals, we usually repeat the dishes. Of course, the practically to cooking. I mean, how many new dishes do we actually initiate in a month or even every forth night considering our crisis for time and maybe because we have a certain liking for a specific dish? Mind you, its the same cooking story in my house as well regardless of the fact that since I started this space of mine, I have been exploring a whole lot of new dishes (Singapore Mee Siam, Siamese Laksa Lemak, Malaysian Fried Mee Hoon & Chinese Vegetable Noodle Soup). Not because I want to impress all of you, but for my own cooking pride and also I want to improvise on the dishes I have cooked before. Take this Hokkien Hae Mee as an example. Made before (Penang Mee Yoke) and I guess there's always such as thing as another round of another style or version.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Singaporean Mee Siam

For the soup/gravy
3-4 dried red chillies
1/2 tbsp taucheo/salted bean paste
5 garlic
5 shallots
1/2 inch roasted belacan/shrimp paste
1 tbsp fish curry powder
** Blend/process to a thick paste with some water.

Other ingredients
10 medium size prawns
Rice noodles - as needed (blanch to soften)
Tofu pok/puffs 
1 handful of kucai/chives
Eggs - boiled
Lime leaves - tear into pieces.
Lime wedges
1 cup thick coconut milk
3 tbsp oil
Salt for taste 
Simmer prawns with one cup of water till cooked.
Remove from heat.
Peel prawns; keep aside.
Also keep aside the stock (Please discard the heads and shells).
Heat oil and fry chili paste till aromatic and oil splits.
Pour in prawn stock and pour 2 cups of water.
Season with salt (use sparingly as taucheo is also salty) and let it simmer.
Once heated through, add lime leaves, tofu pok and pour coconut milk in.
Continue to simmer over low heat for another 3-4 mins.
Assemble noodles in a bowl with chives, prawns and boiled egg(s).
Pour soup over and serve with lime. 

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Mongolian Prawns

Not bad. I deserve a pat on my shoulders. I should because I am actually taking the height and depth to learning and knowledge thirsting on the various types of cuisines from throughout the globe and mostly from Asian region which of course stretches from this end till that end. Where and which part of Asia is Mongolia located? Somewhere within Asia and neighboring China and Russia on the across side. Why I am going into a such fact on Mongolia, are you now asking me? Well, to let you know that China has an influence, to a certain extent on the types of ingredients Mongolians tend to use for their cooking. Ah! I think I got it right. Otherwise, I don't think you could have digested the fact to me coining this Mongolian Prawns (Grilled Prawns, Chinese Prawn Fritters, Shrimp Wanton, Prawn Cocktail, Butter Prawns & Devilled Prawns). Actually, to tell you the truth, mutton and beef seemingly are the popular take in Mongolia, but considering that beef is taboo for us and since we have already hit our limit to mutton or lamb (Nepalese Mutton Curry), I decided on prawns (Goan Prawn Curry).

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Sarawak Laksa

Guys, I thought maybe for the time being, we will just stick to within our Malaysian recipes instead of humping and jumping to other countries around the globe and most probably, my last few recipes have indicated that I am staying put and standing on my Malaysian ground (Ayam Pongteh & Chicken Vindaloo). Of course, I am not denying that a gastronomical tour to other countries is definitely a food show for exposing us to the various types of cuisines (Singapore Laksa & Vietnamese Noodle Soup). Yet, to a certain extent, I think we must do our local food hunting as well. Trust me, I myself personally have not completed making noodles from our different states (Cantonese Yee Mee, Malaysian Sour Spicy Fish Noodle Soup & Penang Mee Yoke), though Curry Laksa, or Laksa Lemak or Curry Mee been trended in this space of mine (Nyonya Curry LaksaMalaysian Lamb Curry Noodles & Penang Curry Mee) and back then, don't know how moons ago, I did make a trip to Sarawak whereby I tuck into their well known Sarawak Laksa.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Cantonese Yee Mee

Cantonese Yee Mee. Chinese style noodle dish. Another variety to Chinese style cooking (Teochew Steamed Fish, Sichuan Chilli Prawns & Cantonese Fried Rice) noodles. Trust me, Chinese and their noodle dishes. Oh-my! They sure have it and know it and there's abundance of varieties and also each to its own meaning. I certainly can't nail why and what are the significance of the noodles dishes, but I sure am aware that Chinese and they eat for prosperity, longevity, happiness and what not (Chinese Chicken Noodle Soup, Lam Mee & Chinese Vegetarian Noodle Soup). What about Cantonese Yee Mee, are you asking me? Well, I cant say much. Must be some sort of significance as well or its just the Chinese noodle dish pleasure (Penang Curry Mee, Penang Assam Laksa & Penang Mee Yoke).

Sujee Cake Elegance

Baking isn't exactly my superpower, but hey, diving into it is a fun ride. It’s all about the experience, right? Let me tell you, ba...