Showing posts with label Travel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Travel. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Chandigarh, North India - Nava's Travel (Part 2)

Hopefully, hope is life by the way, my biggest hope on the second day in Chandigarh? Please, a big full-stop to health issues please. Arrr, as it is, sightseeing didn't materialize the previous day (Chandigarh Part 1), and in case health cases are back to square one? Dang! Anyway, come or go whatever, going by our itinerary, we must return to New Delhi by tonight. Thankfully, so far so good. No "health is not wealth" casualties. Meanwhile, breakfast was broken by the usual hotel buffet breakfast. On my dead palates. Literally dead due to eating the same type of food for the last 6 days, for almost every other meal. Ahhhhh!!! (Kullu Manali & Shimla).

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Chandigarh, North India - Nava's Travel (Part 1)

New Delhi, Shimla, Kullu Manali and ......? 
Chandigarh. The capital of the northern states of Punjab and Haryana. Ohlalala! Another travelling feather on my travelling hat. Of course, I was all fired up and down for "Here I am Coming For You Darling" Chandigarh. Nevertheless, in the midst of the approximately 6 hours journey from Manali, the unexpected became the expected, because tour members, one after another had fallen ill. Most probably, for reasons only they know best? If by chance you are asking me why, let me spill their ugly eating truth. Hate me now if you want to, yet, I believe it was due to constantly pigging at hotel buffet breakfast, also, at the late hours complimentary dinner meals in hotels too. Oh-well. the sly me who have been slyly watching them from the corners of my eyes. Doink!!

Monday, February 13, 2023

Kullu Manali - Nava's Travel (Part 2)

If its Kullu Manali (Kullu Manali Part 1) it has to be Rohtang Pass. Of course. Why you think I came this far (Shimla Part 2)? One of the top spots, one of the most spectacular nature delights in India, Rohtang Pass is indeed a major attraction for people of all walks of life. The gateway to fun, happiness, excitement and soul touching high altitude nature, ah, ah, ah, without a doubt, Rohtang Pass is truly a mesmerizing sight. Snow blanketed mountains, snow paths, streams of luscious and melting snow, and these being the winter essence of Rohtang Pass. Nevertheless, nothing new for me, neither not something I have not experienced before. Because I have had similar winter highlights in Turkey, Hokkaido/Sapporo & Norway. Having said that, for the majority in the tour group, they were all at their highest degree in love for the heights of the mountains and snow in Rohtang Pass. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Kullu Manali - Nava's Travel (Part 1)

Bye-bye Shimla (Shimla Part 2 & Shimla Part 1). Sadly. Although, deep down inside me, I would have appreciated, least to least, another day in Shimla. Then again? The reality to travelling is otherwise. You got to move on darling. Move on to the next destination. Indeed, on this particular morning, we began, give in and take, our seven hours journey to - Kullu Manali. Hah! Ah! Finally, my moment to the beauty of Manali, after the years of listening to others. Also, this drive towards Manali, was the moment to viewing Shimla's slopes, mountains and valleys, which we missed on the way up, due to night has fallen. 

Friday, January 27, 2023

Shimla - Nava's Travelog (Part 2)

I starting walking and can you imagine, how the walk must have been? Right after the bouncy horse ride, followed by stepping up and down on the stone path, leading up to Mahasu Peak (Shimla Part 1 & New Delhi To Shimla)? Hah! Testing, testing, the endurance test of my legs and my will power. As I continued walking, I also couldn't help noticing the line of stalls on both sides, selling souvenirs, clothes, food and drinks mostly, also games fun time. However, my shopping enthusiasm didn't scream high, neither rushing as high as Mahasu Peak. Simply said, I didn't see anything special at these stalls. Basically, similar stuffs as at the road side stalls, across the starting point of the horse ride area. Pretty much as well, the standardized North Indian street shopping. 

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Shimla - Nava's Travelog (Part 1)

The journey, the long journey from New Delhi (New Delhi To Shimla) for landing us in Shimla. Shimla! The summer capital of Himachal Pradesh state, northern India, renowned for its breathtaking nature surrounding. Hills, mountains, valleys, all of these as one big nature bundle, alongside greens, trees, and flowers, for capturing Shimla as the essence to nature unspoiled, at its best. However, all of these, Shimla's nature beauty, were massively shadowed, swarmed by pitch dark darkness, due to night has fallen. Right from the beginning, from the bottom-up drive, all the way before we step foot in the resort, perched atop a hill, at about 10.30pm. Ms. Nava, feeling a bit off-track, tell me about it, the hours being seated in the coach and also, the winded drive up, she decided to split away from the rest by skipping dinner in the resort. 

Thursday, December 29, 2022

New Delhi To Shimla - Nava's Travelog

Ah! Covid! Wasn't something we expected, did we? And because of Covid, my travelogues have been halted, for almost, 2 1/2 years. Finally, though the borders were opened much earlier, I on the other hand, made my first trip, another one of my solo trips, on 18th November, 2022. Imagine! Please do. Imagine how it must have been, for someone like me, who given a chance, will travel non-stop. Nevertheless. the reality is, money must be sunny for travelling as well? Nevermind, let me work hard, save and then pack my bags again. 

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Sabah (East Malaysia) - Nava K's Discovery (Part 3)

Day 5 in Sabah. Off for another two, facing the beach sight viewing (Sabah Part 2 & Sabah Part 1). How did it go? By this day. Hah! I somehow managed to put the Sabah jigsaw puzzle into perspective for getting a clearer picture of what is going on. Without a doubt. My smartness. Yea. Mine alright. My smartness concluded that, my so called advisers didn't do their homework about any damn thing in Sabah. Apart from wrong projections on land prices, they had almost nil knowledge about land transactions, nor any clue what soever about the business indicators in Sabah. Damnit! On the contrary, I must thank some of the good people I came in contact with. They actually making it a point in sharing their expertise unselfishly on the hidden, unspoken and nitty-gritty business insights in Sabah. Furthermore, aha, I had also done my fair share of homework before leaving home, particularly on native land purchasing and how complicated it can be. Anyway. Anyhow. As frustrated as I was. I felt like a hero for my learning curve and knowledge on how, to a certain extent, doing business in Sabah can be complicated. Done. Over. Full stop. By day 5, I knew. I must give up. Either temporary or permanently on my future vision and mission in Sabah.

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Sabah (East Malaysia) - Nava K's Discovery (Part 2)

Day 3 in Sabah (Sabah Part 1). Hello Kota Kinabalu by 6.30am. Well! Oh well, well, well! Sleeping in a hotel room. Even if its the best room in the world? Even how tired I am. Never been like the best sleep, because, the best sleep for me, has to be my humble bed at home. Furthermore. Over the last  year or so, I've developed the habit to, like some, or all of you, who believe in, early to rise, early to shine is the key to starting your day promisingly. Also, the first thing for me when I wake up. Even before brushing my teeth. Of course. After a glass of warm water. The health is wealth trend. Next will be. Has to be. Must be. The aroma and taste of a cuppa of coffee for a fabulous, positive happy morning start up. Folllowed by, least to least, one full circle and cycle of "Surya Namaskar (Yoga Sun Salutation) gratiifying gratitude to the morning sun. Therefore, this day starting off on the same note. Water, coffee culture, and me the yoga practitioner respecting the sun. Then of course shower, and out of the hotel by 9.30am, for a basic, simple and no frill breakfast. 

Monday, September 21, 2020

Sabah (East Malaysia) - Nava K's Discovery (Part 1)

Finally! Me and Sabah? Yes. Indeed. Me in Sabah at the earliest date in the month of February. Finally!! Yes. Can you believe it? After Nava K being on or in this earth for the last 56 years. Before. Even before, or whilst Covid 19 was getting upbeat and ready for showing its true colors, and before this virus crushing, crumbling and tumbling on my travelling life and style. Now, what's with me tripping in, on, over, above, under and about Sabah? Aha! The big dreams of mine. The future goals of mine. Which mind you, ending up as a major massive, thundering disappointment. To tell you the truth, I was utterly shattered. I was utterly broken into pieces. Until, I felt like, each and every part of me, including my inner wings of emotional strength, were like, torn and tattered into pieces. Duh! Doomer to whatever I wanted to achieve in Sabah for my future. 

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

New Delhi - North India (Day 2)

New Delhi. Day 2 (Delhi Part 1). Winter. Last winter. Winter. This winter. This first week of December winter specifically? Winterrrrrrrr! Oh-no! One hack of a winter. Winter, as if, getting ready for showing its true colors in full force. Full force lashing most probably by the next few days. Winter! Oh my god! Oh your god! Winter literally penetrating, pricking and needling me, deep, deep into my skin and further deeper into my tiny bones. You know what? I struggled. Massively. I had a hard time putting up with winter which was clinging on to me like a lost child. Furthermore, wouldn't just leave me alone. The breeze. Especially. Blowing up, down, and aha, even in between my legs. Until? Not only my fingers and toes were frozen, even inside my "Pussy Willow" and the pussy willow of mine, trembling quivering. Oh boy!

Monday, May 11, 2020

New Delhi - North India (Winter Time)

Delhi. Old Delhi or New India? New. New Delhi. Two days in New Delhi, the morning after Agra (Agra & Jaipur Rajasthan). Delhi at our helms by 1.30pm, after, almost, 5 hours of road tripping. Delhi. The capital city of India, and Delhi, which was the landing right of ours as well. As in? Meaning? In other words? Delhi is where we landed on the first day, for kick starting this, North India tour of ours (Varanasi), and Delhi, yes, will be our closure too. Closure? Closure as in? Up, up in the air. Delhi sky high up. When night has fallen in Delhi. We will be flying sky high for grounding back, on the ground of our mother land or father land, Malaysia. Delhi. The city to messy massive traffic. What else, by the way, is new in other parts of India as well? Almost the same story (Chennai South India). Let alone, the honking that can literally rip your ears apart, plus, Oh-God-Oh-No. The sheer number of crowded congested human traffic in Delhi? Pretty much? Mmmm!! Welcome to the hustle and bustle, craziness of Delhi. The day in day out, life and style of Delhi.

On our itinerary? In the moment in time, upon stepping foot in Delhi? Of course. Food start up. Our first ever meal in Delhi. Basically, lunch in Delhi and lunch in Restaurant "Flavour Of Southvala" (Karol Bagh). By the travelling guide line of this tour, lunch to each our own concept, since meals are not covered. Me? Me. The, eating a bird person. Three of us to sharing. Paper Tosai and Non-Veg Thali Set. Wah! Good Food. Nice Food. Delicious food. Yummzii Food. Of course, how can not yours truly, she love, love, love and love India Made Bru Coffee.

Over. Lunch concluded. Thereafter? To Swaminarayan Akshardham New Delhi. Goodness me! In the Indian snaking (opphs!!) queue. Long queue mind you, and winter on this particular day? Bang! Winter wild like me, winter wild coldness practically banging all around for quivering my bones. Huhhhhhh! Cold. Anyway, from the queue to the security check. Thorough checking for ensuring that none is carrying handphone or camera, and then, into Swaminarayan Akshardham New Delhi.

Swaminarayan Akshardham New Delhi
Opened 6th November 2005
Constructed by Bochasanwasi Shri Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha (BAPS)
Inspired by HH Yogiji Maharaj (1892-1971 CE)
Created by His Holiness Pramukh Swami Maharaj
More than 300,000,000 volunteer hours went into making the complex
Over 8,000 volunteers from across the world participated in building it
Mandir built from intricately carved sandstone and marble 
Exhibitions on Hinduism, including Bhagwan Swaminarayan's life and teachings such as prayer, compassion, and non-violence.
Open gardens, water bodies and step-well styled courtyard 
(Picture credit -

Swaminarayan Akshardham New Delhi. Awww!! Amazing! The luxurious stunning master class piece. Damn nice. Yea. I am ranking Swaminarayan Akshardham New Delhi  as one of the prides of New Delhi and one which, I didn't honestly, know nuts or bolts about. Worth it. So worthy Swaminarayan Akshardham New Delhi. In fact, some of those in this tour commented that, Swaminarayan Akshardham New Delhi is as equal or even better status standing in comparison to Taj Mahal. Really? Should I agree? No. Not at all. Both Taj Mahal and Swaminarayan Akshardham New Delhi are a class to their own uniqueness. I won’t compare. I don’t think you should look at both of these and make a comparison. Just set them apart as they are please.  The end. 

End of sightseeing. In fact. The one and only, Day 1 New Delhi sightseeing. What about for the rest of the day? Late evening till whatever time you want to cap time? Shopping. Shopping in Karol Bagh. Shop, please go ahead, shop till you drop if you want in Karol Bagh. Karol Bagh! A major hype amongst tourist shopping district. Especially, our Malaysian Indians? Shopping on the whole in whichever part of India.  What about me? Did I shop or least to least, did my jaw drop? Oh please. Neh. To tell you the truth, Karol Bagh wasn’t a big deal or biggest deal for me. As it is, shopping is not at all the reason why I travel. Shopping by the way, has already long been abolished from my list. Furthermore, for someone like me who have been in and out of such shopping districts in other parts of the world? Like what? Like nothing I will die for. Having said that, in all fairness, I did my honor to seeing and exploring Karol Bagh. I mean, if you have come this far to New Delhi and you wouldn’t even want to leave your foot prints in Karol Bagh? What a shame. 

Almost an hour, in and out of a couple of boutiques, street shops and street stalls, enough. Enough of Karol Bagh. More than enough of aimlessly walking up and down. The logical choice then? To the hotel, located within a 15 minutes walking distance, But, ahhhhhhh! How frustrating. The two of us lost it. We got lost in the midst to the direction. Such a confusing matter it turned out to be. Imagine? You are in a carnival like busy street, surrounded and swarmed by hell of a lot of, mostly locals and making the matter worst, the chaotic traffic. Not to forget, the stares. Stares from of course the Delhi men, who were mind you, come to think of it, not bad looking. Yet, when they dare stare right into your eyes non-stop? Phew! Oh boy! Having no other choice, we braved ourselves in asking for the direction and. Thank god. Thank all the gods in Delhi. We made it one piece. Into the hotel and straight up to my room. Done! The end. Day 1 in Delhi.  

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Taj Mahal Agra - (North India)

And the journey. The journey of five and a half hours (More or less. Approximately). The journey from Jaipur (Jaipur The Love City & Jaipur Part 1) to Agra. The journey to, keeping my ass, staying put in my seat in the coach. Ahhhh! Ass. Ass literally. Fried up, down, under, above and inside. You know. This kind of long journeys. Especially for yours truly? Someone who can't keep her ass quiet. Hahaha!! She. Nava K. The hyper, fidgety, colors of "My Fifty Five Life" bright colors lively character, and tell me about my mouth. Mouth of mine? My big fat mouth which must battle wrestle out of me. The chatter box mouth of mine. Mmmmm!!!! Thank god. I had company. Company to a small number of liberal, happy go, lucky come ladies and guys in this tour (Varanasi Part 3). The bubbly and cheerful characters like me. We had fun. We giggling over silly jokes and of course, Nava K? The crowned glory to "Laughter Therapy Guru".

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Jaipur, Rajasthan - The Love City (North India)

Jaipur! So far, so absolutely amazing, fascinating and an absolute wonder world. To tell you the truth, Jaipur, without a doubt, had already conquered and captured my travelling, shining like diamond love essence. Even from the moment I was passing by and before getting down from the coach. Jaipur! Known as the "Pink City" obviously, for me personally, on the contrary, Jaipur is the "Love City". Why love are you asking me? Oh-Well. I somehow seemingly felt the love connection for Jaipur. Yea! Love! Love. Always the number one priority for literally everything in my life, and in whatever I do, and in Jaipur (Jaipur Part 1), my love for Jaipur, was pouring, oozing and dripping non-stop. Due to the underpinning, openly shown or hidden love at the sightseeing spots. In fact, even the North Indians (South India, Chennai) I bumped into and spoke to. By virtue of, staying at the hotels, shopping, whether at the shopping malls or streets, of course sightseeing places must be included as well, plus the tour guides (Varanasi North India). The tour guides who were directly or indirect correlated to love. Love as in the tour service they provided by not being selfish with their knowledge, bundled alongside bundles of smiles and laughter. All of these, all, lock, stock and barrel, trust me, whispered the language of love or akin the loud love bells ringing into my ears and on every note, in and out of my inner and outer senses.  

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Jaipur, Rajasthan (North India) - Part 1

Heart sank. Yesss! Mine. Mine, mine, mine. My, my one and only fragile heart. My heart gradually sinking, as if, to the lowest and deepest, plunging into Ganges River. Or maybe. Sinking like, the fast or slow sinking of the "Titanic". Trust me. Wasn't easy. When I have to say, when I to bid bye-bye to Varanasi (Varanasi Part 3). I felt, as though,I'm leaving behind a part of me in Varanasi. Varanasi which touched my Hindu Indian sentiment so profoundly until, I wanted more of Varanasi (Varanasi Part 2). One more day, one more night and what more, furthermore of Varanasi (Varanasi Part 1). Then again. The reality was otherwise. Because? Pretty much. We have already covered, if I am not mistaken, the lock, stock and barrel of Varanasi and coming with it, the quintessential Varanasi sightseeing spots.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Varanasi - North India (Part 3)

Varanasi. Yes. Of course. Precisely. Varanasi. So far. So good. Nothing much, honestly, no much I should complain about. In fact. A promising, fulfilling start I must state. Except maybe. The setback? Hotel Silk City. Mmmm!! Like a dungeon. Furnitures, fittings and the overall set-up? As if you have checked into an ancient old, war-torn hotel. To tell you the truth. I didn't know how to react the moment I stepped in. Sadly. Not at all to my taste infinitely. Then again? When you didn't pay for a  5 star  or even 4 star hotel? Keep quiet. Don't act, or behave like a standard mudguard please. Just make do with it. Yep. I had to remind myself.  Over and over, again and again. On a better note? Bathroom. The blessings to a clean, spic and span bath and toilet area. Thank god. The only bingo. The only bonus seemingly.

Monday, January 27, 2020

Varanasi - North India (Part 2)

Varanasi! Alright. From Delhi. Flight up, up and away in the air, before safely landing us in Varanasi. Thereafter. To the hotel and lunch (Varanasi Part 1). Up next? What else? Varanasi sightseeing. Pretty much. I mean, sightseeing must begin right? Of course. Without a doubt. Where to? As per our listing on our Varanasi itinerary card? For kick starting or jump starting our tour? Shri Viswanath Mandir. Aka, Viswanath Temple, New Viswanath Temple or Birla Temple. Temple located in Banaras Hindu University. Dedicated to Lord Shiva. Known for its tallest temple tower in the world and when holiness is a righteous or rigorous matter in Varanasi or even holiness "Holy Art Thou" in other parts in South India (Chennai & Bangalore) as well? Oh-sure. For us Hindus? Prayers and praying. Or apart from seeking god's blessings, we fulfilling our vows we have prior prioritised. What about Nava K? Good question? Remember? I think I have told you before? Me nor not definitely the most holiness Hindu grain. Yet. Sincerely. Honestly. Needles to say. I am a strong and firm believer of god, in god and towards god. Whichever god. Any god. Any god from any religion or ethnicity for the matter. But. Definitely. I will forever remain as the number one Indian Hindu holiness.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Varanasi - North India (Part 1)

South India! Oh-My-God. Hallelujah. Finally. After all these years. Me in this earth for 55 years. Finally. I achieved. I achieved a fair share of South India (Chennai). 3 months ago. Having said that, there's still, still, a good number of places in South India, yet for Nava K to be seen and explored. Those places. Aha! Call me the earliest worm for putting my globe trekking in place, those places have already been plotted and projected as part and parcel of my, towards 3/4 of year 2020 travelling itinerary. Furthermore. If all goes well, hopefully, as I badly want to, this coming South India holidaying of mine. Yes please. Back to solo. All by myself in an arranged tour. Solo travelling personally for me? To tell you the truth, I've been missing it. I do, mind you, long for solo travelling every now and then. Why? Well. Obviously. I can do as I like. At my own whims and fancy. My free and easy time. Plus, I tend to embark on soul searching on my future each time I travel alone. 

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Cape Town - South Africa (Part 3)

Another itinerary already lined up and prior being informed (Cape Town 1 and Cape Town 2), more importantly, glad I was that weather, as we were told to get ready, didn't bite deep into my skin. In fact, such a waste to carrying my thick jackets, because by this third day, I felt as though I am in Malaysia. Not cold, neither sweat dripping hot, supposedly the blessings of Cape Town's weather god, our day began once we journeyed for approximately 50 minutes. Luckily, the big rock which flew by to hit one of the back windows of our coach while we were journeying didn't hurt any of us. It did however shatter the glass, we still arrived in one piece in Nederburg Wines. One of the older vineyards in Stellenbosch, my-my, what more could I have asked for. Walla! For someone like me who gets tipsy over wine, like once a fortnight, I was grinning from one end to the other end of my mouth. How aptly, none could have been better for starting off our tour except warmly welcomed to the section where we were briefed, as well as we sampled the different types of wine. Temptation ran wild, mind you. As much as my mind indirectly sounded me, no Nava K, you should hold back, my heart and wine palate nonetheless literally wouldn't let me go. What the hack, I told myself. I went ahead and tasted, albeit, honest to goodness, I couldn't differentiate which is which in regard to the wine varieties. Others I think put on a drama as if they knew, maybe some really knew, yet, I clearly noted there were pretenders too, while the lady was explaining and also wanted to hear it out from us. I of course didn't utter no word. Frankly speaking, lemme tell you that if a wine can get me tipsy, its a fab wine. The best!       

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Sekinchan (Selangor) 1 Day Trip - Part 2

What else (Sekinchan Part 1)? What else must or should be considered as part and parcel of our sightseeing in Sekinchan? Okay. Lemme start. Ah Ma House, which by the way, wasn't like a major thing for us, thereafter, we heading to Paddy Processing Factory & Gallery. Just a short drive by the way. Within a distance of 3 or most to most 4 minutes. Anyway, Sekinchan, for your information, is a small town and most, in fact, all the sightseeing spots are located within a short distance. Plus, let me tell you ahead that sightseeing in Sekinchan can be completed within, a day or even lesser. Unless, of course, you want to remain in Sekinchan for another day or two? For reasons best known to you? Go ahead. Your time, you decide.

Sujee Cake Elegance

Baking isn't exactly my superpower, but hey, diving into it is a fun ride. It’s all about the experience, right? Let me tell you, ba...