Showing posts with label vegetarian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vegetarian. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Malay Style Turmeric Rice/Nasi Kunyit

Malay Style Turmeric Rice, the comforting to the soul dish, has been available on my YouTube channel for the last two years. But you see, the thing is? Not everybody prefer video recipes. Some, I believe, prefer a written recipe. Pretty much, summing up, why people like Ms.Nava are still blogging. I am and I stand by my opinion that recipe blogging is still relevant. Relevant and relevancy in my opinion. Correct me if I am wrong. Of course, you can correct me. Please go ahead. Meanwhile, while waiting for your reply whether you agree with my opinion or not, please allow me to proceed with the said recipe. Thank you millions.

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Plant Based/Vegetarian Tofu Rendang

Namaskar Loves, no, I have not ditched my cooking segment, neither any of you who are my ardent fans of my recipes. Just that, gosh, let me not start again, on being fully occupied with my time. No need, and lets get to the recipe. Plant Based/Vegetarian Tofu Rendang. To tell you the truth, I'm a major, massive lover of tofu. I love, love, sincerely love tofu. Affordable, for the varies types of tofu as well and tofu, easily converted to a dish. However, bear in mind that, tofu by itself can be rather bland. Henceforth, we need to uplift the taste of tofu alongside other ingredients. Neh, not a major brain cracker and for the ideas, please refer to these recipes of mine - Vegetarian Tofu Sambal, Mapo Tofu, Tofu Katsu, Masala Tofu & Tofu Curry

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Sun Dried Mango Curry/Maangai Vathal Kuzhambu

Challengers are challenging! Of course, without a doubt, and I guess, challengers are part and parcel of our life. Furthermore, say what you like, challengers are unavoidable, if we are want to positively move forward in achieving whatever we have set in our mind. Unless otherwise, for those who are contented, doing what you are doing currently, or maybe, not even doing anything, there will no challengers. How about me & my challengers? Remember, I told you before (Plant Based Masala Tofu)? No, no, don't get me wrong. I am not sulking, neither complaining. I take challengers as the stepping stone for my future goals and achievements (Lemongrass Rice & Balinese Fish Sambal).  

Monday, August 1, 2022

Lemongrass Rice (Nasi Serai)

Hi Darlings, Hope, all of you are doing well and good. After all, hope is life. As for me, as usual, the hustle-bustle, and rimmed back to back with my daily chores, including managing and running my fitness zen. Ah! Challenging as usual as well. Having said that, if there's a will, there is always a path in front of you. Of course. Oh, I also must tell you that, I have found another hobby, apart from gardening, for fulfilling my soul. The hobby? My dance videos, shared across the board in all my social media accounts. How has it been so far? Well, the good and the ugly. The ugliness of receiving flitty, ugly, dirty, bad, brutal and hammer house of horror comments. Comments like, I'm a lonely desperate woman, I'm looking for men on social media, I am a mental case, I am a shameless old lady, I am doing drunk dancing, and the list goes on. Nevermind, let it be and let them be, because I am least bothered, and I care least. On the other hand, there are people who appreciate my dancing videos. These are, the people who don't judge, who don't label, who don't assume, and they should also be known as the "beautiful souls". Thank you, stay blessed you great people.

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Turkish Carrot Yogurt Salad/Yogurtlu Havuc Salatasi

 Hi Darlings, 

Today, I bring you with lotsa love, happiness, peace, joy and laughter, another Turkish dish. Furthermore, its another salad dish. Turkish cuisine for me personally? Ah! Such a profound food joy and salad, of course, my food love as well. The question you are probably asking now, I'm assuming actually, must be, how does this Indian lady in Malaysia know about Turkish food? Is she pulling my legs, hands or any other part of my body, or she knows it? Darlings, the utter truth is, I have had my moment in time in Turkey and during this trip, I of course, being a foodie and home chef, I made sure I put my heart and soul in finding out about Turkish food (Turkish Cucumber Yogurt Salad, Turkish Saffron Rice & Chili Hummus). Literally, from wherever. From classy restaurants, and tasting street food too.  Alright, to the recipe now. Nothing complicated, nothing messy, neither a mind-wrecking matter. 

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Plant Based Spinach Turmeric Stir Fry (Vegetarian)

Where did I disappear to? Nowhere. Why then no pitching in this space of mine? Well, not everyday is a day the mind is activated for writing, furthermore, some days its pure laziness to writing, and I have been preoccupied with other things as well. One of those things, if not all, some of you know that I founded my home based, fitness Zen. That's right. Nava's Zen. Henceforth, time taken up for marketing and managing my business. Having said that, cooking is still on my list, albeit there are days its food from outside. These days, the cooking style of mine, as and when time permits, let's say, least to least, twice a week? Pretty much clean eating, healthy eating, and of course, simplicity to cooking too. Today,  its another one of my simple cooking, specifically, plant based cooking, Plant based spinach turmeric stir fry! Spinach? Oh-yes, (Chloe Palak/Spinach Chickpea, Saag Aloo/Spinach Potato, Vegetarian Spinach Coconut Milk Stew & Palak Paneer/Spinach Indian Cottage Cheese)  one of the favorites and turmeric, part and parcel of healthy cooking (Malaysian Sodhi/Coconut Milk Stew). Right now, its best we just zoom and vroom into the recipe to - plant based spinach turmeric stir fry. 

Friday, February 11, 2022

Turkish Cucumber Yogurt Salad (Cacik)

Turkish Cucumber Yogurt Salad, known as "Cacik" in Turkish language and supposedly its a dip. I on the other hand, named Cacik as a salad. Obviously, as you would have already noticed? Yeh, no harm done I suppose? To each our own? We can modify recipe names, after adapting, realigning and modifying  the recipe? Honestly, I have no qualms,. If you do, well, nothing much I can do about your cooking thinking. Anyway, lets move on. You still remember my previous Turkish recipe? Sincerely I hope you do, in case you don't, here's the recipe - Turkish Saffron Rice, which is a wonder food pairing for Turkish (Chilli Hummus) Cucumber Yogurt Salad. Sure, why not as well? You want it as a salad, no one can stop you, including Nava K. Otherwise, if you like it as a dip, as your food wish for your food pleasure. To the recipe now please. 

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Turkish Saffron Rice (Safranli Pilav)

Did this recipe, Turkish Saffron Rice, fly from high up, from the sky? No, of course not. I actually picked up it during my trip to Turkey (Istanbul, Turkey), 8 years ago, during one of my solo trips. This solo trip, for your information was one of those whereby I hopped in a fully-paid, all paid for tour, alongside unknown people. Plus, what a blessings, on our way out of Turkey (Topkapi Palace, Istanbul),  flight was delayed, and when we arrived in Dubai, our connecting flight to Kuala Lumpur has left. Henceforth, a free all paid for Dubai stay by the airline (Dubai). Tadaa! It was also during this trip, I sort of got a hold of Turkish Saffron Rice recipe. Somehow, I managed. Wasn't easy getting the recipe from the restaurant owner, where we dined in, still, yippie, I got it. Turkish Saffron Rice, nope, non-mind boggling, neither cooking complicated matter. Simple, easy-to-go-to, and taste-wise, ah, a wonder as a scented rice dish (Malaysian Cumin Rice, Vegetable Biryani & Rice Pilaf). Saffron? Yes, quite on a pricey side, but these days, you can get your hands to different types of saffron of different quality. See which you prefer and which you can afford, and let's get to the recipe now. 

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Malaysian Cumin Rice

Yep. I have been slacking in my recipe sharing compartment. I know. Well, it is nothing more than wanting to pitch other lifestyle stories. Whatever said, no excuses, I believe I shouldn't let down those who have been faithfully following this precious space of mine, from the initial years, and till now, for my recipes. Henceforth, obviously, a recipe sharing today! Malaysian Cumin Rice. Another version to the previous Jeera Rice/Cumin Rice. You choose whichever you prefer. Of course, this version, Malaysian Cumin Rice is an updated version. Yea, even recipes need updating. In other words, I mean, to keep our food, recipes and eating colorful, alive and kicking, we can play around with the ingredients, for a latest version. Malaysian Cumin Rice. The minimalist, in the vegetarian food category, the uncomplicated rice cooker cooking technic (Mint Rice, Curry Leaves Rice, Dhal Rice & Coriander Rice). and all good to go (Rice Pilaf & Vegetarian Briyani), for pairing alongside, literally, any of our Malaysian dishes. Take care everyone. See you all again in the next pitching of mine. Take care. 

Monday, November 23, 2015

Vazha Koombu Thoran

The last time we meet, we hit it at Sri Lanka cuisine (Miris Malu). Today, we are hitting back to another round of Kerala cuisine. Kerala cuisine (Mathi Achar, Nadan Meen Curry, Meen Puttu, Parippu Pradhaman)? I quite know it right? Well, I must admit I quite have it at the back and in front of my cooking hands (Malabar Fish Curry & Kerala Fish Curry). What is Vazha Koombu Thoran? Vazha Koombu is vazhaipoo, or banana flower or banana blossom. How about thoran? Basically, a stir fry (Tuna Thoran, Beans Thoran & Cabbage Thoran). To make Vazha Koombu Thoran? All clearly listed below and quite a simplicity, but cleaning the banana flower? You better get ready with time and some oil for rubbing and removing its stickiness while, maybe at removing the flowers and thereafter for cleaning your hands and fingers. Other than that, Vazha Koombu Thoran is our yesteryears and forever appeciated by my generation side dish delightfulness alongside rice (Carrot Poriyal & Tapioca Stir Fry).  

Friday, November 21, 2014

Nescafe Chocolate Cake (Eggless)

Buying ingredients is one thing, the other of course is making sure we use or finish them up. Potentially we should right? Otherwise, don't you think its such a waste to our money? I know. I in fact have been trying to finish up the box of quality cocoa powder I bought and seemingly there is no end (Eggless Molten Lave Cake, Chocolate Genoise & Cocoa Butter Cake). Greedy me actually. Instead of buying a small box, me the hero bought a big box. Henceforth, I am like racing in finishing it up and thank god, I decided to let go of the brakes towards this Nescafe Chocolate Cake (Milo Cake Eggless). But instead of getting excited again by buying coffee, I told myself. What the hack. I will make do with Nescafe which is by our favorite coffee brand. Not at all a regret. Nothing in fact was regrettable. Obviously, Nescafe instead of coffee, plus cocoa powder (Chocolate Cheesecake, Marble Cake & Chocolate Rum Tart) and the rest of the ingredients listed below for this eggless cake (Eggless Mandarin Orange Cake). Nescafe Chocolate Cake? Like a dark knight splendid attractiveness. Coffee and cocoa in one, super moist (Easy Banana Bread, Traditional Butter Cake & Sujee Cake) and vanilla scented winning eggless cake. 

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Thai Style Eggplant

Eggplant, aubergine or brinjal. All from the same family tree right? Except maybe their shapes and sizes and at times, color code as well. Eggplant in fact is a favourite in my house for all sorts of dishes, including in curries as well (Nadan Meen Curry). In fact, I can go on and on and speak about eggplant, but potentially it will be best I stick to this recipe for the day. Thai Style Eggplant. Thai cuisine and Nava K (Vegan Tom Yum Soup, Thai Fried Chicken & Lamb Massaman Curry)? Pretty much says it all and after,  and Thai Style Eggplant basically is fried eggplant in a spicy, tangy and kaffir lime leaves scented attractive gravy/sauce. Oh, a vegetarian variety too (Bengali Begun Bhaja, Baingan Bharta, Japanese Eggplant Saute, Eggplant Tikka & Brinjal Stir Fry).

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Gobi Manchurian

The dry style Gobi Manchurian (Tofu Manchurian) instead of in a sticky and gooey sauce. Personally, to tell you the truth, I don't like the sauce. Sauce which will absorb into batter fried gobi/cauli (Shahi GobiCauliflower Curry & Aloo Gobi) and for making them soggy even before you tuck in. I in fact actually prefer Gobi Manchurian for their crunchy crispiness and when eaten hot-hot once out of the frying pan, oh-my-mamma-mia (Cauliflower Pakora & Cauliflower Fritters). Furthermore, I must mention that we sort of to a certain extent have a sincere love towards gobi/cauliflower which these days are really affordable. How do we make Gobi Manchurian? My style Gobi Manchurian? Almost like making Gobi 65, but this is the kid friendly non spicy, maybe optimal level of spiciness and curry leaves and cumin seeds scented Gobi Manchurian (Bengali Begun Bhaja). 

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Kerabu Taugeh

Kerabu? Remember those kerabu or Malaysian raw salads I have already shared with all you guys (Kerabu Kacang Botol, Kerabu Mangga & Kerabu Kaki Ayam)? Plus of course, the rest from this and that part of Asian Continent (Cambodian Green Mango SaladSri Lankan Carrot Salad & Asian Watermelon Salad) and me, the Indian who just so love our ulam, local herbs and Malaysian local produce for my cooking and eating pleasure (Nasi Ulam, Kacang Buncis Cili, Sambal Belimbing, Gado Gado & Nasi Dagang)? Tell me please and I will return willingly tell you on this Kerabu Taugeh, aka, Bean Sprouts Salad. Obviously, point blank said, you need beansprouts which you just need to break the brown bottom of them and then, if you asking me, just buy the kerisik (pan fried and pounded grated coconut). What's next? Quickly blanch bean sprouts (Bean Sprouts Omelette & Bean Sprouts Salted Fish) and tossed alongside kerisik, shallots, red chillies, coriander leaves, spring onion, lime juice, sugar and salt. Refreshing, crunchy, spicy, tangy and aromatic Kerabu Taugeh/Bean Sprouts Salad is ready. Go ahead everyone. Devour in.  

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Mandarin Orange Cake

The heat is one and the heat ignited for baking (Oatmeal Raisin Cookies & Chinese Peanut Cookies). Not something I planned actually, but when you receive loads of mandarin oranges during Chinese New Year from your Chinese friends despite telling them enough is enough, yet they won't stop. Honestly, I am not sure if the giving is out of goodwill or as a clearing stock by dumping on us, or for them receiving bounds and bounds of prosperity. Beats me and we on the other hand, just can't refuse because this oranges giving is supposedly like we are receiving gold in return. Oh-god! Wish the oranges will churn into real gold, but dream on and if you continue to gobble down as many oranges, cold and cough will end up being your best friend. Thus, tell me when. What should we possibly do? Of course, we can't offend our Chinese friends by refusing, but potentially we can use some for the oranges for this Mandarin Orange Cake. Sounds logical, isn't it? Easy-preasy and without having to use the cake mixer (Traditional Butter Cake & Sujee Cake), all you got to do is mixing and gently incorporating all the ingredients. Eggles  Mandarin Orange Cake? Sincerely a soft appreciated bliss in our mouth (Eggless Orange Cheesecake & Lemon Buttermilk Cake).

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Milo Cake With Milo Glaze (Eggless)

Cake time ladies and gentlemen. Looked like I was in the mood? I was in fact. Most probably because my cake making utensils were lying around instead of me putting them back in the cupboard. Great valid reason I told myself before moving on to thinking and deciding which kinda of cake it should be this time (Traditional Butter Cake & Eggless Orange Cheesecake). Thanks to instructables for the recipe which caught my attention the moment I started searching online. Thank you once again, but me being someone who don't fancy a totality in replicating a recipe, I made the change. The change to using Milo instead of cocoa and despite doing so, cake turned out as a fantasy coming true. Recipe definitely can't be disputed compared to those other cake recipes I have taken from the virtual and which turned out witches from hell. This one must be utterly praised. Soft melting moment and beautiful to look at and once I did the glazing with Milo too, and after some of the store bought pink sugar flowers going atop, oh-my, what a beauty to the eyes and fantastically fabulous in the mouth. 

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Sri Lankan Carrot Salad

The raw deal to a raw salad must be recognised and hailed as healthiness and for keeping it really easy and simple in our kitchen. Of course. I in fact love the concept to raw salads, but can't be a regularity because my half-half does not really fancy. Maybe every now and then is acceptable to him, whereas I am every willing to tuck into a raw salad even if its daily and sometimes raw salads are not necessarily an accompaniment for my rice meals (Penang Acar). They can be my snack as well when I feel like munching instead of grabbing junk food (Apple Cucumber Salad, Watermelon Salad & Malaysian Mango Salad) and anything for the matter made with vegetables is most probably low in calorie counting (Shahi GobiCabbage UpkariKashmiri Vegetable Soup & Vegetable Raita). Moreover, when we speak about this Sri Lankan Carrot Salad (Carrot Poriyal)? An ultimate fresh raw burst to natural sweetness (Cucumber Yogurt Salad) of carrot and cucumber, refreshing tropical grated coconut (Sri Lankan Coconut Gravy), tadbit of heat from red chilli and green chilli, and tangy lime juice.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Chinese Vegetable Noodle Soup

Don't ask me why and what not, I really can't tell you why even among the Chinese, there are vegetarians (Vegetarian Fried Mee HoonChinese Vegetarian Noodle Soup). Most probably due to religionism, I believe so and like the Indians, more and more Chinese (Chinese Herbal Chicken SoupChinese Fried Rice, Chay Kway TeowChicken Wanton Soup & Cantonese Yee Mee) are now opting for vegetarianism. Beat me why. Honestly I don't know. As it is, I myself am not a vegetarian, (Chinese Chicken Noodle Soup & Hakka Noodles) neither will I want to be because I can't be a meatless person, nor I am trying hard. Of course, every now and then, in fact my other half-half is a vegetarian (Vegetarian Chow Mein) every Saturday, not me though but I don't actually mind a vegetarian meal and I quite like the concept to a tasty to like this Chinese Vegetable Noodle Soup mostly, plus cooking such dishes mind you is not really mind boggling. Nevertheless, a flavorful vegetable broth definitely is a must (Old Cucumber Soup & Burdock Root Soup). Otherwise, vegetable noodle soup dishes will taste bland, and you can either make the broth or get the ready made store bought ones. Whichever, up to you and for this style Chinese Vegetable Noodle Soup, I doubt you will struggle in getting the ingredients as listed below. This my style Chinese Vegetable Nodle Soup seriously is flavorsome and unbeatable. 

Friday, October 11, 2013

Aam ka Achaar

Aam Ka Achaar. What are we talking about, are you asking me right now? Guys, I thinks pictures have already spoken and connected you to this Mango Pickle, a Punjabi style achaar or pickle. Mouthwatering and you are salivating right now right? My favourite. Any kinda of pickle or chutney, or even sambal dip for the matter (Tamatar ki ChutneyPenang Acar & Sambal Terasi). Aam ka Achaar obviously showcases mango as the core ingredient and mango by far, I think a favourite among many of us (Prawn Mango Curry, Thai Mango Sticky Rice & Mango Mocktail)? This Punjabi style achaar is just plain and simple, but trust me, a perfect fab fit as a condiment for our rice meals (Vegetable Achar & Salted Fish Pickle), and you basically need a couple of ingredients listed below, unless you want to take it to the sky level by adding whatever other ingredients. Aam ka Achaar nava-k's style by the way is different (Indian Mango Chutney), or better for me to say as unique because I did it my way instead of the conventional method of following others. Aam ka Achaar? The burst of sour spicy notes in one.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Kiri Hodi

We spoke about coconut milk, didn't we. Of course we did, if you can recall (Masak Lemak Cili Padi) and I also mention that coconut milk is one of the favourites for Asian cooking? Me too. I can be said as a fan of cooking milk, though I don't go overboard mind you.(Hyderabadi Vegetable Biryani, Goan Prawn Curry & Palakura Pappu) and do I have to actually mention the popularity of cooking milk for Sri Lankan dishes? Especially for this Kiri Hodi, aka Sri Lankan Coconut Milk Gravy/Stew which can be eaten alongside string hoppers and even rice. For us rice is the best food deal and when we drench Kiri Hodi on our rice, oh-so-food-diviners while also adding a scoop of Tomato Chutney (Tamatar ki Chutney) prior to tucking in. As usual, I must say that there's various types of Kiri Hodi? Then again, how different can each be? Either a, actually mostly vegetarian version, but some do add some dried fish. Not for this my version though. Instead I added boiled egg. Acceptable right? Sure, stop disputing. Why should we not by the way into this creamy, tangy, attractive and mouth watering Kiri Hodi/ Sri Lankan Coconut Milk Stew? Coconut milk, like I have already told you is the central ingredients and the rest are pretty much I can say as our pantry friendly ingredients (Sodhi, Prawn Spinach Sodhi & Tanni Saar).

Sujee Cake Elegance

Baking isn't exactly my superpower, but hey, diving into it is a fun ride. It’s all about the experience, right? Let me tell you, ba...