Showing posts with label veggies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label veggies. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Fried Prawn Wanton

Fried Prawn Wanton. My-My! Such a fab kinda crunch and munch right? I know. Fried stuffs especially on the whole? You tell me. In fact, when these wanton skin parcel filled with prawns came out from my wok, a few actually went missing immediately. Not anywhere far, but our tummy tucking actually. By themselves, or when dipped into chilli sauce prior to having a ball of a time and as many as we want till all the fried prawn wanton are over and done, perhaps within a short while, what a delight. How do we make these prawn wantons? I think I have already alerted you. In fact in my previous recipes as well (Hong Kong Wonton Noodle Soup & Chicken Wanton Soup) and this latest variety is sort of the cousin of the previous Fried Shrimp Wanton. Only that, the tedious thing for me when prawns are a concern (Mee Goreng Udang, Hokkien Hae MeeMongolian Prawns, Goan Prawn Curry, Butter Prawns & Prawn Coconut Milk)? The peeling and cleaning, especially the time taken pulling out the veins. Otherwise, all is fine with prawns though I must say we are not the biggest fans of prawns (Sichuan Prawns & Chinese Prawn Fritters). Of course, there is always the once a while and these Fried Prawn Wanton, trust me, are super yummy, super crunchy and super beautifully plated up. 

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Kerabu Taugeh

Kerabu? Remember those kerabu or Malaysian raw salads I have already shared with all you guys (Kerabu Kacang Botol, Kerabu Mangga & Kerabu Kaki Ayam)? Plus of course, the rest from this and that part of Asian Continent (Cambodian Green Mango SaladSri Lankan Carrot Salad & Asian Watermelon Salad) and me, the Indian who just so love our ulam, local herbs and Malaysian local produce for my cooking and eating pleasure (Nasi Ulam, Kacang Buncis Cili, Sambal Belimbing, Gado Gado & Nasi Dagang)? Tell me please and I will return willingly tell you on this Kerabu Taugeh, aka, Bean Sprouts Salad. Obviously, point blank said, you need beansprouts which you just need to break the brown bottom of them and then, if you asking me, just buy the kerisik (pan fried and pounded grated coconut). What's next? Quickly blanch bean sprouts (Bean Sprouts Omelette & Bean Sprouts Salted Fish) and tossed alongside kerisik, shallots, red chillies, coriander leaves, spring onion, lime juice, sugar and salt. Refreshing, crunchy, spicy, tangy and aromatic Kerabu Taugeh/Bean Sprouts Salad is ready. Go ahead everyone. Devour in.  

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Hokkien Hae Mee

Sometimes, don't we have the tendency to cook the same dishes again and again? In fact, if you are asking me about our daily meals, we usually repeat the dishes. Of course, the practically to cooking. I mean, how many new dishes do we actually initiate in a month or even every forth night considering our crisis for time and maybe because we have a certain liking for a specific dish? Mind you, its the same cooking story in my house as well regardless of the fact that since I started this space of mine, I have been exploring a whole lot of new dishes (Singapore Mee Siam, Siamese Laksa Lemak, Malaysian Fried Mee Hoon & Chinese Vegetable Noodle Soup). Not because I want to impress all of you, but for my own cooking pride and also I want to improvise on the dishes I have cooked before. Take this Hokkien Hae Mee as an example. Made before (Penang Mee Yoke) and I guess there's always such as thing as another round of another style or version.

Sujee Cake Elegance

Baking isn't exactly my superpower, but hey, diving into it is a fun ride. It’s all about the experience, right? Let me tell you, ba...