Friday, April 12, 2019

Ipoh, Perak - Nava K Discovery (Day 1)


Back on the road again after lunching and “Gaharu Tea Valley, Gopeng being our first sightseeing spot. Honestly, to tell you the truth, I had no clue whatsoever what to expect. In fact, I was under the impression that its gonna be another kinda standard tea plantation. Of course, a tea valley alright, but tea made from tea leaves of Gaharu/Agarwood trees. Trees at their infant stage and those already matured. In a huge slopping up and down area and where we embarked on a guided van tour which included two stops at different heights for a higher up view from up there and for seeing what's housed within this valley. Thereafter, once we returned to the entrance, we sampled the freshly brewed tea and we couldn't also resist picking up a packet or two of Hoga Gaharu tea. Said as tea for health and I must stress that, tea tasting pretty smooth and lovely as well.     

Subsequently, from Gaharu Tea Valley to Kellie's Castle, Batu Gajah. The unfinished ruined mansion, built by Scottish planter William Kelly-Smith and if you don't know, lemme tell you that, Kellie's Castle is listed as one of the hauntings in Malaysia. Ohhhhhhh! By any chance, did  I bump into Kellie or anyone else who have joined him in heaven or hell? No. Seriously, no. But heading from one section to the other, and till the roof top alone during this quiet weekday, while every now and then, passing by one or two people? Trust me, goose bumps. That eerie feeling? Quite a ruckus scary thing actually. Otherwise, all is fairly great wondrous in this historical site, and where you can put your hand-phone or camera to good use by posing over and over, again and again for impressing your Instagram followers.  

Next stop? Taman Herba, Batu Gajah. Well, me the plant lover who insisted on seeing and digesting the facts to the various types of our Malaysian herbs. Pretty much, for me personally, an appreciated knowledge and learning thirsting visit for which you have to pay and whether you are apt for exercising your legs by walking further inside or you prefer driving through this huge nature area before existing out.   

Half an hour,  more or less in Taman Herba, before we arriving in Casuarina Meru. Booked via Agoda there and then instead of prior booking due to wanting to grab the best deal for the day. Excluding buffet breakfast though. Our room? Like any other in other reputable hotels. Clean, well maintained, ample space for two and equipped with the necessary toiletries and beverages we Malaysians always expect. Wifi on the other hand? Duh! A sad case. Crawling at its own slow speed. Thank god for my mobile data.

20 minutes for freshening up, off we left prior to stepping foot in Ipoh town by 6.00pm. Some leisure walking within as far as we could, followed by dinner in Restoran Tauge Ayam Lou Wong. Food definitely didn’t disappoint us. Ipoh Tauge and Ipoh Chicken Rice in Ipoh? A must try right? Sure. Indeed, a satisfying meal, but paying almost RM150.00 for the three of us? Honestly, we really thought it was a rip off for ½ chicken, fish ball soup, tauge soy sauce, liver soy sauce, rice and a bowl of dessert. Anyway, what could have possibly been the outcome since we have already tucked in instead of prior checking how much, roughly we will be paying? Damn! One of those con job billing I suppose. Especially if you are a tourist or because you are different skin color?

After dinner, we started walking again. This time, in and out of the shops selling cakes and food stuffs. Grabbing a few pieces of the baked goodies, we returned to the hotel before showering and calling it a night.  

Friday, April 5, 2019

Pachai Sundakkai Kulambu (Fresh Turkey Berry Curry)

Fresh turkey berries, also known as wild eggplant or terung pipit among Malaysians like myself, are a delightful ingredient in many dishes. Growing up with Malay neighbors, I've developed a deep love for Malay cuisine, often calling turkey berries by their Malay name, terung pipit.

These berries are not only enjoyed in raw salads, known as ulam, dipped in a spicy sauce, but also shine in cooked dishes. My first attempt at a stir-fried turkey berry dish was a success, and I'll share that recipe after introducing you to Pachai Sundakkai Kulambu (Fresh Turkey Berry Curry).

Friday, February 8, 2019

Hokkaido - Japan: Winter Wanderlust

Our final day in Hokkaido (OTARU) began with a bitter twist. Winter had truly settled in, halting all sightseeing plans. Heavy snowflakes blanketed everything, bringing with them the news that our flight might be cancelled. Secretly, I hoped for more snow, longing for an extra day in this winter wonderland. My hopeful grin drew laughter from the group (NOBORIBETSU).

The greatest disappointment was the cancellation of our visit to the Okurayama Viewing Point, the 1972 Winter Olympic Games ski jumping venue. As someone who relishes visiting iconic spots, this news hit hard, like a sharp arrow piercing my heart. Also cancelled was the panoramic view of Sapporo city from the mountain peak and the visit to the serene Sapporo Shrine in Maruyama Park. No sightseeing at all. It felt like an explosion in my head, shattering my excitement.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Otaru: Nostalgic Winter

Totally crashed out from the previous day's whirlwind of activities and snow fun in Sapporo (SAPPORO WHAT AWAITS), I slept like a log until the alarm blared, signaling the start of another adventure-filled day (HOKKAIDO). Today, we were heading to Otaru, and despite my excitement, a wave of sentimentality hit me - only two days left before heading home. 

It's a familiar feeling that always accompanies the end of my travels, a longing for more adventures instead of returning to the grind. But reality bites; I need to work and save before planning the next holiday. Given the choice, I'd travel 365 days a year. As I showered, I mentally calculated how long it would take to save for my next trip. Once dressed, I joined the group for the buffet breakfast.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Sapporo - (Hokkaido): Discovering More of What Awaits

What an unexpected surprise! On the fourth day of our Hokkaido and Sapporo tour, the winter weather had finally mellowed. Oh boy, I was all grins as I could finally spend more time outdoors, unlike the previous day when we were constantly running for indoor shelter in Noboribetsu. 

Breakfast at Hotel Maharoba (NOBORIBETSU WINTER TIME) was a revelation. While my tour buddies raved about the dinner, I found the buffet breakfast to be an absolute delight. Those Japanese-style dishes, especially the ones featuring tofu, seaweed, fresh seafood, and a variety of vegetables, were simply amazing. And when I saw congee and bacon- my all-time favorite - my excitement soared. 

The varieties of egg dishes were equally impressive, cooked in the soft and fluffy Japanese style. And let's not forget the Japanese desserts, which were an absolute treat - soft, melt-in-your-mouth perfection that added a sweet start to my day.

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Noboribetsu - Hokkaido, Japan (Winter Time)

Our stay at Hilton Niseko Village (HOKKAIDO WINTER TALES) had come to an end, and I felt a deep sense of fulfillment. Staying for two nights was indeed a luxury, albeit one that came with a price. However, the experience was worth every penny because Hilton Niseko Village truly is a star light, star bright place to stay when in Hokkaido.

With our luggage packed and loaded onto the coach after a hearty buffet breakfast, we embarked on our journey to Noboribetsu. The trip would take about four hours, with planned comfort breaks along the way, especially for the loo. After traveling for a little over an hour, we stopped at a store whose name eludes me.

Monday, January 28, 2019

Hokkaido, Japan - Winter Tales

The first night's sleep while traveling (HOKKAIDO WINTER WANDERINGS) is always restless, don't you agree? For me, as a solo traveler, it's a mix of excitement, adjusting to new surroundings, and maybe a hint of horror movie scenarios playing in my mind - haha! I hardly slept, alone in a new place, managing only about three hours before rising early to shower and layer up in winter clothes, eager for the buffet breakfast. 

The breakfast spread was a tantalizing mix of Asian, Japanese, and Western delights, offering a tempting array of salads, egg dishes, and other mouthwatering treats. I made sure to fuel up with energy-packed foods, gearing up for the adventures that awaited.

Friday, January 25, 2019

Hokkaido Japan: Winter Wanderings Begin

Winter in Hokkaido was destined to be an unforgettable experience. My travel companions had warned me about the intense cold, so I packed my luggage with the thickest winter coats and layers, including Long Johns, purchased just two weeks before our flight (COLOMBO & NUWARA ELIYA SRI LANKA). As soon as we landed at New Chitose International Airport, after transiting from Bangkok, the bone-chilling cold hit me, making me feel like I was being blown apart by the freezing wind.

New Chitose Airport, located about 50 kilometers from the central hub of Sapporo, is a marvel. It's the largest gateway to Hokkaido, handling over 20 million passengers annually with seamless access to both domestic and international destinations. Stepping into this vast, immaculate space, I understood why it was the perfect entry point for our Hokkaido adventure.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Colombo - Sri Lanka: From Dreams to Discovery

As I headed to Colombo, I felt a deep sense of love and excitement (GALLE & NUWARA ELIYA). Since childhood, Colombo was the only place in Sri Lanka I had heard about because it was always mentioned when someone spoke about the country. Consequently, it had always been in my mind. Now, the time had come to unlock those feelings and experience the city for myself. However, there was also a hint of sadness, knowing this trip would end by late evening tomorrow when I'd fly back home. While I missed my hub, the thought of returning to my responsibilities felt overwhelming.

Determined to make the most of my remaining time, we made several stops along the route from Galle to Colombo. We visited two different beaches, likely between Unawatuna Beach, Hikkaduwa Beach, Bentota Beach, Beruwala Beach, and Mount Lavinia Beach. Each beach had stunning, mesmerizing waters that left me in awe. The beauty of these beaches was truly mind-blowing.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Galle - Sri Lanka: Exploring Famed Sightseeing Spots

Our day started at the Okrin Hotel in Kataragama with a breakfast that truly awakened my senses. The buffet offered two choices: Western or Sri Lankan. While my four companions went for the Western option, I opted for the Sri Lankan breakfast. Despite a brief 20-minute wait, the meal that awaited me was well worth it. The flavors of Rice Cakes, Coconut Sambol and Fish Curry were so captivating that even those who had chosen the Western breakfast couldn’t resist sneaking a bite from my plate. I felt deeply grateful for this mouthwatering experience as we prepared to leave Kataragama and head towards Galle (KATARAGAMA & KANDY).

Friday, January 11, 2019

Kataragama - Sri Lanka: Sacred Trails and Serene Adventures

Another morning began with our customary hotel buffet breakfast (Negambo & Nuwara Eliya) before setting off early along winding roads, surrounded by unfolding hilltop vistas and nature on all sides. Our journey took an unexpected pause when we spotted a waterfall, prompting us to request our driver to pull over, much to his initial reluctance due to parking constraints. Undeterred, we insisted and made our way to Rawana Ella Falls, discovering that we had ventured into the Ella district

While most of our group seemed disinterested, myself and a fellow traveler eagerly approached the fence overlooking Rawana Waterfall. Standing there, I was captivated by the sight and sound of the 82-foot cascade, known as one of Sri Lanka’s widest waterfalls. Nestled within the Ravana Ella Wildlife Sanctuary, about six kilometers from the Ella Railway Station. The experience offered breathtaking views of the falls and the pristine surroundings of Ella.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Nuwara Eliya - Sri Lanka: Hillside One Day Retreat

Up at 6 AM, I packed our luggage (Kandy, Sri Lanka), ensuring nothing was left behind, especially my phone.  After breakfast at the hotel, we hit the road by 9 AM. Our driver made an unexpected stop at a two-story retail outlet, giving us an hour for some retail therapy. While I wasn't keen on shopping, others in our group bought sarees, t-shirts, and silver pots. Watching a group of Chinese tourists excitedly trying on sarees was entertaining.

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Kandy (Rambukkana/Mawanella/Kandy) - Sri Lanka

Negombo to Kandy was our route for the day. Two stops were already planned, with the main highlight being the Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage - a must-see for most travelers on this route. When we arrived around 11:30am, the place was bustling, even during the off-peak season, with a majority of Western tourists. The orphanage, set in a vast open area, greeted us with flying dust and the blazing Sri Lankan sun. We walked alongside hundreds of visitors, passing by stalls and petty traders, making our way to the riverbank where elephants were bathing and having fun.

The sight was incredible. Harmless, friendly, huge, and small elephants were everywhere. You could take pictures with them, as close as you dared, for a fee. Alternatively, you could just enjoy watching from a distance, though you had to be careful on the slippery surface and avoid getting pushed by the crowd. After about half an hour at the riverbank, we made our way back to the main road, just in time to see the elephant parade. The elephants obediently crossed the road right in front of us, though I couldn’t tell where they were heading.  Orphanage, most probably to the elephant orphanage.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Negambo - Sri Lanka: A Serene Escape Amidst Traditional Fishing Life

Ready for my adventure to Sri Lanka, I breezed through immigration only to be stopped by a customs officer. He seemed suspicious, maybe because I was traveling alone. After thoroughly checking my luggage, he asked how much money I had. When I said RM700.00, he acted like it was a fortune, grilling me endlessly. Despite explaining it was for spending, he wouldn't relent. Finally, with no real reason to hold me, he let me go. I joined a group of five Malaysian Chinese, part of my tour, and thankfully, one of them approached me before we got into the van.

Our first stop was lunch at St. Lachan Hotel, set in a beautiful garden. We were greeted with 'ayubowan,' a Sinhalese greeting similar to Namaste. As we nibbled on crispy snacks and got acquainted, we waited for our food. The 20-minute wait was worth it as we enjoyed an amazing meal, especially the fish curry with veggies and rice.

Sujee Cake Elegance

Baking isn't exactly my superpower, but hey, diving into it is a fun ride. It’s all about the experience, right? Let me tell you, ba...