Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Malay Style Turmeric Rice/Nasi Kunyit

Malay Style Turmeric Rice, the comforting to the soul dish, has been available on my YouTube channel for the last two years. But you see, the thing is? Not everybody prefer video recipes. Some, I believe, prefer a written recipe. Pretty much, summing up, why people like Ms.Nava are still blogging. I am and I stand by my opinion that recipe blogging is still relevant. Relevant and relevancy in my opinion. Correct me if I am wrong. Of course, you can correct me. Please go ahead. Meanwhile, while waiting for your reply whether you agree with my opinion or not, please allow me to proceed with the said recipe. Thank you millions.

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

New Delhi - Nava's Travel

Back in New Delhi (New Delhi to Shimla). Not my first time, because Delhi was also the same in and out route during my previous North India trip (New Delhi - North India). Let alone, I was again back in Hotel Sohi Residency, Karol Bagh, which seemingly is the ideal location for those who, do or die, must shop in Delhi. Specifically, in "Karol Bagh Shopping Market". Ah, this shopping thing in India. Amongst the Malaysian Indians? The shop till your drop concept. For a matter of fact, even in other parts of India, including Chennai? Seemingly a major hype. Unbelievably it is. Sorry loves, I know I shouldn't judge others, but, I still can't comprehend. I'm lost for words actually, because for someone like me, you mean you only can buy India's goods in India? They are not available in Malaysia? Or have people not digested the reality to, you can shop for India's products online, which can be cheaper? I shut my big fat mouth now. I surrender. 

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Chandigarh, North India - Nava's Travel (Part 2)

Hopefully, hope is life by the way, my biggest hope on the second day in Chandigarh? Please, a big full-stop to health issues please. Arrr, as it is, sightseeing didn't materialize the previous day (Chandigarh Part 1), and in case health cases are back to square one? Dang! Anyway, come or go whatever, going by our itinerary, we must return to New Delhi by tonight. Thankfully, so far so good. No "health is not wealth" casualties. Meanwhile, breakfast was broken by the usual hotel buffet breakfast. On my dead palates. Literally dead due to eating the same type of food for the last 6 days, for almost every other meal. Ahhhhh!!! (Kullu Manali & Shimla).

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Chandigarh, North India - Nava's Travel (Part 1)

New Delhi, Shimla, Kullu Manali and ......? 
Chandigarh. The capital of the northern states of Punjab and Haryana. Ohlalala! Another travelling feather on my travelling hat. Of course, I was all fired up and down for "Here I am Coming For You Darling" Chandigarh. Nevertheless, in the midst of the approximately 6 hours journey from Manali, the unexpected became the expected, because tour members, one after another had fallen ill. Most probably, for reasons only they know best? If by chance you are asking me why, let me spill their ugly eating truth. Hate me now if you want to, yet, I believe it was due to constantly pigging at hotel buffet breakfast, also, at the late hours complimentary dinner meals in hotels too. Oh-well. the sly me who have been slyly watching them from the corners of my eyes. Doink!!

Friday, February 24, 2023

Ms. Nava's Late 50s Social Entrepreneurship Journey - The Pull Factors

Assuming you have already familiarized yourself with Ms. Nava's push factors (Ms. Nava's Push Factors), it's time to delve into the other side of the coin—her pull factors. Pull factors, as we explore today, are the positive motivations that compelled Ms. Nava towards her path as a social woman entrepreneur. This captivating topic has been extensively researched and discussed in academic forums and journals, continually evolving in the literature review section. Unlike push factors, which involve external influences, pull factors are rooted in intrinsic motivations. They can be classified into various categories, such as the need for achievement, freedom, a desire for a challenging lifestyle, and the pursuit of financial success. Now, let's take a closer and personal look at Ms. Nava's pull factors.

Friday, February 17, 2023

Ms. Nava's Late 50s Social Entrepreneurship Journey - Unveiling the Push Factors

Step into the extraordinary story of Ms. Nava, a remarkable woman who embarked on her social entrepreneurial journey last year, defying age stereotypes and embracing boldness. At the ripe age of fifty-eight (58), she took a leap that left many wonderings, "Starting a business now? How intriguing!" Even Ms. Nava herself couldn't believe it at first. With hundreds of doubts clouding her mind, she pondered the challenges ahead. But as the saying goes, "You never try, you never know," and she understood that without risk, there can be no reward. Ms. Nava thrives on new challenges, ready to conquer whatever comes her way. Fascinating, isn't it? The intrigue only deepens.

Monday, February 13, 2023

Kullu Manali - Nava's Travel (Part 2)

If its Kullu Manali (Kullu Manali Part 1) it has to be Rohtang Pass. Of course. Why you think I came this far (Shimla Part 2)? One of the top spots, one of the most spectacular nature delights in India, Rohtang Pass is indeed a major attraction for people of all walks of life. The gateway to fun, happiness, excitement and soul touching high altitude nature, ah, ah, ah, without a doubt, Rohtang Pass is truly a mesmerizing sight. Snow blanketed mountains, snow paths, streams of luscious and melting snow, and these being the winter essence of Rohtang Pass. Nevertheless, nothing new for me, neither not something I have not experienced before. Because I have had similar winter highlights in Turkey, Hokkaido/Sapporo & Norway. Having said that, for the majority in the tour group, they were all at their highest degree in love for the heights of the mountains and snow in Rohtang Pass. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Kullu Manali - Nava's Travel (Part 1)

Bye-bye Shimla (Shimla Part 2 & Shimla Part 1). Sadly. Although, deep down inside me, I would have appreciated, least to least, another day in Shimla. Then again? The reality to travelling is otherwise. You got to move on darling. Move on to the next destination. Indeed, on this particular morning, we began, give in and take, our seven hours journey to - Kullu Manali. Hah! Ah! Finally, my moment to the beauty of Manali, after the years of listening to others. Also, this drive towards Manali, was the moment to viewing Shimla's slopes, mountains and valleys, which we missed on the way up, due to night has fallen. 

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Plant Based/Vegetarian Tofu Rendang

Namaskar Loves, no, I have not ditched my cooking segment, neither any of you who are my ardent fans of my recipes. Just that, gosh, let me not start again, on being fully occupied with my time. No need, and lets get to the recipe. Plant Based/Vegetarian Tofu Rendang. To tell you the truth, I'm a major, massive lover of tofu. I love, love, sincerely love tofu. Affordable, for the varies types of tofu as well and tofu, easily converted to a dish. However, bear in mind that, tofu by itself can be rather bland. Henceforth, we need to uplift the taste of tofu alongside other ingredients. Neh, not a major brain cracker and for the ideas, please refer to these recipes of mine - Vegetarian Tofu Sambal, Mapo Tofu, Tofu Katsu, Masala Tofu & Tofu Curry

Friday, January 27, 2023

Shimla - Nava's Travelog (Part 2)

I starting walking and can you imagine, how the walk must have been? Right after the bouncy horse ride, followed by stepping up and down on the stone path, leading up to Mahasu Peak (Shimla Part 1 & New Delhi To Shimla)? Hah! Testing, testing, the endurance test of my legs and my will power. As I continued walking, I also couldn't help noticing the line of stalls on both sides, selling souvenirs, clothes, food and drinks mostly, also games fun time. However, my shopping enthusiasm didn't scream high, neither rushing as high as Mahasu Peak. Simply said, I didn't see anything special at these stalls. Basically, similar stuffs as at the road side stalls, across the starting point of the horse ride area. Pretty much as well, the standardized North Indian street shopping. 

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Shimla - Nava's Travelog (Part 1)

The journey, the long journey from New Delhi (New Delhi To Shimla) for landing us in Shimla. Shimla! The summer capital of Himachal Pradesh state, northern India, renowned for its breathtaking nature surrounding. Hills, mountains, valleys, all of these as one big nature bundle, alongside greens, trees, and flowers, for capturing Shimla as the essence to nature unspoiled, at its best. However, all of these, Shimla's nature beauty, were massively shadowed, swarmed by pitch dark darkness, due to night has fallen. Right from the beginning, from the bottom-up drive, all the way before we step foot in the resort, perched atop a hill, at about 10.30pm. Ms. Nava, feeling a bit off-track, tell me about it, the hours being seated in the coach and also, the winded drive up, she decided to split away from the rest by skipping dinner in the resort. 

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Uttar Pradesh & Haryana: Sacred Legends of North India

Back to India (NEW DELHI & JAIPUR ), this time to explore Shimla and Chandigarh. On another solo trip, I joined a tour group with a mix of familiar faces (CHENNAI & MADURAI )and new acquaintances for a 7-day, 6-night adventure. The journey began in New Delhi, where I finally hit the bed in my room past 1 AM. By 8:30 AM the next morning, we were on our way to Shimla, embarking on an almost 10-hour road journey. Leaving New Delhi on a busy Saturday, we faced peak weekend traffic, taking at least an hour to get onto the roads leading to Shimla.

About two and a half hours later, we stopped for a comfort break at Mama Yadav, Shiva Dhaba in Babugarh, Uttar Pradesh, which was bustling with people. After a quick visit to the loo, I opted for a fresh, hot tea in a clay cup instead of sitting down to eat. The experience of watching the tea being poured into the clay pot made me grin, and the taste was delightful, transporting me to an ancient time

Monday, December 12, 2022

Vegetarian Devil/Debel Curry

Among the Penang Eurasian and Melaka Eurasian communities, Devil or Debel Curry, known in Melaka as Curry Debal or Cari Debal, is a popular dish. It’s a fiery curry, with loads of intense spiciness and herbs, blending influences from Portuguese, Indian, and Chinese cuisines. I picked up cooking Eurasian dishes from a generous friend in the Eurasian community, who unselfishly shared her recipes. Millions of thanks to her for also sharing her Devil/Debel Curry recipe, made from chicken or pork. I have tasted these, and being an Indian who loves pork, it's not an issue for me.

From her recipes, I created this Vegetarian Devil/Debel Curry (VEGETARIAN SPINACH MASAK LEMAK & INDONESIAN POTATO TAUCU). It holds the quintessential tastes of an authentic devil curry. I am certain you will agree once you try it. Fiery, tangy, thick, and with vegetables cooked to the right texture, Devil/Debil Curry is loved when poured generously over rice or eaten with toast.

Monday, September 26, 2022

Drumstick Egg Masala (Murungakkai Muttai Masala)

Hi Darlings, 

What a long break from my cooking pitching. Like, almost a month plus already. Oh-well-well, nothing new for me to share. Its the same thing basically (read at Sun Dried Mango Curry).  Alright, without taking up your time and mine, to the recipe of the day. Drumstick/murunggakai? Yes, there's been recipes before in this space of mine (Drumstick Leaves FryFish Muringakka Curry & Salted Fish Murungakkai Curry). Let me add another one and as usual, cooking for me personally, is about simplicity and making do with my pantry friendly ingredients and whatever has been stocked up in my fridge. Right on, hit it at the recipe now please!!!

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Sun Dried Mango Curry/Maangai Vathal Kuzhambu

Challengers are challenging! Of course, without a doubt, and I guess, challengers are part and parcel of our life. Furthermore, say what you like, challengers are unavoidable, if we are want to positively move forward in achieving whatever we have set in our mind. Unless otherwise, for those who are contented, doing what you are doing currently, or maybe, not even doing anything, there will no challengers. How about me & my challengers? Remember, I told you before (Plant Based Masala Tofu)? No, no, don't get me wrong. I am not sulking, neither complaining. I take challengers as the stepping stone for my future goals and achievements (Lemongrass Rice & Balinese Fish Sambal).  

Monday, August 1, 2022

Lemongrass Rice (Nasi Serai)

Hi Darlings, Hope, all of you are doing well and good. After all, hope is life. As for me, as usual, the hustle-bustle, and rimmed back to back with my daily chores, including managing and running my fitness zen. Ah! Challenging as usual as well. Having said that, if there's a will, there is always a path in front of you. Of course. Oh, I also must tell you that, I have found another hobby, apart from gardening, for fulfilling my soul. The hobby? My dance videos, shared across the board in all my social media accounts. How has it been so far? Well, the good and the ugly. The ugliness of receiving flitty, ugly, dirty, bad, brutal and hammer house of horror comments. Comments like, I'm a lonely desperate woman, I'm looking for men on social media, I am a mental case, I am a shameless old lady, I am doing drunk dancing, and the list goes on. Nevermind, let it be and let them be, because I am least bothered, and I care least. On the other hand, there are people who appreciate my dancing videos. These are, the people who don't judge, who don't label, who don't assume, and they should also be known as the "beautiful souls". Thank you, stay blessed you great people.

Cantonese Yee Mee: Chinese Style Noodles Simplified

Making Cantonese Yee Mee might seem like a culinary revelation, but it’s actually quite simple. While some may treat cooking as a grand ...