Saturday, May 13, 2023

Malaysian Wildboar Curry/Kattu Pandi Kulambu

I find it rather curious, or perhaps understandable, that among 10 Indians, only one or two would indulge in pork. While this doesn't particularly bother me, it's quite a phenomenon when dining with them, as they tend to avoid eateries serving pork dishes. This preference is more prevalent among the older generation, although a fair number of younger individuals do enjoy pork. Interestingly, those who abstain from pork often struggle to articulate the reasons behind their choice. Some perceive pork as unclean, while others cite religious beliefs. Many were simply not exposed to pork consumption by their parents, leading to a perpetuation of dietary habits. In general, Indians tend to favor familiarity over culinary exploration, which contrasts with my own adventurous palate.

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Rotkohl (German Red Cabbage): A Taste of Tradition

My culinary journey began long ago, but it truly intensified after I got married. At first, cooking felt like a monotonous chore - repeatedly preparing the same dishes to please my husband's palate. It seemed as though cooking had been conveniently handed to me as part of my marriage responsibilities. Yet, as the years passed, I discovered the therapeutic joy of cooking. I began experimenting with dishes from around the world, eager to explore new flavors and techniques.


While my husband remained somewhat hesitant to try new foods, there were occasional surprises. When I introduced him to Rotkohl, a traditional German dish, his reaction was unexpectedly positive. He savored the soft, tangy bites of this vegetarian delight, a departure from our usual fare.

Monday, May 8, 2023

Discover Your Zen: Yoga for Everyone

Beginning on a zen yoga journey can feel intimidating, especially if you're new to the practice. It's natural to have concerns about flexibility or past experiences with strict instructors. But rest assured, yoga (yoga magic) is truly accessible to everyone, regardless of age, experience, or body type. 


I often hear questions like, "Am I too old to start yoga?" or "I've never done yoga before, can I still join?" These doubts are common, but they shouldn't hold you back. Some individuals hesitate to join despite reassurances, while others have had negative experiences that left them feeling discouraged and lacking confidence.

Friday, May 5, 2023

Yoga Magic - Ms. Nava's Journey To A New Lease Of Life

Zen yoga is undoubtedly at the heart of holistic wellness, a concept that continues to resonate in our modern world. It's the epitome of natural therapy, nurturing the breath, body, mind, and soul, with the power to reshape lives in unexpected ways.


However, it's essential to recognize that while yoga is a potent tool, it should never replace medical care. Doctors are vital in our healthcare system, offering essential services such as emergency care, managing chronic conditions, and collaborating with other healthcare providers to ensure comprehensive patient care. Yoga can complement traditional medical treatments but should never be seen as a substitute.

Friday, April 28, 2023

Nava's Menopause: Zen Yoga Healing

Menopause, once cloaked in silence, now steps into the spotlight, shedding light on a journey often veiled in secrecy. As an Indian woman, I've traversed this path, navigating the turbulent waters of hormonal shifts and societal whispers. But remaining silent was not an option; I knew that by sharing my story, I could extend a comforting hand to others walking a similar path.


At 45, my body began its farewell to the reproductive years, yet the journey of menopause had commenced long before. It tiptoed into my life, casting shadows over my days and nights. The symptoms arrived uninvited: hot flashes, restless nights, and tears flowing without cause. Seeking guidance, I consulted medical experts, only to receive responses ranging from dismissive to disheartening. It was a male gynecologist who finally offered the advice I needed.

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Tantalizing Tomyam Fish: A Flavor Explosion

Tomyam - a name that resonates with food lovers worldwide, synonymous with the bold, unmistakable flavors of Thai cuisine. It's a culinary journey I've savored for years, honing my skills after exploring every nook and cranny of Thailand's diverse gastronomic landscape.


From the bustling streetside stalls to the refined elegance of upscale eateries, Thailand's culinary scene offers a spectrum of delights. Yet, amidst the array of options, one dish stands out - Tomyam. Its fiery spiciness can be a challenge to stomach at times, but oh, the rewards are worth it.

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Challengers Faced By Late 50s Indian Woman Entrepreneur - Ms.Nava (Part 2)

Prepared as I was, the true entrepreneurial learning curve only begins once you're in the system. It's a reality that the curve throws challengers your way, regularly or sporadically. As I move forward (Entrepreneurial Pull Factors) as an Indian woman entrepreneur in my late 50s, these challengers question my capabilities and abilities (Challengers Part 1).



Competition is inevitable and keeps me on my toes. It's not about comparing myself to others in the industry, but staying aware of their offerings. Nava's Zen, with its unique nature-inspired approach, stands apart. Yet, should we reinvent our wheels or lower prices to capture our target market effectively? Staying ahead of competitors requires time, money, and brand building—especially as a solopreneur.

Social Harassment

Digital marketing exposes me to both expected and unexpected challenges—social harassment being one of them. Being active on social media platforms is essential for personal and business branding. However, age and race seem to attract unwelcome attention. As a liberal Indian woman promoting my business through dance and yoga outfits, I face sleazy comments and direct messages. Dealing with these disgusting incidents is a choice between ignoring, avoiding digital marketing, or accepting that some individuals in society are irrational.


Age itself is not a major obstacle, but it does come with its realities. Energy levels may decline, and the fact that my biological clock stopped ticking 18 years ago sometimes affects me emotionally. Palpitations, anxiety attacks, and nervousness arise occasionally. Though my mindset helps counter these challenges, I cannot halt the natural process of biological aging.

Managing the Husband

Managing the husband alone is a challenge in itself. I won't shy away from admitting it. Perhaps, it's rooted in the cultural upbringing that glorifies Indian men, placing them on a pedestal. How do I navigate this Indian social norm while still being the all-rounder managing household affairs? Complicating matters, my husband is comfortably retired while I, in my late 50s, remain an ambitious go-getter. Honesty prevails: managing the husband is no smooth ride.

In conclusion, navigating the entrepreneurial journey in my late 50s as an Indian woman comes with its fair share of hurdles. However, I am determined to overcome them. Through resilience, adaptability, and a growth mindset, I strive to inspire others to pursue their dreams, no matter the age or gender.

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Challengers Faced By Late 50s Indian Woman Entrepreneur - Ms.Nava (Part 1)

Truth be told, sometimes I feel I should have been contented as a full-time wife and mother after leaving my job as a Senior Lecturer (Unveiling The Pull Factor) And for the first three years, I actually was content. It felt like a major relief to bid goodbye to the years of slogging at my career while managing home affairs and enduring peak hour commutes. However, three years later, my soul was torn apart as I yearned to return as an alpha female constantly reinventing myself. Thus began my late 50s social entrepreneurship journey, reinventing myself, upgrading my knowledge, and venturing into the health and wellness business with Nava's Zen.

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Malay Style Turmeric Rice/Nasi Kunyit

Malay Style Turmeric Rice, the comforting to the soul dish, has been available on my YouTube channel for the last two years. But you see, the thing is? Not everybody prefer video recipes. Some, I believe, prefer a written recipe. Pretty much, summing up, why people like Ms.Nava are still blogging. I am and I stand by my opinion that recipe blogging is still relevant. Relevant and relevancy in my opinion. Correct me if I am wrong. Of course, you can correct me. Please go ahead. Meanwhile, while waiting for your reply whether you agree with my opinion or not, please allow me to proceed with the said recipe. Thank you millions.

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

New Delhi - Nava's Travel

Back in New Delhi (New Delhi to Shimla). Not my first time, because Delhi was also the same in and out route during my previous North India trip (New Delhi - North India). Let alone, I was again back in Hotel Sohi Residency, Karol Bagh, which seemingly is the ideal location for those who, do or die, must shop in Delhi. Specifically, in "Karol Bagh Shopping Market". Ah, this shopping thing in India. Amongst the Malaysian Indians? The shop till your drop concept. For a matter of fact, even in other parts of India, including Chennai? Seemingly a major hype. Unbelievably it is. Sorry loves, I know I shouldn't judge others, but, I still can't comprehend. I'm lost for words actually, because for someone like me, you mean you only can buy India's goods in India? They are not available in Malaysia? Or have people not digested the reality to, you can shop for India's products online, which can be cheaper? I shut my big fat mouth now. I surrender. 

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Chandigarh, North India - Nava's Travel (Part 2)

Hopefully, hope is life by the way, my biggest hope on the second day in Chandigarh? Please, a big full-stop to health issues please. Arrr, as it is, sightseeing didn't materialize the previous day (Chandigarh Part 1), and in case health cases are back to square one? Dang! Anyway, come or go whatever, going by our itinerary, we must return to New Delhi by tonight. Thankfully, so far so good. No "health is not wealth" casualties. Meanwhile, breakfast was broken by the usual hotel buffet breakfast. On my dead palates. Literally dead due to eating the same type of food for the last 6 days, for almost every other meal. Ahhhhh!!! (Kullu Manali & Shimla).

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Chandigarh, North India - Nava's Travel (Part 1)

New Delhi, Shimla, Kullu Manali and ......? 
Chandigarh. The capital of the northern states of Punjab and Haryana. Ohlalala! Another travelling feather on my travelling hat. Of course, I was all fired up and down for "Here I am Coming For You Darling" Chandigarh. Nevertheless, in the midst of the approximately 6 hours journey from Manali, the unexpected became the expected, because tour members, one after another had fallen ill. Most probably, for reasons only they know best? If by chance you are asking me why, let me spill their ugly eating truth. Hate me now if you want to, yet, I believe it was due to constantly pigging at hotel buffet breakfast, also, at the late hours complimentary dinner meals in hotels too. Oh-well. the sly me who have been slyly watching them from the corners of my eyes. Doink!!

Friday, February 24, 2023

Ms. Nava's Late 50s Social Entrepreneurship Journey - The Pull Factors

Assuming you have already familiarized yourself with Ms. Nava's push factors (Ms. Nava's Push Factors), it's time to delve into the other side of the coin—her pull factors. Pull factors, as we explore today, are the positive motivations that compelled Ms. Nava towards her path as a social woman entrepreneur. This captivating topic has been extensively researched and discussed in academic forums and journals, continually evolving in the literature review section. Unlike push factors, which involve external influences, pull factors are rooted in intrinsic motivations. They can be classified into various categories, such as the need for achievement, freedom, a desire for a challenging lifestyle, and the pursuit of financial success. Now, let's take a closer and personal look at Ms. Nava's pull factors.

Friday, February 17, 2023

Ms. Nava's Late 50s Social Entrepreneurship Journey - Unveiling the Push Factors

Step into the extraordinary story of Ms. Nava, a remarkable woman who embarked on her social entrepreneurial journey last year, defying age stereotypes and embracing boldness. At the ripe age of fifty-eight (58), she took a leap that left many wonderings, "Starting a business now? How intriguing!" Even Ms. Nava herself couldn't believe it at first. With hundreds of doubts clouding her mind, she pondered the challenges ahead. But as the saying goes, "You never try, you never know," and she understood that without risk, there can be no reward. Ms. Nava thrives on new challenges, ready to conquer whatever comes her way. Fascinating, isn't it? The intrigue only deepens.

Monday, February 13, 2023

Kullu Manali - Nava's Travel (Part 2)

If its Kullu Manali (Kullu Manali Part 1) it has to be Rohtang Pass. Of course. Why you think I came this far (Shimla Part 2)? One of the top spots, one of the most spectacular nature delights in India, Rohtang Pass is indeed a major attraction for people of all walks of life. The gateway to fun, happiness, excitement and soul touching high altitude nature, ah, ah, ah, without a doubt, Rohtang Pass is truly a mesmerizing sight. Snow blanketed mountains, snow paths, streams of luscious and melting snow, and these being the winter essence of Rohtang Pass. Nevertheless, nothing new for me, neither not something I have not experienced before. Because I have had similar winter highlights in Turkey, Hokkaido/Sapporo & Norway. Having said that, for the majority in the tour group, they were all at their highest degree in love for the heights of the mountains and snow in Rohtang Pass. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Kullu Manali - Nava's Travel (Part 1)

Bye-bye Shimla (Shimla Part 2 & Shimla Part 1). Sadly. Although, deep down inside me, I would have appreciated, least to least, another day in Shimla. Then again? The reality to travelling is otherwise. You got to move on darling. Move on to the next destination. Indeed, on this particular morning, we began, give in and take, our seven hours journey to - Kullu Manali. Hah! Ah! Finally, my moment to the beauty of Manali, after the years of listening to others. Also, this drive towards Manali, was the moment to viewing Shimla's slopes, mountains and valleys, which we missed on the way up, due to night has fallen. 

Sujee Cake Elegance

Baking isn't exactly my superpower, but hey, diving into it is a fun ride. It’s all about the experience, right? Let me tell you, ba...