Thursday, June 15, 2023

Exploring the Versatility of Brazilian Spinach: A Hidden Gem in the Culinary World

Discovering new ingredients is always an exciting journey, and my encounter with Brazilian spinach, about four years ago, was nothing short of a delightful surprise. Prior to that, I had never even heard of this leafy green vegetable. Its origin remained a mystery, intriguing me to delve deeper into its background. Today, I not only grow Brazilian spinach myself, but also relish its diverse culinary applications. Join me as we explore this fascinating ingredient and its simple yet flavorsome Malaysian-style stir-fry recipe.

Monday, June 12, 2023

Growing and Cooking with Butterfly Blue Pea Flowers

The Butterfly Blue Pea flower, also known as Bunga Telang, is incredibly easy to grow. Just scatter the seeds on the ground or in pots, and they’ll sprout with little effort. The seeds come in pods, and there are plenty of them. I'm growing them along the fence in my fitness area, Nava’s Zen, and they thrive even without much attention

If you're an urban gardener like me, you should definitely consider these beautiful flowers. They bloom in stunning shades of purple or dark blue. No fertilizer is needed; just water them. Plus, these flowers are packed with antioxidants and offer various health benefits, such as aiding in weight loss, improving blood sugar control, and enhancing hair and skin health.


The Butterfly Blue Pea flower is versatile and has very few side effects, making it a great addition to your diet. However, it's important to enjoy it in moderation and check for any potential side effects, as what's good for one person might not work for another.

He Ju Kopitiam: A Culinary Adventure Through a Food Critic's Lens

We decided to check out a kopitiam, which has become quite popular lately. It seems that just using the word "kopitiam" in a restaurant's name attracts customers for different reasons. Kopitiams can be simple coffee shops serving Malaysian food or fancier places with nice decorations and air conditioning. The fancier ones may be a bit pricier, but they attract people with their tasty food and cozy atmosphere. The one we went to was somewhere in the middle, offering a variety of delicious dishes from both Malaysia and other countries on their menu.

Friday, June 9, 2023

My Weight Journey: Overcoming Setbacks and Rediscovering Self-Confidence

For the longest time, I never considered myself overweight. Being an active person, practicing flow yoga, and tending to my beloved Zen blooming garden, I always maintained a healthy weight. However, in mid-2020, things took a turn. The scale showed a sudden increase from 48kg to 52kg, and the consequences became evident as my clothes no longer fit comfortably. 

The weight gain was primarily due to the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic, which limited my urban gardening activities and consumed my time with preparations for the launch of Nava'z Zen. It was a wake-up call, as I had taken for granted that my yoga practice alone would prevent weight gain, oblivious to the fact that I wasn't burning enough calories while indulging in snacks during my planning sessions.

Thursday, June 8, 2023

Revitalize Your Senses with Lemongrass Honey Tea: A Refreshing Wellness Brew

Lemongrass holds many healing properties and can be grown in pots or on the ground, thriving in Asian climates. When combined with the renowned health benefits of green tea and the natural sweetness of honey (though it should be used sparingly if controlling sugar levels), Lemongrass Honey Tea becomes a readily available homemade beverage. Start your day on a refreshing note with this invigorating and calming drink.

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Zesty Malay Okra Salad: A Veggie Delight

As the trend of vegetarianism gains momentum, more and more people are embracing this lifestyle for reasons they hold dear. It's a commendable choice that aligns with the principles of sustainable development. Ideally, individuals who choose vegetarianism also adopt other eco-friendly (The Eco-Friendly Delight of Banana Leaves) practices such as cultivating their own vegetables, conserving energy, and nurturing nature in various ways, however small. 

While I'm not a strict vegetarian myself, I take a minimalist approach to consuming meat. As part of our corporate mission at Nava's Zen, I prioritize growing vegetables and herbs, practicing rainwater harvesting, and fostering a harmonious relationship with the natural world.

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Restoran Top 1 Kopitiam: Malaysia's Vibrant Street Food Scene

As an avid food lover, I may not claim to be the world's top foodie, but I've had my fair share of dining experiences both within and outside my country. While traveling abroad, I've had the pleasure of indulging in various cuisines. I must confess, I'm not a picky eater and can enjoy a meal anywhere without following strict food rules. 

Unlike some self-proclaimed foodies, I embrace all sorts of culinary delights, except for beef due to my religious beliefs rooted in Hinduism. Although I cook regularly at home, I often take a break to explore the realm of dining out. Lately, I've found myself drawn to the fascinating world of street food, which offers a delightful array of flavors right here in Malaysia.

Zen Blooming: Ylang-Ylang's Therapeutic Delights

Ylang-Ylang, a cherished part of Nava's Zen, is a natural essence that perfectly aligns with our zen yoga-fitness-oriented nature therapy. As the gardener (Cultivating Convenient Gardening) I, Ms Nava, made sure to include this plant in my garden from the very beginning. Over time, it has grown to a substantial height, but I carefully trim it to maintain its size. 

The delightful aspect of ylang-ylang lies in its vibrant yellow flowers and their captivating scent. To enhance this aromatic experience, I even place some of the flowers in our rainwater barrel, where they gracefully float and infuse the water with their enchanting fragrance.

Friday, June 2, 2023

Personalized Diet Plans: Your Unique Weight Loss Journey

Losing weight and achieving your desired shape and size is a personal journey that requires careful consideration of various factors. While someone else's diet plan may have worked wonders for them, it's crucial to understand that one size does not fit all. We are unique individuals with different lifestyles, ages, professions, likes, and dislikes. This article aims to shed light on the importance of customized diet plans and the positive impact they can have on your weight loss journey.

Embrace Your Individuality

Every person's body is different, and what works for someone else may not necessarily work for you. It's essential to recognize and appreciate your individuality when it comes to your diet and weight loss goals. Your lifestyle, preferences, and specific needs should all be taken into account.

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Cultivating Convenient Gardening: Welcoming Nature's Splendor

Join me on a journey through my personal gardening experiences, filled with mistakes, failures, and invaluable lessons (
Blossoming Passion: A Journey Of Gardening). Let me reveal the honest truths about home gardening and captivate you with the wonders it holds.

Home gardening should be a convenient endeavour, where simplicity reigns supreme. It's about finding an approach that fits seamlessly into your lifestyle. The essentials revolve around watering your plants according to their needs, providing fertilizers when necessary, and repotting those that have outgrown their containers. However, it's important to recognize that not all plants can be saved, and sometimes letting go is the only option. Consider replacing them with similar varieties or exploring new possibilities. Remember, the size of your garden matters. The larger it is, the more time you'll need to allocate for its care. Don't overlook the importance of keeping your surroundings clean, even if you're gardening in pots. Regular cleaning and sweeping will ensure a tidy and inviting atmosphere. The time you invest will depend on the number of plants you have.

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Revealing Radiant Skin: Inside My Daily Skincare Routine

Are you one of those people who are obsessed with their skin? Well, there's no shame in that. After all, our skin is the largest organ of our body and it deserves all the attention and care that we can give it (Embracing Eternal Youth With Yoga And Skincare Mantras). In this post, I want to focus specifically on the skin on our face because it is the most visible part of our body and it requires a different level of care than the rest of our skin. 

You might be wondering why I'm making a distinction between the skin on our face and the rest of our body. The reason is simple - the products that we use to take care of our skin are not all the same. For example, the lotion or cream that we use on our hands or legs might not be suitable for the delicate skin on our face. That's why it's important to use products that are specifically designed for the face.

Friday, May 26, 2023

Tantalizing Eurasian Pineapple Fish Curry

As an adventurous home cook, I love exploring various cuisines, but my husband's heart belongs to Indian food. However, I occasionally entice him to embark on a culinary journey beyond his cultural roots. One such venture is into the realm of Eurasian cuisine where I have experimented with a variety of dishes. And now, I proudly present to you the latest addition to my Eurasian repertoire: the tantalizing Eurasian Pineapple Salted Fish Curry.

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Blossoming Passion: A Journey of Gardening, Learning, and Perseverance

Step into the tranquil beginnings of my journey in Kota Kemuning two decades ago, where amidst the calm, a yearning for vitality stirred. With my spouse often away, I craved solace and purpose. Balancing academia and domesticity, the idea of crafting a blog and delving into culinary ventures beckoned.


Yet, it was the sight of the barren plot outside my home that ignited an insatiable desire for lush greenery. Having only dabbled in indoor plants before, the notion of gardening felt foreign. However, the vast potential of this newfound space sparked an intense passion within me.

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Vegetarian Szechuan Stir-Fried Long Beans: Savor The Flavours

Vegetarian cuisine has come a long way, with more and more options available for those who prefer to eat plant-based meals. If you're looking for a tasty and healthy vegetarian dish, you'll love this Vegetarian Szechuan Stir-Fried Long Beans recipe. This dish is simple yet packed with flavor, featuring fresh long beans that are stir-fried with ginger, dried chilies and Szechuan peppercorns. The result is a dish that's both spicy and aromatic, with just the right amount of heat. It's the perfect side dish for any meal. 

Friday, May 19, 2023

Harmony and Rejuvenation: Embracing Eternal Youth with Yoga and Skincare Mantras

Have I mentioned how yoga can work wonders for anti-aging? If I haven't, my apologies, because the benefits of yoga go far beyond just flexibility and relaxation (Unveiling The Truths of Yoga & Yoga Magic). Picture this: while striking those yoga poses and engaging in mindful breathing (DBT MINDFUL BREATHING), you're actually giving your body a secret weapon against aging.

Monday, May 15, 2023

Celebrating Women's Curves: The Hypocrisy of Society

The internet is abuzz with talks of self-acceptance, body positivity, and living one's truth. But despite all the push for women to embrace their bodies and be comfortable in their skin, there's still a double standard when it comes to women's age, size, and self-expression. Take the case of a plus-size woman who proudly posts pictures of herself on social media in tight or loose clothing, flaunting her curves and proclaiming self-love and acceptance. People cheer her on and comment her bravery for being true to herself, regardless of society's expectations and beauty standards. And yet, the same cannot be said for a woman in her late fifties who shares photos of herself in yoga outfits (Unveiling the Truth of Yoga) showcasing her fit and toned physique.

Cantonese Yee Mee: Chinese Style Noodles Simplified

Making Cantonese Yee Mee might seem like a culinary revelation, but it’s actually quite simple. While some may treat cooking as a grand ...