Thursday, April 19, 2018

Borobudur - Yogyakarta (From Nava K To You)

12am to 3am. 3 hours of Nava K’s cat nap. Fairly fair I suppose. As it is, sleeping is hell for me on most days, sometimes, every now and then, its no doubt an appreciated my bed at home heaven, but no matter what, no matter how many times I sleep alone while travelling, this madness of scary shit sleeping alone is still bitchy. Nevertheless, the few hours of to and fro from Malioboro Street (Yogyakarta Indonesia), forget not I was up from bed so early for catching my flight and trust me, in and out of airports can get tiring as well, I think did justice for sleep knocking me. Jumping out of bed at the ring of my phone almost instantly, worried if I will keep the rest waiting, I showered, I sipped into the coffee at my own service in my room and I came down to the lobby where I collected the packed breakfast. Sandwiches and some cut fruits in a plastic container. No buffet breakfast on this day because we had to depart by 4.00am for Borobudur Sunrise Watching. And so we did. Sharp on the dot, maybe give in and gave, our 45 minutes journey, approximately, to Central Java landed us in Borobudur.  

Saturday, March 31, 2018

Yogyakarta - Indonesia ( Nava K's Travel Guide)

God save me please! Yes, only god potentially can. Are you wondering why? Lemme tell you. Each and every time I travel, forget about me carrying home bundles of travelling experiences, what is a shocker on the other hand is the envy and jealousy of people. Seriously everyone, I can't get it. Nevermind if they travel, nevermind if they are travelling all the time and nevermind if they are constantly social media sharing where their fun-fantastic, globe trotting wonder lust is, of course all beautifully displayed. But when its my turn, damn, you should hear the comments. In fact, even my part time cleaners have indirectly sounded I am a lady of leisure until I don't dare show them I am on the verge of packing my travelling bags (Osaka Japan). Additionally, I have stopped with telling anyone I will be away, including my family, because, trust me, it does get ugly behind my back. Everyone obviously is under the impression I am a rich lady. So much so, people are not shy in messaging me for borrowing money. Come of it people. Give me a break please. 

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Osaka, Japan - Nava K Did It (Part 2)

Day 2 in Osaka (Osaka Part 1) was a curious case of Nava K and her other half-half. First thing first in the morning, after showering and getting ready for breakfast, we couldn’t find our room key. Hell hack! I clearly, if I am not mistaken, I remember leaving it on the table, but somehow we really didn't have any clue what was going on. Maybe, could it be the visit of the Japanese ghost while we were sound asleep? Sounds eerie right? I know. I swear I really thought because how can the key go missing just like that. Despite spending almost half an hour, searching high and low, until to the of extent looking under the bed, inside the toilet bowl and digging the waste paper basket, full of food rubbish, cigarette buds and what not, key still ended up as a mystery. Mind you, this is the heavy metal key and not the card. By then, time was already running short for breakfast, thus, we had no choice but give up and face the consequences. 

Friday, March 2, 2018

Osaka, Japan - Nava K Did It (Part 1)

Osaka Day 1. Gonna be a whole day of walking we were already prior told. Henceforth, logically, I must pack my walking legs with lotsa food. I surely did. Walla! What else could have been a wonder morning start up for this lady except the massively tempting loads of the crispy fried crispy bacon. Super-duper my forever desire. Honestly, for once, after a long time, I pigged out. Buffet breakfast on this particular day (Kobe Japan) lemme tell you was a sheer Japanese pleasure. Crispy fried bacon, Japanese steamed cakes, half boiled egg with a dash of Japanese soy sauce and  I couldn’t possibly resist the coconut oil coffee. 

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Kobe, Japan - Nava K Did It!

Kobe! Yes Kobe! Akin a mini heaven popped up, right in front of me during this winter travelling-porn (Kyoto Arashiyama). Believe me! For the longest time, for as long as I can remember, I have been harbouring the thought of exploring Kobe deep in my day dreams and night dreams. The word Kobe by itself is a magical tune to my ears. Don't ask me why. I just feel it. Or maybe, come to think of it, each time I read or Kobe beef, a variety of Japanese “Wagju”, regarded as one of the highest quality meats world around, is featured on tv, I sincerely can’t curb my enthusiasm for Kobe. Imagine? Imagine wagju/Japanese cows drinking beer, additionally, being rice wine massaged and listening to classical music. Ohlalala! Intriguing fantastica luxurious cows world, isn’t it? I know. 

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Kyoto, Japan ( Day 2) - Nava K Did It

Winter in Japan or even Korea is a big major do-do. You must believe me. I know what I am talking about. Though I am yet to conquer the whole of Japan or Korea, I have had my fair share of winter share. Primarily in Hokkaido (Hilton Niseko Village, Noribetsu & Sapporo/Hokkaido) whereas in Korea (Seoul Day 8 &  Korea Incheon) I was told about winter luring tourism by the “half-past-six” tour guide who literally bragged how busy he gets during winter and by the second day in Kyoto, I saw it for myself. Honest to goodness, I really don’t know what’s with winter and the Chinese, but they are mind you the majority of the tourists. In fact, I hardly bumped into another Indian, may be not even Caucasians too in Hokkaido neither in Korea, albeit there are Indian restaurants in these part of the world. Unbelievable true! Chinese just so love snow and coming with it cold wind which literally can blow me apart like winter huge cannons. I have told you before right? Aha! I can also still clearly remember telling you I am not at all a winter user friendly person. It’s really crazy for me. Nonetheless, in all fairness, I admit that experiencing winter is part and parcel of real time globetrotting (Ankara & Bolu, Turkey &  Istanbul). No two ways about it. We must, if we want to know whats weather like in other parts of the world, we must do at least one winter holiday. Remember something. Travelling during different climate zones is definitely our first hand, leg, boobies or even “vjj” exposure. Potentially for adding value to our travelling profoundness.

Friday, December 15, 2017

Kyoto, Japan (Part 2) - Nava K Did It

Where did I pulled the brake previously? Oh-yes, I took all of you all the way to Arashiyama right? Of course I did (Kyoto Arashiyama). Arashiyama, till this day, let me tell you, is still lingering on my mind. An absolute memory capsule, truly, I have pinned Arashiyama as a major travelling badge achievement on my fleshy chest. Arashiyama on the whole is utterly stunning, nevertheless, the one spot which captured conquered me the most is Sagano Bamboo Groove. Grooving colourful bamboo and Nava K grooving along with it. Literally. Lemme now continue with what we did after our first ever meal in Osaka. We headed to Gion District. What’s there in Gion, are you asking me? Well, for those of you who have already visited Gion, I speak no further. Yet for the benefit of the rest who will be visiting it in the near future, I bet you will because Gion has already made its mark on Kyoto's map, moreover, its where you don't want to miss out on being seen for social media purposes. Don't forget to carry your selfie stick. Nevermind if you accidentally or purposely poke others. Who cares right? Let's be labelled as the selfish travellers, why not, all for the sake of social media fame and popularity? 

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Langkawi (Kedah) - 2 Nights 2 Days (Part 2)

Honestly, if I am to speak my mind on breakfast next morning in the cramped dining area, I must brand it as such a corny thing (Langkawi Part 1). Basically, food to keep your tummy warm. That's it. Forget about taste and what not, maybe because I have tucked into really sumptuous buffet breakfast in 4 or 5 stars hotels (Casa Del Rio Melaka) before, this breakfast came on as an irritating thingy. Dishes disappearing as quickly as they were refilled because people were akin scrounging scavenging for free food. Not at all a pleasant sight. Mannerism ditched aside, food spilled all over the place, disgusting more than anything else. I really hate such an ugly scenario, albeit I won't complain about the ordinaries like bread, jam, scrambled eggs and the rest of the items anyone can prepare (Port Dickson Part 2 & Sungkai Perak). But if you are asking me about the rest of the dishes, goodness gracious, I rather not even waste my time telling you. I did however tuck into a tiny bit of food (Alor Setar Kedah), of course coffee is a must (Penang Thaipusam) for me first thing in the morning. 

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Kyoto (Japan) - Arashiyama

After two winters trip-travelling, I thought I had enough. No more winter holiday for me. Honestly, I can’t stand-sit-walk winter at all. Definitely not for someone like me who winter shiver and shake till my bones, until almost every part of my body is frozen numbed. Literally till down “there” degree cold. Down where? Down there. That my akin KGB classified part I will never reveal to the virtual world. As it is, believe me, when it rains, I switch off all the fans, can you imagine me-my winter time? Layers upon layers with or without stitches, yet I tremble. Therefore, when another all paid winter holiday was thrown at my feet (Hilton Niseko Village, Hokkaido), to tell you the truth, I was unsure. To go or not to go? Dilemma. Should I? A yes would mean I must brave winter shivering, on the other hand, if I reject, it will be such a waste for not capping another feather on my world globe-trotting gram (Seoul Korea). Eventually, what the hell I told myself. Hack aside winter, I will deal with it there and then, moreover, since my travelling legs were massively itching (Kerala India), I tagged alongside my other half-half and some known, others unknown 25 people for this back again to Japan wanderlust (Sapporo/Hokkaido). Kyoto and Osaka (6 Days 5 Nights).   

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Seoul - (Korea Day 7 & 8)

I made sure I fueled energized my tummy with lotsa food next morning. I had to. Remember, I skipped dinner the previous night, moreover, my last meal was at 2.00pm (Pyeongchang/Yongjin)?Right. Actually, I could have, if I wanted to, call for room service, then again, what for? Korean food is already up my throat. Enough. Thankfully, instead of the usual hotel buffet, we had breakfast in one of the unknown restaurants. Self service, comparatively an appetizing meal, pumpkin porridge and spinach porridge, eaten alongside Kimchi soup and condiments. But, eating in the messy dining area, after the big groups of tourists have left, simultaneously, while the staff were massively sulking, as if earthquake is gonna strike soon, didn't go down well with us. Did we have a choice? I guess not. I of course was  irritated. I still ate because my hunger throne was my only concern.   

Friday, September 15, 2017

Melaka - Jonker Walk (Part 3)

Inconclusive. Our walking mission from one corner of Jonker Walk to the other for another overnight stay (Melaka Jonker Walk Part 2) didn't get us anywhere. Unfortunately. We did in fact, viewed quite a number of home stays, some of it highly recommended in online travelling platforms (Melaka Jonker Walk Part 1 & Portuguese Settlement). However, despite almost two hours of walking, at the same time popping in and our of the home stays, we concluded that its such a waste to our time. All we ended up with was not only sweat dripping, our legs too almost ripped, fell apart. Still, mission was not halted, who knows we may discover a home stay we will be pleased with, at this juncture, to wind down our momentum and for a cool burst down our dry throat and tongue, we unanimously we agreed for Melaka Cendol and Melaka Ice Kacang in Jonker 88. Absolutely. Melaka dessert game on.  

Monday, September 11, 2017

Pyeongchang/Yongjin - (Korea Day 6)

Breathtaking overnight in Alpensia Resort. Spacious clean room, packaged alongside quite a spacious balcony. Compared to some of the previous rooms where I felt as though I was locked up in a North Korean hell hole. Tiny window and cramped rooms with hardly space to move around, thank god I could find no fault on cleanliness and equipped well with literally the things I generally look forward to (Pyeonchang Korea Day 5). In Alpensia Resort, I appreciated the fact that it was worth paying for this rather pricey tour. Mind you, for me especially, because I am a single room occupant, I have, as usual, coughed out extra Malaysian Ringgit (Korea Day 1 & Jeju Island Day 2). Therefore, my room with a balcony utterly happily shattered my night away. Albeit I can't exactly tell you how long I was at the balcony, either standing or seated on the chair, I exceptionally loved it. Imagine? Imagine breathing mountainous fresh air (Nami Island & Jeju Island), at the same time loving the chilly breeze gently blowing all over you? Oh-wow, serendipitous. 

Monday, August 21, 2017

Melaka - Jonker Walk (Part 2)

Malaysians I think are a peculiar lot. Don't get me wrong. Please don't get all worked and throw slippers at me. I know how emotional we Malaysians can get even on the most tiniest things. I am in no way generalising, neither am I pointing fingers at anyone in particular. Then again, if the cap fits, please wear it instead of being in denial. Consequentially, I must speak about the rich and famous or Malaysians who like to be known as rich, I shouldn't even care less about Malaysians who have migrated. Like they say, don't bite the hand that fed you, well and good for those who have migrated. I can understand. The grass always look greener on the other side or because Malaysia is a chicken feet. Hopefully, I sincerely hope I won't see my friends returning back to Malaysia as asylum seekers, sooner or later. Especially those who not only can't stop bragging about how life is far better in US or Australia, apart from that, keep condemning and criticizing Malaysia, so sad for these small minded people who fail to accept the fact that life sucks throughout the world.  

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Pyeonchang - (Mount Sorak/Jeongdongjin/Daegwallyeong) - Korea Day 5

Tour guides can make or break your holiday. They sure can. They can either make your travel-gram memorable or ruin it all. But, for those of you who opt for traveling by your own back bone, you don’t have to give a damn on towering guides. Really, you don’t have to. Women like me on the other hand, I know I have a choice, whether I like it all in a tour or not, that’s beside the point. I still prefer tour travelling. Call me an orthodox traveler if you want, I am least bothered, a safe bet for me is an all planned and all paid for tour. Basically, everything is cared for, and mind you, I am a solo tour traveler. The only thing, that too not a major thing, is "sleeping alone" (ahem!). Actually, come to think of it, I can sleep with someone else, let's name it same-sex or different sex "tour travel", that by the way is not why I travel alone. My fear of sleeping alone is mainly because I am not a spooky friendly person, albeit I am on my own for days when my other half-half travels for work. 

Monday, July 24, 2017

Nami Island & Petite France - Korea (Day 4)

Bye bye Jeju Island, here we come Nami Island. Breakfast, bags packed, off to the airport and by the time we arrived in Seoul, timing was just right for lunch. Hunger of course had already called. I definitely need my lunch meal because I am not the piggy-pig kind of buffet breakfast person. In fact, I think I have told you before, I don’t take breakfast. But when I travel, I do keep my tummy warm by filling in some food to fuel energy for all the walking during sightseeing. On this day, after just tadbit of breakfast at about 8.00am, I naturally yearned for a fulfilling meal once we arrived in this tiny Korean restaurant. But the sight of Korean steamboat again, again?, almost killed me on the spot even before tucking in. Oh-god! Is there no other food in Korea except steamboat and hot-pot? Unbelievable. Either, as I have already said, its steamboat or hotplate, or none other, or is it like this when you travel in a tour? I don’t know. Rather puzzling actually. Did we dare ask the pain in the butt tour guide? Nope. 

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Melaka - Jonker Walk (Part 1)

Not many friends can be your great, maybe not even accommodating travel companions. Why go so far, sometimes, even our love broadest band width can also be tested when we travel together. I personally know of courting couples who broke up after their first love travel because something snapped somewhere. Anyway, nothing is shocking anymore. Love is fragile, relationship is equally a turmoil and travelling with family members is the other to tolerating all sorts of bizarre characters, speak about money which is never sunny, if not for all, but for some who prefer to travel at our expense. Tell me all about it please? That’s why, remember I told you why I am standing tall with my principle of travelling alone (Travelling Solo When You Are Married). 

Sujee Cake Elegance

Baking isn't exactly my superpower, but hey, diving into it is a fun ride. It’s all about the experience, right? Let me tell you, ba...