Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Easy Savory Pumpkin Stir-Fry Recipes: Spicy and Aromatic

(Updated Version)

We’ve gotten to know pumpkin, haven’t we? Yes, we have. (INDIAN PUMPKIN CURRIES). But there’s more to pumpkin than just its culinary uses. Have you ever stopped to consider the zen wellness benefits pumpkin offers? Beyond its versatility in the kitchen, pumpkin is a nutritional powerhouse with a range of Zen benefits:


Rich in Nutrients

Pumpkin is packed with vitamins A, C, and E, which support immune function, skin health, and vision.

Sunday, December 17, 2023

The WhatsApp Dilemma: Unmasking the Modern Social Disease

I mentioned WhatsApp in my previous article "Startup Lessons: The Unvarnished Truth." In this article, I'll be completely candid. WhatsApp has become a modern-day ailment, much like a contagious disease, and perhaps even worse. People now dedicate a significant chunk of their time to WhatsApp for various reasons. Let's dissect them.................

The Competition: It's quite peculiar. Whenever I post a picture of myself on my WhatsApp status, someone is quick to send me a photo in an attempt to prove that they look fantastic for their age. Did I inquire? Similarly, if I share a travel photo, they promptly forward me their travel pictures, complete with detailed travel plans. Did I request their input? The conclusion is either they're in competition with you or fervently desire to keep you informed about their life.

Monday, December 11, 2023

Indian Pumpkin Curries: Fish and Salted Fish Recipes

(Updated Version)

Pumpkin lovers, rejoice. If you're like me, you can't get enough of this versatile vegetable. I have a soft spot for our local Malaysian pumpkins, which are not only budget-friendly but also pack a punch in flavor. I once made the mistake of splurging on a tiny Japanese pumpkin, lured in by its exotic allure, only to be shocked at the checkout when it cost me around $15.00. After cooking it, I realized our local pumpkins are just as delightful, if not better. The lesson? Appreciate and savor local produce - it’s often more affordable and just as delicious.

Sunday, December 3, 2023

Radiant Resilience: Ms. Nava's Journey Through Personal Branding Triumphs

Let's talk about branding today, focusing on personal branding and business branding. When it comes to business branding, it's about the identity associated with your products or services. This branding is often linked to the founder's philosophy, values, or beliefs. However, a business brand can exist independently of the founder, representing the brand itself, and that's perfectly acceptable. As I ventured into the business world with the establishment of Nava's Zen, I discovered the significance of personal branding, intricately connected to my business identity. Despite neglecting personal branding over the years, my role as a Senior Lecturer in Entrepreneurship & Small Business at Curtin University Twinning Program (via back then known as Metropolitan College) compelled me to share knowledge on business branding with my students.

Monday, November 27, 2023

Introducing Yoga Dance at Nava's Zen!

Exciting news! We're thrilled to share that we're not just another yoga center; we're a green living Zen of tranquility, setting us apart from the rest. Our unique selling proposition? We're the only ones in Kota Kemuning offering a green living yoga zen experience – Nava's Zen: Nature Oasis. But wait, there's more! We're also the exclusive provider of Yoga Dance in the area, stretching all the way to Shah Alam.


What's Yoga Dance, you ask? It's our brilliant fusion of yoga and dance rhythms, a delightful blend born from our own experimentation and client feedback. While our Yoga Dance community is growing, we know many are still unaware of this magical combination.

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Easy Potato Sambal: Vegetarian Potato Sambal Recipes

(Updated Version) 

Looking back, I’m amazed at the number of vegetarian potato sambal recipes I’ve managed to retrieve. (DRUMSTICK/MURUNGAI POTATO CURRY). Different styles of cooking vary, but the core ingredients are:

Chili Paste: Made from dried chillies, red chillies, or a combination of both, blended.
Shallots or Onions
Lime Juice (or tamarind juice; I always prefer lime juice for potato sambal)

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Chinese Pork Chops: Spicy, Oriental & Sausage Recipes

(Updated Version)

Hi Pork Lovers,
Ms. Nava is back with more pork recipes (PORK BELLY WITH SALTED FISH). Many of my clients often ask if pork is a healthy meat, and here’s my reply: Pork can be a nutritious addition to a balanced diet, providing high-quality protein and essential nutrients like B vitamins, zinc, and iron. However, it's important to choose lean cuts such as pork loin or tenderloin and prepare them using healthier methods like grilling or baking to reduce fat and calorie intake. Be cautious with processed pork products like bacon and sausages, which are often high in sodium and saturated fats. Moderation is key, and balancing pork consumption with a variety of other protein sources, vegetables, fruits, and whole grains is essential for overall health.

Of course, not everyone eats pork due to religious reasons, lack of exposure, or personal preferences. And that’s perfectly fine - our goal isn’t to change others but to share our love for cooking (MALAYSIAN WILDBOAR CURRY). 

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Kerala Pepper Chicken Curry (Kurumulaku Kozhi Curry)

I mostly travel solo, (JAIPUR MAGIC & TAJ MAHAL AGRA) though there have been times I've joined tours with familiar faces or traveled with a married couple who are older than me. I prefer solo adventures, whether it's joining group tours in countries with language barriers or when safety is a concern. I also always sleep alone, even on tours with people I know or don’t know. This approach has taken me to a good number of countries, driven by a passion for visiting legendary sites and tasting diverse foods. 

I’m comfortable eating anywhere, from roadside stalls to upscale restaurants, thanks to a stomach well-acclimated to street food and having taken my hepatitis vaccinations. My experiences have included falling in love with Kerala’s cuisine (VALAIPOO/BANANA FLOWER STIR FRY), where I learned to make Kerala Pepper Chicken Curry, which perfectly captures the essence of my travels (THIRUVANANTHAPURAM UNEXPECTED & KOCHI EXPERIENCES). 

Friday, October 27, 2023

Inner Peace or Happiness: A Personal Choice

In life, we often come across the decision between two special feelings: inner peace and happiness. Many like the idea of being at peace within themselves, staying calm and balanced no matter what's happening outside. For them, inner peace is like a steady ship in the stormy sea of life. Others, like me, prefer happiness. They believe it's possible to be happy even without a particular reason. For them, happiness is like a bright light that shines from within. It can affect not only them but also everyone around them. It's like a warm, glowing feeling.

Inner Peace: The Calm Harbor

People who like inner peace find it comforting. It's like an emotional anchor that keeps them steady. No matter how crazy the world gets, they feel stable inside. It's all about feeling relaxed and in harmony with themselves. Inner peace doesn't go away when things get tough. It's always there to lean on. It's like a friend who stays with you, even when times are hard (Intriguing Mindfulness).

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Murungai (Moringa) Potato Curry: Nava’s Zen Vegetarian Recipe

Murungai, known as drumstick in English and moringa in health contexts, is cherished for both its fruits and leaves. In North India, it's called sahjan, and it's often referred to as moringa pods in some English-speaking regions. I absolutely love cooking with murungai, whether it's the fruits simmered in a spicy curry or the leaves stir-fried with dried red chilies, black mustard seeds, and grated coconut.

Peanut Cookies & Fa Sang Woo: Classic Treats with a Twist

(Updated Version) No matter the festival in Malaysia, peanut cookies are a beloved treat that everyone looks forward to. Whether it'...