Saturday, May 11, 2024

Kuih Sagu Kukus (Steamed Sago Cake)

Recall our discussion on sago in "EFFORDLESS MALAY DESSERTS"? Let's delve into it again, this time focusing on Kuih Kukus Sago/Steamed Sago Cakes. Despite their delightful flavor, they consistently turned out too sticky. Even after coating them with fresh grated coconut, they clung to fingers, prompting me to serve them in a saucer with a fork, which is actually how the cakes should be served, to prevent spillage and mess on the floor. Baffled by their stickiness, I experimented with various methods: steaming, cooking with water until thick, and chilling. Yet, none resolved the issue.

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam: Married Solo Traveler's Insights

Setting off on another Solo Adventure after a few quiet months (CHONBURI & BANGKOK) I packed my bags with excitement bubbling inside. This time, I was off to Vietnam and Cambodia for a 9-day tour. It was just me, joining a group (ROME & COMO) of strangers, but the idea of exploring new places made my heart race. At the airport, the local guide welcomed me, signaling the start of our journey together.

When we landed in Ho Chi Minh City around 2:30 pm, the city's energy hit me like a wave. After settling into my hotel room, I felt eyes on me as I joined the other travelers in the lobby. It was probably because I was the  only solo woman in the group. After freshening up, I was ready to dive into the city. Our guide suggested we check out the Ben Thanh Market, a short walk from our hotel. Despite feeling a bit nervous about wandering alone, I decided to go for it. Along the way, locals smiled cheekily and waved, making me feel welcomed and uneasy as well.

Friday, May 10, 2024

Kerabu Mangga (Mango Salad)

(Updated Version)

Isn’t there something irresistibly enchanting about a raw mango salad, or kerabu mangga as we call it in Bahasa Malaysia? If you ask me, I’m all for sour flavors, and kerabu mangga is the epitome of tangy delight. I’ve sampled various styles, from Thai to different Malay versions, and let me tell you, each one has its charm.

Nava's Zen: Two-Piece Yoga Outfits Challenge Indian Norms

Eight years ago, when I began my yoga practice, I found myself surrounded by mostly Indian yogis, and yes, they love to be known as all sorts of yogis or masters, instead of yoga instructors. They all dressed in faded t-shirts and faded multi-patterned, multi-colored yoga leggings. It seemed like wearing these clothes was just what you did in Indian yoga circles, and as I got more into yoga, I started dressing the same way.

The message was pretty clear: if you're doing yoga with Indians, wear faded stuff. Decency in temples for yoga, is part of respecting places of worship, which as a Hindu I honour. Yet, most stuck to the faded look. Some even resembled as though they are wearing their home clothes (HOME ATTIRE), and coming straight to temple yoga.

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Mochakottai Karuvadu Kulumbu (Field Beans Salted Fish Curry)

(Updated Version)

As I reflect on my cooking routine (SOUTH INDIAN STYLE FISH CURRY), one dish stands out time and again - Salted Fish Curry. It's more than just a recipe; it's a staple in my kitchen, a beloved favorite that makes its appearance at least every couple of months. Each time, I experiment with different ingredients, adding a twist to keep it exciting, but the heart of the curry - the core ingredients - remains steadfast. 

You simply can't go wrong with Salted Fish Curry when the fundamentals are in place! Now, let me take you on a journey of flavors as I share my insights into making this soul-satisfying dish, along with a few creative variations. Trust me, it’s more than just cooking - it’s an experience (INDIAN CRAB RASAM: ZEN INSPIRED).

Rangoon Creeper: Cultivating Zen Blooming Bliss

Rangoon Creeper, also known as Combretum Indicum, goes by many names like Drunken Sailor, Akar Dani, Chinese Honeysuckle, and Red Jasmine. It's like a breath of fresh air in Nava's Zen. Can you believe it? Even at 60, I find myself climbing the ladder to prune and trail my Rangoon Creeper. This lovely plant is native to tropical Southeast Asia, especially Burma (now Myanmar), where it got its common name, "Rangoon Creeper," in honor of the former capital, Rangoon, now known as Yangon. I remember when I visited Myanmar about 8 years ago; I didn't even notice any Rangoon Creeper. Maybe I wasn't paying attention, who knows?

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Siamese Laksa Lemak

(Updated Version)

I’ve traveled all over Thailand, from Hyathai to Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai, over the span of 10 years. It’s been an amazing journey of discovery. Along the way, I indulged in Thai cuisine, picking up cooking tips from every dish I tasted and experienced. My love for Thai food runs deep (THAI GREEN EGG CURRY) - so much so that I had already started cooking Thai dishes long before I set foot in the country.


Of course, there were a few hits and misses. Take the Siamese Laksa I had at a small Muslim Thai roadside eatery in Chiang Mai - not the best, to be honest. But hey, that’s part of traveling and tasting all kinds of food, right? It’s about discovering for yourself. And if the food doesn’t meet your expectations, it’s all part of the learning curve. No need to complain, sulk, or belittle the experience - because you can't always expect the best (CHIANG MAI & CHIANG RAI: AN ENRICHING TOUR).

Mee Rebus (Vegetarian)

Mee rebus is a well-loved noodle dish originating from Malaysia and Singapore. Its name, derived from Malay, translates to "boiled noodles." This dish consists of yellow noodles drenched in a flavorful gravy that strikes a delicate balance between sweetness and spice. The gravy is crafted from a blend of ingredients such as sweet potatoes, shrimp paste, dried shrimp, and a medley of spices. 

Common toppings include hard-boiled egg, fried tofu, green onions, bean sprouts, and occasionally crispy shallots. I've had the pleasure of trying various renditions of mee rebus, both from restaurants and street vendors. Interestingly, some of the most satisfying versions I've encountered have been from street vendors, often at a more affordable price. 

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Effortless Malay Desserts: Sweet Creations Made Simple

Get ready to embark on a sweet journey through the heart of Malaysia's dessert scene! Among the myriad of tantalizing treats (Indulgent Cheesecake Recipes), Malay desserts stand out with their unique flavors and effortless charm. Forget complicated recipes (Easiest Banana Chocolate Cake), today we're diving into the world of easy-to-make Malay delights that will leave your taste buds tingling with joy.

Now, let's talk ingredients. When it comes to Malay desserts, simplicity is key. Here are some common local staples you'll need:

Monday, May 6, 2024

Bangkok, Thailand: Solo Adventures of a Lifetime

Returning to my cozy room at Pathumwan Princess Hotel after a day brimming with exploration in AYUTTHAYA, my craving for more of BANGKOK led me to the doorstep of the travel agent's office. With eager anticipation, I decided for the world of entertainment with my first-ever Cabaret Show experience. Flashback to my youth, naïve and wide-eyed at 19, when I innocently tagged along with colleagues to witness a baffling Tiger Show during a trip to Hat Yai. Oh, the memories! But now, in my seasoned years (MYANMAR ACROSS MAE SAI & VERONA ITALY ROMANCE) I was ready to embrace the sophistication of a Cabaret Show.

Before diving into the spectacle, I made a necessary pit stop at MBK Mall to satisfy my hunger. Laden with the quick bites, I returned to my room, relishing them before braving the infamous Bangkok traffic on our way to Calypso Cabaret Show. I traveled in a van alongside the other foreign tourists, as transportation was part of the package deal (CHENNAI INDIA DISCOVERY).

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Ayutthaya, Thailand: An Escapade Through History and Grandeur

Bright and early at 6 a.m (BANGKOK), I'm buzzing with anticipation for the adventure ahead! The tour guide's scheduled to swing by at 7 a.m., marking the start of my jam-packed one-day tour to Ayutthaya, all neatly pre-booked the day before. Ayutthaya has held a top spot on my bucket list for as long as I can remember, so you can bet I'm practically bouncing with excitement (CHONBURI TO PATTAYA). Surrounded by fellow travelers, all of them seasoned Westerners, I find myself as the lone Indian in the mix, yet surprisingly, it feels like the perfect fit.

The hour-long journey to Ayutthaya (BOROBUDUR ETERNAL LEGEND & SURAKARTA HEARTBEAT) is a breathtaking sight to behold, like stepping into a real-life postcard, with lush paddy fields stretching as far as the eye can see. Ayutthaya, a UNESCO World Heritage Centre (PRETORIA MOMENTS), whispers tales of its illustrious past, even as its ancient ruins stand as silent witnesses, drawing visitors from every corner of the globe.

Friday, May 3, 2024

Rasam Variations: Unique Twists on a Classic Dish

Step into the world of Rasam, also known as Indian Pepper Soup, where every sip is worthy for the taste buds. It's a dish we adore, so much so that Rasam could easily become a daily ritual, perfectly complementing any meal. Packed with spices that work wonders for our well-being, this soup isn't just delicious - it's a health boost in a bowl.

In my kitchen, Rasam is a staple, and I always make a generous batch. Once cooked, I portion it out into containers and pop them in the freezer for later. Surprisingly, freezing Rasam doesn't compromise its flavors or nutrients. Back in the day, when fridges were a luxury, Rasam was left out to age gracefully, its robust spices preserving it for days (CHANDIGARH URBAN MARVELS, NEW DELHI REVELATION & CHENNAI DISCOVERY). 

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Zen Yoga Style: Elevate Your Yoga Outfits for Mindful Practice

Hey there, fellow yogis! Can we chat for a moment about something that's been on my mind lately? It's about outfits for our zen yoga sessions. At first, I'll admit, I found it a tad peculiar when clients asked about what to wear. I mean, shouldn't they already know, right? But then it hit me - as the founder of Nava's Zen, it's my job to provide guidance, not assumptions. So, let's dive into what to keep in mind when choosing your yoga outfits.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Bangkok, Thailand: A Journey of Temples and Wax Celebrities

Starting my Bangkok trip on a Monday morning without any prior room booking (Chonburi To Pattaya), I hitched a ride with my friend's colleague. Upon arrival, I attempted to secure a room at the lobby but was informed of no availability due to the year-end holiday season. Thankfully, the receptionist kindly recommended the Pathumwan Princess Hotel. Thankfully, I managed to book a room for 2 nights. The security measures at the hotel entrance put me at ease as I entered my room, greeted by comfort, and elegance.

After a brief respite, curiosity led me downstairs to stumble upon a travel agency nestled within the hotel lobby. Intrigued, I wandered in, only to be met with a curious question: why was I traveling solo? And thus, my journey truly commenced. Opting for a half-day tour of Bangkok's renowned temples, I followed the staff's suggestion to grab a quick lunch bite at the adjacent MBK Shopping Mall before being picked up by the tour guide.

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Indulgent Cheesecake Recipes: Sweet Delights Await

Are you ready to dive into the delicious world of cheesecakes? Well, buckle up because we've got you covered! Today, we're sharing five tantalizing cheesecake recipes that will make your taste buds sing. But before we dive into the recipes, let's debunk the myth that cheesecakes are complicated to make. Trust me, they're easier than you think. 

Bottom Layer Tips 
Classic Base Swaps 
Crushed digestive biscuits with melted butter are the traditional choice, but why not switch things up by using cream crackers for a unique twist?

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Malay Style Prawn Noodles/Mee Udang

Malay Style Prawn Noodles/Mee Udang features prawn and anchovy broth-based noodles, setting it apart from Chinese-style dishes like Penang Prawn Mee or Hae Mee (HOKKIEN HAE MEE & PENANG PRAWN MEE). The inspiration for my version of this dish? It's a mystery to me! One day, while surfing the web, the idea just popped into my head. 

Now, let's be real - the cooking process can get a bit involved, and the ingredient list might seem lengthy. But fear not, everything you need can be found at your local grocery store. And trust me, the effort is totally worth it once you taste the explosion of flavors in every mouthful.

I've even included a recipe for a spicy sambal dip to accompany the dish, adding an extra layer of deliciousness. As a Malaysian, I believe a sambal dip is a must-have, don't you agree? I mean, what's a Malaysian noodle dish without that spicy kick? We Malaysians sure do love our chilies (MALAY STYLE MEE GORENG UDANG).

One-Day Dubai Adventure: Must-See Attractions & Desert Safari

One of those unexpected twists turned into an adventure I didn’t see coming. After boarding my flight in Turkey ( TURKEY TRAVELGRAM: BEYOND ...