Saturday, January 5, 2019

Kandy (Rambukkana/Mawanella/Kandy) - Sri Lanka

Negombo to Kandy was our route for the day. Two stops were already planned, with the main highlight being the Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage - a must-see for most travelers on this route. When we arrived around 11:30am, the place was bustling, even during the off-peak season, with a majority of Western tourists. The orphanage, set in a vast open area, greeted us with flying dust and the blazing Sri Lankan sun. We walked alongside hundreds of visitors, passing by stalls and petty traders, making our way to the riverbank where elephants were bathing and having fun.

The sight was incredible. Harmless, friendly, huge, and small elephants were everywhere. You could take pictures with them, as close as you dared, for a fee. Alternatively, you could just enjoy watching from a distance, though you had to be careful on the slippery surface and avoid getting pushed by the crowd. After about half an hour at the riverbank, we made our way back to the main road, just in time to see the elephant parade. The elephants obediently crossed the road right in front of us, though I couldn’t tell where they were heading.  Orphanage, most probably to the elephant orphanage.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Negambo - Sri Lanka: A Serene Escape Amidst Traditional Fishing Life

Ready for my adventure to Sri Lanka, I breezed through immigration only to be stopped by a customs officer. He seemed suspicious, maybe because I was traveling alone. After thoroughly checking my luggage, he asked how much money I had. When I said RM700.00, he acted like it was a fortune, grilling me endlessly. Despite explaining it was for spending, he wouldn't relent. Finally, with no real reason to hold me, he let me go. I joined a group of five Malaysian Chinese, part of my tour, and thankfully, one of them approached me before we got into the van.

Our first stop was lunch at St. Lachan Hotel, set in a beautiful garden. We were greeted with 'ayubowan,' a Sinhalese greeting similar to Namaste. As we nibbled on crispy snacks and got acquainted, we waited for our food. The 20-minute wait was worth it as we enjoyed an amazing meal, especially the fish curry with veggies and rice.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Golden Prawns: Oats-Coated & Cereal-Egg Toss

(Updated Version)

There are countless ways to cook a prawn dish, and of course, I’m one of those people who just has to experiment. Why? Because my love for Zen Cuisine is so deep, and well, I’m just that adventurous when it comes to food. Variety is the spice of life, right? Cooking, after all, is not just about food—it’s about keeping the mind and soul sharp. You know, keeping the gears turning so the ol' brain doesn't wither away and slip into the dangerous zone of mind contentment. Because we all know what happens then - boredom sets in, and suddenly, the devil's workshop is open for business. Gossip, backstabbing, and rumor-mongering, anyone?

So, next time someone’s talking behind your back, just remember - it’s not their fault. Their mind isn’t working properly. Misery loves company, and a poorly functioning mind just loves to drag others down.

But don’t worry - you can stay on the right side of things. Be part of Ms. Nava’s Zen Cuisine! Challenge yourself to try new recipes, mix and match ingredients, and get creative with what’s in your pantry. Got some oats and cereal? Perfect. 

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Bread Pizza: Fusion Tuna Spicy Version

I've never made pizza dough in my life, and frankly, I don't see the need to learn. We're not big pizza fans at home - it’s more of an occasional treat that we usually grab from a pizzeria for convenience. With so many varieties and toppings available, it's easier to buy than to make from scratch. But with some bread slices nearing their expiration, I decided to whip up these bread pizzas instead. My zen garden is overflowing with daun kaduk, also known as Thai betel leaves, which are a nutritional powerhouse in cooking.

These leaves are packed with antioxidants, anti-inflammatory benefits, and support digestive health, making them a great addition to any dish. Thai betel leaves are easy to grow - maybe it’s time you considered adding them to your garden?

Monday, August 1, 2016

Banana Desserts: Flambé, Pancakes, Fritters & Coconut Delish

(Updated Version)

Ready to indulge in effortless dessert yumminess? While some go for elaborate creations, Ms. Nava’s sweet treats are all about creativity and simplicity. Why complicate things when you can whip up delightful desserts with ease?

For me, “It’s About Time” to embrace the straightforward yet scrumptious joys of dessert-making. And speaking of simplicity, bananas are a staple in my kitchen. Shhh, don’t tell anyone, but bananas are my go-to for a quick energy boost in the morning. When those bananas start to show signs of aging, I transform them into irresistible desserts. And yes, pancakes are not just for breakfast in my world.

Monday, July 4, 2016

Thai Green Crab & Basil Pepper Crab: Bold Thai Flavors

Let's rewind to what I mentioned earlier about Indian Crab Soup, also known as Nandu Rasam or Crab Rasam. This time, I took a break from the typical Indian-style curried crab dishes and ventured into something different - Thai-style crab. Cooking Thai dishes isn’t new for me (THAI VEGETARIAN EGGPLANT), and here we have Thai Green Curry Crab! It’s not the usual saucy, thick gravy kind of curry. Instead, it’s a dry-style dish, bursting with the quintessential Thai flavors and infused with the aroma of Thai basil leaves.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Vazhakoombu Thoran & Kerala-Style Banana Blossom Curry

(Updated Version)

Whether you call it banana blossom, jantung pisang, or vazhakoombu, this vibrant flower comes from the end of the banana bunch and features a striking deep purple or red hue. Inside, it reveals tender, edible layers perfect for salads, curries, and various dishes. With its unique texture and mild, slightly sweet flavor, it holds a special place in my heart as "jantung pisang," meaning "heart of the banana." Just as the heart chakra symbolizes love in yoga, seeing the banana blossom developing on my trees fills me with warmth. It reflects the love I pour into every plant at Nava’s Zen, our organic urban garden. 

Crispy Bitter Gourd Chips & Sri Lankan Karavila Salad Recipes

(Updated Version) Growing bitter gourd has been a deeply fulfilling experience, perfectly aligning with Nava’s Zen philosophy. The glossy...