Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Jogyakarta: Authentic Indonesian Cuisine & Cultural Exposure

After an action-packed morning filled with thrilling adventures (MOUNT MERAPI JEEP TOUR), lunch was a much-anticipated respite. With a sparse breakfast and energy spent, I eagerly looked forward to a hearty meal. Finally (SEOUL THROUGH MY EYES & CHENNAI DISCOVERY) we arrived at Restaurant Timbul Roso, albeit a bit later than planned. The stunning rustic ambiance, highlighted by rich wood tones, made me feel as if I had walked into a luxurious home in Jogjakarta. I longed to sit outside amidst the mini nature jungle, but our group of four opted for the comfort (OSAKA SUNSETS) of the indoor dining area.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Mount Merapi Jeep Tour: Rugged Adventure

Adventure was calling, and I was ready to answer. The Mount Merapi Jeep Tour promised an experience (JOGYAKARTA TEMPLES) like no other, and while my previous travels had already seen their fair share of thrilling escapades (HOKKAIDO SNOW MOBILE & VARANASI GANGES), I was eager to see what this adventure had in store. As we arrived at the starting point, the sun blazed overhead, and the air was thick with dust. Grateful for my trusty scarf- a staple of my travel gear - I wrapped it around my face and prepared for the ride (CAPE TOWN SEAL ISLAND & PRETORIA MOMENTS). 

Mount Merapi, Indonesia's "Mountain of Fire," loomed majestically before us. This active volcano, near Yogyakarta on the island of Java, is infamous for its frequent and powerful eruptions that have shaped the surrounding landscape and the lives of local communities for centuries. Its fiery temperament has caused extensive damage and loss of life, yet it remains an integral part of the region's culture and spirituality. Those brave enough to hike its slopes are rewarded with breathtaking views and a profound appreciation for the raw power of nature.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Yogyakarta: Temples, Traditions, and Tastes

Our day began at the crack of dawn in Borobudur (BOROBUDUR ETERNAL LEGEND), capturing the essence of our journey to Jogjakarta. This iconic site, the highlight of our trip, was just the beginning (SOUTH AFRICA PRETORIA MOMENTS) of our temple exploration in Central Java. A short 2 km trip brought us to Candi Pawon Temple, a lesser-known but equally fascinating Buddhist temple. This small yet impressive structure, believed to be a royal tomb, remains a mystery (MYANMAR FROM MAE SAI) as to who might be buried there.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Borobudur - Yogyakarta: The Eternal Legend

With barely four hours of sleep (Jogyakarta The Kickoff), I was were up and ready, heading to the lobby by 4 a.m. A packet breakfast awaited me - two sandwiches and some cut fruits, enough to tide us over since we'd miss the hotel's breakfast service. By 4:45 a.m., we arrived at the entrance of Borobudur Temple.

Borobudur Temple, located in Central Java, Indonesia, is a monumental Mahayana Buddhist temple and the world's largest Buddhist monument. Built in the 9th century during the reign of the Sailendra Dynasty, this UNESCO World Heritage Site is famed for its intricate stone carvings, stunning architectural grandeur, and unique design that symbolizes the Buddhist cosmology with its three tiers: the world of desire, the world of forms, and the formless world (Pretoria South Africa Moments).

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Yogyakarta - Indonesia: Just The Kickoff

Joining a group of five friends, one of whom took charge of all the arrangements (Pretoria Moments & Cape Town Nature Stunner), including our sightseeing, I embarked on a five-day, four-night adventure to Indonesia. Despite the person’s planning, I still made it a point to contact the travel agent to ensure I had a single occupant room (Korea Through My Eyes). With a mid-morning flight, I was up by 5 am and arrived at Kuala Lumpur International Airport by 7 am. After a flight delay, we finally took off, landing at Adisutjipto Airport.

Upon arrival (Osaka Sunsets & New Delhi Revelation), we were greeted by our tour guide, Pak Adi. Lunch at Sekar Kedhaton Restaurant set the lovely tone for our trip. The rustic, woody ambiance complemented the delicious spread of achar (pickled veggies), stir-fried vegetables, fried chicken, sweet and sour fish, fresh fruits, and buah salak for dessert. The highlight for me was the sambal, which I couldn’t get enough of, especially with the keropok (fried fritters). Wow! The spicy power of Indonesia, which I had heard about from the helpers who come over to clean my house, was now validated after tasting it.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Kari Kambing Malaysia (Malaysian Mutton Curry)

In an Indian household, a meal without a mutton dish feels incomplete. Let's avoid the health debate; it tends to spark lengthy discussions or heated arguments. Mutton is a must for us at least twice a month, especially for my Indian husband, who avoids chicken and pork. So, I've cooked various mutton dishes, mostly in spicy gravy or masala. That's what Indian taste buds crave. And during social gatherings, spicy mutton is a hit across all races.


There are various ways to prepare spicy or masala mutton, from making the spice paste from scratch. But for this Malaysian version, Kari Kambing Malaysia (Malaysian Mutton Curry), we'll use store-bought spice powders, embracing the convenience of ready-made options in our fast-paced lives, where cooking time is limited. I usually stock up on spice powders, storing them in the fridge to prevent molding and mustiness.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Malacca: Magnetic Sightseeing Trail

Taking a pause from sightseeing in Malacca (PORTUGUESE SETTLEMENT) or Melaka, the historic gem of Malaysia, we found ourselves diving into local cuisine and switching hotels, all while giving our legs a much-needed break. Our adventure resumed with renewed energy, revealing meaningful and captivating sights that made us feel like explorers from a distant land, in this state.

Christ Church
Christ Church Malacca is a notable historical landmark in Malacca, Malaysia, showcasing Dutch colonial architecture. Built between 1741 and 1753, this red-bricked church commemorates a century of Dutch rule and serves the local Protestant community. Its Dutch design, original handmade pews, and an early 18th-century brass Bible add to its charm. We spent time inside, offering prayers and absorbing the serene atmosphere. The church’s tranquility provided a reflective pause, though our exploration soon continued. Don't miss the nearby clock tower, a significant historical feature connected to Christ Church.

Chinese Rice Congee: Best Accompaniments and Tips

(Updated Version) Let me tell you about rice congee, also known as rice porridge or in our local Bahasa Malaysia, Bubur Nasi. In Tamil, it’...