Monday, April 22, 2024

"Como, Lugano, and Milan: Lakeside Escapes and Urban Adventures

The final stretch of my 9-day Italian adventure (VERONA) marked another chapter of exploration (NUWARA ELIYA HILLSIDE & COLOMBO DISCOVERY), beginning with a visit to the stunning Lake Como, nestled cozily in the embrace of Lombardy. The moment I laid eyes on its tranquil waters, I was utterly captivated (SEOUL THROUGH MY EYES). We took our time, strolling leisurely along the shoreline, capturing each moment with our cameras and basking in the peaceful atmosphere. The morning breeze was crisp, sending shivers down my spine, but thankfully, my trusty scarf came to the rescue. While I was wrapped up like a mummy, the others seemed unaffected, lost in the beauty of the lake (JAIPUR MAGIC & NEW DELHI REVELATION).

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Portuguese Vegetable Pickle/Achar: A Flavorful Delight from Tradition

In 2020, I whipped up this Portuguese vegetable pickle, or achar, as some may call it. This isn't my first rodeo with it - I've made it a couple of times before. You might be wondering why I'm only sharing it now. Well, the idea struck me as I was browsing through our YouTube channel. I thought, "Why not feature it as part of our Zen Cuisine?" Plus, not everyone prefers video recipes; some prefer the written words. 

Named as vegetable pickle, I've experimented with various veggies like carrots, cabbage, long beans, fresh beans, and even ginger. But after a couple of tries, I've settled on just green chilies, shallots, and garlic because these are what we tend to prefer, not the vegetables. That's what you'll find in the final product.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Verona, Italy: A Journey Through Romance and History

As the days dwindled down to just two left in Italy (Venice), a feeling of reluctance settled in (Florence). How I wished our tour could stretch on indefinitely, allowing us to bask in the beauty of this enchanting country a little while longer (Rome). But alas, reality beckoned, and we had to prepare for our return to the daily grind (JOHANNESBURG WILDLIFE & PRETORIA MOMENTS). 

Our next destination: Verona. By 9:00 am, we found ourselves standing before the majestic Adige River, its clean waters flowing serenely beneath our gaze. The sight was a balm to our senses, soothing our souls as we took in the natural wonder of the surrounding hills and bridges that dotted the landscape (SHIMLA NATURE'S LOVE & CHANDIGARH URBAN MARVELS). 

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Easy Bread Pudding: Delicious Vegetarian Dessert Recipe

Bread isn’t just a staple in my kitchen; it’s a cherished ingredient! Whether it’s the star of our light dinners or a perfect companion to savory curries, bread brings simple joy to our meals. But what about those leftover slices? Instead of tossing them out, why not transform them into something delicious?

Enter the delightful vegetarian bread pudding! With minimal effort and simple ingredients like canned peaches and raisins, you can create a mouthwatering dessert that’s both satisfying and guilt-free. Raisins add natural sweetness along with fiber, vitamins, and minerals, making this a healthy treat. Plus, you control the sweetness - use the syrup from the can or skip it for a lighter version.

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Venice, Italy: A Day of Dreams

Amidst the hustle and bustle (CHENNAI INDIA DISCOVERY & SEOUL THROUGH MY EYES), we patiently waited for our turn to disembark from the boat and explore Venice on foot. Despite the initial chaos, I knew that the magic of Venice awaited just beyond the crowds, ready to be discovered and cherished (Florence & Rome).

As it was a bustling Sunday, navigating through the crowds (GANDWON-DO KOREA & PRETORIA MOMENTS) that swarmed the streets of Venice during the peak summer season proved to be quite the challenge. Human traffic was carefully managed to ensure a smooth flow of movement, with only a certain number of people allowed to walk together at a time to prevent chaos and congestion.

Monday, April 8, 2024

Gerai Signature (Kota Kemuning): Zen Dining Insights

Reflecting on my past as a blogger, approximately 7 years ago, invitations to private or group dining experiences were anything but straightforward. The portrayal of a zen dining experience often concealed the truthfulness of such reviews. Bloggers were given scripts and instructed to adhere strictly to them, mandating praise regardless of authenticity. These bloggers, now overtaken by so-called social media influencers, were sought after for their ability to craft beautiful narratives in exchange for complimentary food and products, presenting an idealized picture. 

However, I chose to maintain authenticity in my writing, even if it means receiving no invitations. Why would I need such invitations when I can afford to pay for my own meals? Paying for meals frees you from biased reviews, avoiding all the praise in exchange for free food.

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Malaysian Potato Croquettes

Indulge in the universal allure of potatoes, a beloved staple found in kitchens worldwide. From the bustling streets to gourmet eateries, potatoes take center stage in diverse culinary creations. In my own home, they reign as a cherished favorite, whether added into comforting curries or delightful side dishes. Yet, what truly captivates the senses is the enchanting allure of Malaysian Potato Croquettes, a recipe close to my heart.

Why Malaysian, you may wonder? It's a nod to the fusion of flavors and traditions that define Malaysian cuisine. These delectable croquettes, lovingly shaped and fried to perfection, hold a special place in my Malaysian kitchen. The recipe embraces versatility, allowing you to craft them into any shape you desire, each bite bursting with savory goodness.

Friday, April 5, 2024

Pisa, Italy: The Legendary Leaning Tower

As the sun set on our day in Rome and also, next in Florence, my anticipation for the next morning's journey to Pisa soared. After all, what could be more captivating than the legendary Leaning Tower of Pisa? With excitement coursing through my veins, we embarked on the scenic route to Pisa, a journey that unfurled over four hours of picturesque landscapes and intriguing encounters (KOCHI KERALA KALEIDOSCOPE & COLOMBO DISCOVERY).

As we approached Pisa, the sight of street vendors lining the roads, their vibrant displays beckoning to passersby, caught me off guard. What surprised me even more was the diverse array of faces behind the stalls - foreigners adding their own flair to the city's charm (CHANDIGARH URBAN MARVELS). 

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Fried Kembung (Mackerel) With Assam Sauce

Cooking with Fried Kembung (Mackerel) and Assam Sauce evokes a journey of flavors and nostalgia. Have you ever wandered through the bustling wet markets or strolled the aisles of a hypermarket, catching glimpses of the humble boiled kembung? Perhaps you've even taken home this unassuming fish, its potential yet to be unlocked in your kitchen.


There's a certain beauty in the simplicity of this dish - a beauty that lies in its uncomplicated nature and the rich flavors it offers. Boiled kembung, or mackerel as Google kindly translates, is a fish steeped in saltwater, readily available at local markets and hypermarkets alike. But before diving into the cooking process, a gentle rinse and thorough pat-dry are essential to maintain the fish's integrity during frying. Careful attention to these details ensures a crisp exterior without sacrificing the tender flesh within.

Sleep Struggles for Women in Midlife: Yoga Solutions

Author Ms. Krishnan N, a Zen entrepreneur in her 60s, founded Nava's Zen at 58. With 22 years as a lecturer, including 13 years in the C...