Thursday, June 27, 2024

The Role of Yoga in Adolescent Mental Health


Ms. Krishnan N, a Zen entrepreneur in her 60s, founded Nava's Zen at 58. With 22 years as a lecturer, including 13 years in the Curtin University of Technology Perth, Australia Degree Twinning Program, she is now a certified yoga instructor, coach, and counselor. Her expertise enriches her current work.

In my informal conversations with parents of adolescents, a recurring theme emerges: the impressive achievements and activities their children are involved in - from academic successes to a plethora of extracurricular engagements. Whether it's excelling in exams, mastering musical instruments, Indian classical dancing or traditional forms like ballet and participating in sports like karate and swimming, these achievements are often proudly showcased as markers of parental success in nurturing well-rounded children.

However, when the topic of yoga is introduced (Fear No Yoga) into these discussions, I notice a distinct shift in reactions. It's as if I've mentioned something inconsequential or lacking in prestige. This reaction begs several questions: Could this be due to a lack of awareness about yoga's benefits? Is it because yoga lacks the competitive edge of other activities? Or perhaps, participating in yoga doesn't offer the same opportunities for parental bragging rights as winning a sports competition or a music recital?

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Sardine Varuval (Dry Style)

Canned sardines - you either love 'em or hate 'em. Some folks hear "canned sardines" and start ranting about how unhealthy canned food is, throwing in wild tales about worms. Ironically, the loudest complainers often have their own health issues. Should we really listen to them? I say, ignore the naysayers! If you’re a true sardine fan like me, this sardine varuval recipe is for you. And while we're at it, here are a few more quick and easy sardine recipes for when you're pressed for time.

Chili Sardine
Pat dry canned sardines and fry them.
Remove from heat, then add chopped chilies (red, green, or bird’s eye), shallots, a pinch of salt, and a drizzle of lime juice.
Lightly toss everything together for a spicy, tangy treat with a crispy outer layer and a burst of heat from the chilies, balanced by the zesty lime.

Panty Picks: Exploring Today's Trendy Styles

Is it really as simple as just saying, "Time to replenish my undies," and heading to the store? Do you stick to the tried-and-true styles you've always loved, or are you on the lookout for the latest trends? Maybe you want to experiment with a different type this time around. And then there's the big question - are you even wearing the right panties? Or do you just grab whatever covers the essentials and call it a day?

The panties market has seen some huge changes in recent years. Every time you shop, you're likely to find new styles and trends. Panties have gone through their share of transformations, offering more choices than ever before (FITNESS BRA).

Monday, June 24, 2024

Karaikudi Kozhi Kuzhumbu/Chicken Curry

Karaikudi chicken curry, a delightful South Indian dish from Tamil Nadu's Chettinad region, is famed for its bold, spicy, and aromatic flavors. But have you explored "Ms. Nava's" take on this classic? Isn't cooking more about infusing your unique touch than simply following recipes? While I stay true to the essential spices for authenticity, my Malaysian Karaikudi Chicken Curry offers a distinct twist (CHANDIGARH MARVELS & NEW DELHI SOUL).

Imagine relishing tender chicken pieces in a luscious, spicy, and tangy curry atop fragrant saffron rice, alongside Cabbage Kootu (Cabbage Dal). Doesn't it tempt your palate with its myriad of flavors and enticing aroma? Ready to give it a try and perhaps send a heartfelt thanks to Ms. Nava for her delightful recipes? 

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Mutton Recipes: Diverse Delights

We're nearing the end of our mutton dish journey (MUTTON MARVELS & MUTTON MEDLEY) While a few more recipes exist, they simply tweak ingredients, not warranting sharing. Yet, here are three essential insights:

Mutton Dish Hues
Notice how some mutton dishes boast vibrant reds, while others are deeper in tone? It all boils down to the type of chili and curry powders used. Different brands incorporate various spices, so peek at the ingredients to pick your preference (CHENNAI INDIA AWAITS & CHANDIGARH MARVELS).

Bergen Chronicles: From Marine Marvels to Historical Treasures

Bergen, (OSLO & NORWAY)renowned for its frequent rainfall, greeted us with showers upon our arrival and persisted throughout our evening activities, including dinner at a high-end restaurant. The rain continued to accompany us even upon reaching our hotel. Dinner that evening held particular significance, providing much-needed nourishment after a day filled with strenuous activities. Fatigue had set in, prompting a longing for the comfort of our accommodations and the warmth of a soothing shower.

The following morning, we ventured to Bergen Aquarium, braving the inclement weather under provided umbrellas. As we explored the facility, the presence of penguins brought a sense of delight and wonder. Their carefree demeanor and striking appearance captivated my attention, offering a moment of respite amidst the gloomy weather. Observing these charming creatures evoked a sense of admiration and appreciation, reminding me of the beauty that can be found even in the midst of adversity.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Masi Magam Thiruvizha/Festival, Pulau Pangkor

I am definitely not the most devout person. I certainly don’t look like one, alright? But I believe deeply in my religion, Hinduism. You won't find me in the temple, fervently praying and performing rituals, because my philosophy towards Hinduism is that being a good human is what being religious truly means. Are you a good human (CHANDIGARH INDIA TEMPLES)

When I was invited to attend the Pulau Pangkor Masi Magam Thiruvizha, or festival, I thought, why not? It would be my first experience, and I was eager to see what it was all about. My friend took care of all the arrangements, including transport. On Sunday, we departed from Klang Sentral Bus Terminal and arrived in Lumut by late afternoon for the ferry ride to Pulau Pangkor (CHENNAI TEMPLES & NEW DELHI TEMPLES).

Chloe Palak (Spinach & Chickpea Curry)

Chole Palak, or Chana Palak, is a popular dish from northern India, typically enjoyed with roti or naan. Interestingly, even though you can find it in Northern Indian restaurants in Malaysia, it’s not commonly cooked by Malaysian Indians (CHANDIGARH INDIA URBAN MARVELS). I’ve never seen it at potlucks, gatherings, weddings, or other events. Do you know why? I’m curious! If you have any idea, please drop a comment (CHENNAI DISCOVERY & NEW DELHI REVELATION).


At first, I didn’t cook Chole Palak either, but after trying it once, it became a regular dish in our home, especially loved by my husband. If you haven't made chickpea and spinach curry yet, now's a great time to start. I always use canned chickpeas - they save a lot of cooking time and are very convenient. It’s funny how some people, those who believe they are health gurus, avoid canned foods, believing they’re unhealthy. They insist on simmering or pressure cooking raw chickpeas.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

South Indian Style Fish Curry

Fish curries are a delightful explosion of spices, tantalizing our taste buds with their vibrant flavors and tender fish pieces immersed in rich, savory sauces. Across the globe, fish curries come in countless varieties (MUTTON MEDLEY COLLECTION), each with its unique blend of spices and ingredients. Even within South India, there is a diverse array of fish curry recipes, each with its distinct characteristics (CHANDIGARH URBAN MARVELS).

As a Malaysian, cooking fish curry is not just about showcasing the fish. It also involves adding vegetables like okra (ladies' fingers), brinjals (eggplants), and white radish, transforming the dish into a wholesome one-pot meal that often eliminates the need for additional vegetable sides. The choice of fish typically depends on the local catch or personal preferences. As we explore different fish curry recipes, you'll discover a range of options beyond this South Indian Style Fish Curry. (CHENNAI & MYSURU) So, sit back, browse through the recipes, and choose the one that will bring the flavors of a fish curry into your home.

Tasty Thai, Bukit Rimau: A Food Critic's Thai Bite

Arriving at Tasty Thai in Bukit Rimau around 11:50 AM with two lunch companions, we found ourselves among just three or four other early din...